Moving to new form of usenet ideas?


Lester Zick

On Sat, 13 Oct 2007 09:26:27 -0700, Lester Zick

On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 18:09:16 -0700, ChairmanOfTheBored

On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 21:50:00 -0700, ChairmanOfTheBored

On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 14:22:39 -0500, John Fields

On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 11:27:58 -0700, Lester Zick

On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 17:03:23 -0700, ChairmanOfTheBored

You're a goddamned retard.

I know. I've been meaning to speak to my faculty advisor about it but
much like you he thinks reality is played on a Nintendo GameCube too.

Never owned one, you retarded ****.

Faculty advisor? Can't say as I've owned one either. See, the problem
here, oh Chairman of the dorks, is that in science we prefer to state
definitive rationale for what we say. And despite our appreciation for
your unadorned opinions we find they contribute far more to the anals
of science than its annals.

Then you should certainly welcome the contributions.

A big, wooden, splintery NYPD broomstick handle! :-]

Probably more in keeping with your experience.

Shoving them up retarded folks like yours asses till it exits your
mouth?... yeah, sure. I enjoy it.

Opinions and shit have assholes like you in common.

Would you like to make an

Bring it on.

Shouldn't this be in alt.flames.cocksuckers? Just curious.

Shouldn't you be asking Zick, the ****-sucker that question?

See the problem here is that you function at the level of hobbyists
and there's no sense discussing science with amateurs. You're just
compost mentis when it comes to critical thought.


Michael Press

John Fields said:
Hardly. I was merely demonstrating that the sentence you wrote:
"But nothing reflects you." wasn't true, on several levels.

Certainly, for his own spiritual development, someone who goes on
and on about the importance of truth needs to be apprised of his
lack of veracity, wouldn't you agree?

You all may find the original line of use.
Proverbs, 16:18
Pride goeth before destruction,
and an haughty spirit before a fall.

Even more apt, eh?

John Fields

And it follows that your answer to any question is whatever you pull
outta your ass.

That oughtta be more than good enough for you.
Horseshit. Why would I change my font to read something I'm not
interested in all that much to begin with? I'd just love to see that

It's out there somewhere and was couched in (and I paraphrase) "I
responded to that post and blah, blah, blah...", but I'm not going
to go looking for it because I'm sure that 'most everyone who read
it, and is reading this thread, remembers it.

You, conveniently, seem to have forgotten the incident. Perhaps the
result of being in a drunken stupor when you wrote it?
What the **** are you talking about? I don't do exercises from or for

Why not? Are they too difficult for you?
You can't even demonstrate the truth of what you talk about
and you seriously expect to demand others do your exercises?

I don't "demand" (after all, who am I to demand anything of anyone
else?) that anyone do anything more than that in which they profess

You profess to have skill in the defining of truth and have stated
that I'm bereft of that skill.

In retaliation, I earlier posited an example which uses Ohm's law
and a little algebra to realize the true, closed solution of what
might, without those tools, have been a vexing problem.

Although, from your posting history, one would assume that you're
capable of doing the math, your reluctance to solve the problem and
post your result smacks of your fear of having to be subservient to
me, since I posed the problem and have the answer.

Can you state the value of R2, grasshopper?

John Larkin

Lester Zick said:
On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 06:59:09 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"

Lester Zick wrote:


I know. But it's the best I could do at your level.

Be careful, or you'll give yourself a hernia while trying to reach
that high.

Patriotism being the last resort of scoundrels.


Even scoundrels need a last resort.

You did not look up the quotation, even after I posted a correction.
The corrected phrase above remains a misquotation.
Do you know who wrote the line?

Obviously, Michael A. Terrell wrote the line.


Michael A. Terrell

John said:
Lester Zick said:
On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 06:59:09 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"

Lester Zick wrote:


I know. But it's the best I could do at your level.

Be careful, or you'll give yourself a hernia while trying to reach
that high.

Patriotism being the last resort of scoundrels.


Even scoundrels need a last resort.

You did not look up the quotation, even after I posted a correction.
The corrected phrase above remains a misquotation.
Do you know who wrote the line?

Obviously, Michael A. Terrell wrote the line.


My last part of this subthread was: 'Be careful, or you'll give
yourself a hernia while trying to reach
that high.'

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Rich Grise

Lester Zick said:
I know. But it's the best I could do at your level.

Be careful, or you'll give yourself a hernia while trying to reach
that high.

Patriotism being the last resort of scoundrels.

Even scoundrels need a last resort.

You did not look up the quotation, even after I posted a correction.
The corrected phrase above remains a misquotation.
Do you know who wrote the line?

This guy?

The thing is, there are true Patriots, who Love America, in her original
form (and really disapprove of what the scoundrels are doing to her), and
there are the scoundrels who hide behind the flag: "You disagree with our
Beloved Infallible Fearless Leader? You're UNPATRIOTIC!!!!!!!"



Lester Zick (e-mail address removed) posted to
Good. Then start discussing science.

I diss assholes, asshole.

Science wouldn't seem to care about anything you've done or may do.

I was trying to but no sense discussing much of anything with

The thread topic was public censorship, asshole. Pay attention.

Problem is you guys function at the level of hobbyists not critical


You are the one that came here dissing everybody. But that is all you
have posted here and elsewhere. Google doesn't lie. You shoot your
mouth off but you do not bring any math, science, or engineering
yourself. When you bring some we might listen to you. Until then
you are just a fraud and troll.


Lester Zick (e-mail address removed) posted to
On Oct 13, 6:35 pm, John Fields <[email protected]>
On Sat, 13 Oct 2007 09:26:27 -0700, Lester Zick

On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 18:09:16 -0700, ChairmanOfTheBored

On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 09:32:30 -0700, Lester Zick

On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 21:50:00 -0700, ChairmanOfTheBored

On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 14:22:39 -0500, John Fields

On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 11:27:58 -0700, Lester Zick

On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 17:03:23 -0700, ChairmanOfTheBored

You're a goddamned retard.

I know. I've been meaning to speak to my faculty advisor
about it but much like you he thinks reality is played on
a Nintendo GameCube too.

Never owned one, you retarded ****.

Faculty advisor? Can't say as I've owned one either. See,
the problem here, oh Chairman of the dorks, is that in
science we prefer to state definitive rationale for what we
say. And despite our appreciation for your unadorned
opinions we find they contribute far more to the anals of
science than its annals.

Then you should certainly welcome the contributions.

A big, wooden, splintery NYPD broomstick handle! :-]

Probably more in keeping with your experience.

Shoving them up retarded folks like yours asses till it exits
mouth?... yeah, sure. I enjoy it.

Opinions and shit have assholes like you in common.

Would you
like to make

Bring it on.

Shouldn't you be asking Zick, the ****-sucker that question?

See the problem here is that you function at the level of hobbyists
and there's no sense discussing science with amateurs. You're just
compost mentis when it comes to critical thought.


Damn, what a noncopo, you can't even get that term right.


John Fields (e-mail address removed) posted to
Now it's Captain Oblivious?
I see. It's one or the other depending on your mood?

Remember R2? That's a pretty good demo and so far you haven't
posted an answer. Perhaps because - oh, I don't know - you don't
want to have to admit to the fact that it's true and lose what
little face you've got left?

The only face he has left is troll face. Let's take even that from


John Fields (e-mail address removed) posted to
Man, are you full of shit!

ISTM you're the one who's doing the following since you wandered in
here by accident and seem to be hanging out because you like the

The "immense popularity" of your posts is probably due to the same
reason people can't take their eyes away from a train wreck.

I suspect that you may be on to something, he seems think that USENET
is some kind of popularity contest and that mere volume of posts is
popularity and acclaim. That would clarify what some of the pain
sluts that have come around are after. They seem to think that
universal derision is glory.


Lester Zick (e-mail address removed) posted to
And thank you for yours.

I think I'm beginning to understand the problem. You guys are just
amateurs. You have no conception of the problems I'm attempting to
address because you're pretty much at the level of hobbyists. Not to
worry. There's no point trying to talk to amateurs.


Now that is a curious post, what problem have you posted here.
Someone else here has posted a very simple problem, at least for
someone that actually earned a high school diploma, let alone an
engineering degree, to solve and you have steadfastly refused to even
address it. If you were any good you would have solved it at once
instead of becoming a mockery.

Michael A. Terrell

ehsjr said:

Thanks. I converted the large flag shot into wallpaper for various
resolutions. They will be available on the new Central Florida
Veteran's website, when its launched. Several local agencies have asked
for copies of all the photos I take at these events. I just finished
downgrading a Emachines 1220 from XP home to Windows ME, to use my
favorite graphics tools. They crash or hang under XP, but have never
failed me on the earlier Emachines Etower 733i, running ME.

Several of those photos are crooked, because the only clear spot I
could find was contoured for drainage. I had to keep my cane in my left
hand, leaving me with one free hand for the camera & tripod. I am
trying to rebuild a used power chair, and build a joystick controlled
telescoping mast and camera mount to be able to take better pictures.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Michael Press

John Larkin
Lester Zick said:
On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 06:59:09 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"

Lester Zick wrote:


I know. But it's the best I could do at your level.

Be careful, or you'll give yourself a hernia while trying to reach
that high.

Patriotism being the last resort of scoundrels.


Even scoundrels need a last resort.

You did not look up the quotation, even after I posted a correction.
The corrected phrase above remains a misquotation.
Do you know who wrote the line?

Obviously, Michael A. Terrell wrote the line.

Ah, yes.
Who wrote "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel"?
Samuel Johnson.

This epigram should never be taken to be
deriding patriotism.

John Larkin

John Larkin
On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 06:59:09 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"

Lester Zick wrote:


I know. But it's the best I could do at your level.

Be careful, or you'll give yourself a hernia while trying to reach
that high.

Patriotism being the last resort of scoundrels.


Even scoundrels need a last resort.

You did not look up the quotation, even after I posted a correction.
The corrected phrase above remains a misquotation.
Do you know who wrote the line?

Obviously, Michael A. Terrell wrote the line.

Ah, yes.
Who wrote "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel"?
Samuel Johnson.

This epigram should never be taken to be
deriding patriotism.

Don't be a fathead. Nobody likes a fathead.


Lester Zick

I have an idea. Just delete sci.math from the alist and then you can
all get back on your hobby horses and continue to study Ohm's law and
Mho's law and Mike the Martyr's patriotism without my sayso.


Rich Grise

Lester Zick (e-mail address removed) posted to

Damn, what a noncopo, you can't even get that term right.

Actually, I kind of like it.

Whaddaya, some kind of compost mentis? ;-D


[fertilizer-for-brains, for the slow amongst us. ;-) ]

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