msxml3.dll error '80070005'



I have an asp page that is calling the msxml2.dll to open a XML file. When I
load the page for the first time I get

msxml3.dll error '80070005'
Access Denied Error

but when I refresh the page, I can view the data from the XML document. Does
anyone know a cause of this and how can I resolve it? My web app is running
on a total of 2 servers and I'm only having this issue on one of my servers.

Anthony Jones

Mike said:
I have an asp page that is calling the msxml2.dll to open a XML file. When
I load the page for the first time I get

msxml3.dll error '80070005'
Access Denied Error

but when I refresh the page, I can view the data from the XML document.
Does anyone know a cause of this and how can I resolve it? My web app is
running on a total of 2 servers and I'm only having this issue on one of
my servers.

It might help if you showed us some code and pointed out the line in ASP
where you get the error.

I have seen this sort of thing when a site has got inconsistent security
configured in its folder or files.

For example, a folder is added to the site but whilst users in general have
access to the folder the need to allow the anonymous user access to the file
has been overlooked. No one notices because the site is an intranet and an
authenticated connection is created silently when a user visits this folder.
Now the user visits an area where users in general have not been granted
access but the anonymous user has. The request fails because the user has
an authenticated connection but no access. A refresh is successful because
the previous error has caused the connection to be dropped and the new
connection uses the anonymous user.


Here is the line of ASP code that is error is referring to;

sub GetFile()
dim objXML
set objXML = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
objXML.async = false

** this is the line that the error is referring to
if objXML.load(Server.MapPath(getFilePath()&_pcrfilename)) then

end if
end sub


Mike said:
I have an asp page that is calling the msxml2.dll to open a XML file. When I
load the page for the first time I get

msxml3.dll error '80070005'
Access Denied Error

but when I refresh the page, I can view the data from the XML document. Does
anyone know a cause of this and how can I resolve it? My web app is running
on a total of 2 servers and I'm only having this issue on one of my servers.

aydın bostancı

Mike said:
I have an asp page that is calling the msxml2.dll to open a XML file. When I
load the page for the first time I get

msxml3.dll error '80070005'
Access Denied Error

but when I refresh the page, I can view the data from the XML document. Does
anyone know a cause of this and how can I resolve it? My web app is running
on a total of 2 servers and I'm only having this issue on one of my servers.

Timm Krause

I have the same error, but other code (ASP Classic):

objSoapRequest = Server.createobject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")

This line produces the error.

Any ideas?

aydnbostan wrote:

RE: msxml3.dll error '80070005'


Previous Posts In This Thread:

msxml3.dll error '80070005'
I have an asp page that is calling the msxml2.dll to open a XML file. When I
load the page for the first time I ge

msxml3.dll error '80070005
Access Denied Erro

but when I refresh the page, I can view the data from the XML document. Does
anyone know a cause of this and how can I resolve it? My web app is running
on a total of 2 servers and I'm only having this issue on one of my servers.

Re: msxml3.dll error '80070005'

It might help if you showed us some code and pointed out the line in ASP
where you get the error

I have seen this sort of thing when a site has got inconsistent security
configured in its folder or files

For example, a folder is added to the site but whilst users in general have
access to the folder the need to allow the anonymous user access to the file
has been overlooked. No one notices because the site is an intranet and an
authenticated connection is created silently when a user visits this folder.
Now the user visits an area where users in general have not been granted
access but the anonymous user has. The request fails because the user has
an authenticated connection but no access. A refresh is successful because
the previous error has caused the connection to be dropped and the new
connection uses the anonymous user

Anthony Jones - MVP ASP/ASP.NET

Here is the line of ASP code that is error is referring to;sub GetFile() dim
Here is the line of ASP code that is error is referring to

sub GetFile(
dim objXM
set objXML = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument"
objXML.async = fals

** this is the line that the error is referring t
if objXML.load(Server.MapPath(getFilePath()&_pcrfilename)) the

end i
end su

RE: msxml3.dll error '80070005'

RE: msxml3.dll error '80070005'

Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice


Why are you using a component that isn't designed for use on a server? It's
not thread safe. You should be using the ServerXMLHTTP object.

And are you getting the same error as the post you replied to (which is well
over a year old!)? If so, why are you using msxml3? Why isn't version 6
installed on the server?


Bob Barrows

Timm said:
I have the same error, but other code (ASP Classic):

objSoapRequest = Server.createobject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")

This line produces the error.

Any ideas?

When assigning an object to a variable, you _must_ use the Set keyword.

Set objSoapRequest = Server.createobject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")


Bob Barrows wrote on 11 jan 2010 in
When assigning an object to a variable, you _must_ use the Set keyword.

Set objSoapRequest = Server.createobject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")

.... when using VBS.

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