Moving to new form of usenet ideas?



Timothy said:
So the posters who I would affiliate with can form a trusted group
just for me. For instance two of my favorite posters are galathaea and
Jan Pantelje. I have bookmarks to their posts via google search. If
each of us could choose our own trusted group of authors (and readers)
then we would have filtration without censorship.

Using Google Groups, IceWeasel, and GreaseMonkey,
this might get you closer to what you want:
"Google Groups KillFile"*.third.column+*-script-*-cleans-the-new-UI-*
(Includes some other tweaks as well.)


"And" is an independent clause conjunction.

Don't know where you learned grammar. In fact I can hardly remember
where I learned grammar. But independent clause conjunctions can start
sentences. And as far as I'm concerned so can dependent clause
conjunctions under appropriate circumstances. The only thing which
can't start sentences are people who only think they know what they're
talking about.

You're a goddamned retard.

And your little dog too!

John Fields

Don't know where you learned grammar. In fact I can hardly remember
where I learned grammar.

False memories, I suspect.
But independent clause conjunctions can start
sentences. And as far as I'm concerned so can dependent clause
conjunctions under appropriate circumstances. The only thing which
can't start sentences are people who only think they know what they're

Richard Henry

Two spaces are recommended in non-proportional fonts like Courier New,
a legacy from typewriter days. Some proportional fonts used in modern
computers adjust the location of the period at the end of a sentence
so that two spaces are not required to provide a distinctive space
between sentences.

I still use two spaces anyway.

Lester Zick

Or you might consider placing carets under the phrase objected to
instead of whatever else strikes your fancy.

No, I'm a drunken ass. You're a pompous ass because you pretend you
can tell the difference.

Oh gee, professor, not really? And what about usenet postings where
servers have some difficulty with proportional spacing, where a choice
has to be made between ragged paragraphs and colloquial punctuation?
Next time your skirts get in a tizzy, complain to the servers not moi.


Lester Zick

You're a goddamned retard.

I know. I've been meaning to speak to my faculty advisor about it but
much like you he thinks reality is played on a Nintendo GameCube too.


Lester Zick

So lack of memory is a false memory? Hmmm.

Technically correct after a fashion. The problem being whether the
verb should agree with the subject or object. In this case I chose the
latter. But you really do seem to have an echo location problem with
those carets.

Well you're certainly obvious if not much else.


Lester Zick

Talk is cheap.

Not exactly. No doubt you're an empiric capable of is grade school
grammatical criticism which, fascinating as that may be construed,
isn't very truthful.


John Fields

So lack of memory is a false memory? Hmmm.

Technically correct after a fashion. The problem being whether the
verb should agree with the subject or object. In this case I chose the
latter. But you really do seem to have an echo location problem with
those carets.

John Fields

Two spaces are recommended in non-proportional fonts like Courier New,
a legacy from typewriter days. Some proportional fonts used in modern
computers adjust the location of the period at the end of a sentence
so that two spaces are not required to provide a distinctive space
between sentences.

I still use two spaces anyway.

John Fields

Or you might consider placing carets under the phrase objected to
instead of whatever else strikes your fancy.

If you can rouse yourself from your self-admitted drunken stupor you
might try using a non-proportional font like Courier or Courier New.
No, I'm a drunken ass. You're a pompous ass because you pretend you
can tell the difference.

Being able to tell the difference between a pompous ass and a drunk
has nothing to do with _being_ pompous.

Besides, I _can't_ tell the difference. Hell, as far as I know
you're _always_ drunk and _always_ pompous.

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