Then he's a worse grammarian than I realized.
Hmm... Let's take a look at that:
First, it's my fault because you were using a proportional font and
weren't smart enough to realize that if you'd have used a
fixed-pitch font you wouldn't have had to complain about the
location of the carrots? Orange you being a little disingenius?
Second, my suggestion that you use a fixed-pitch font to read my
posts seems to either have fallen on deaf ears or ears which can't
gracefully accept correction. I'll vote for the ladder, since from
your post, above, you seem to have finally gotten the location
right, have climbed high enough to grasp the meaning, and are now
trying to refute what you once said by trying to impugn my Gramma.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
God knows your parents must be...