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You make it sound as if reference counting is making a come-back. I'll give
you the benefit of the doubt though: can you cite any references indicating
that reference counting can be even vaguely competitive compared to a real
Paul Wilson's garbage collector survey, section 2.1.
Most of what you've said about reference counting is complete nonsense.
For example, you claim that one of the problems with reference counting
. Not incremental, i.e. awful worst case performance.
As the reference above makes clear to anybody capable of reading at all:
One advantage of reference counting is the _incremental_
nature of most of its operation--garbage collection work
(updating rerence counts) is interleaved closely with the
running program's own execution. It can easily be made
completely incremental and _real time_; that is,
performing at most a small and bounded amount of work per
unit of program execution.
he goes on to say:
This is not to say that reference counting is a dead
technique. It still has advantages in terms of the
immediacy with which it reclaims most garbage, and
corresponding beneficial effects on locality of reference;
a reference counting system may perform with little
degradation when almost all of the heap space is occupied
by live objects, while other collectors rely on trading
more space for higher efficiency. Reference counts
themselves may be valuable in some systems. For example,
they may support optimizations in functional garbage
collection implementations by allowing destrutive modification
to uniquely-referenced objects. Distributed garbage collection
is often done with reference-counting between nodes of a
distributed system, combined with mark-sweep or copying
collection within a node. Future systems may find other uses
for reference counting, perhaps in hybrid collectors also
involving other techniques, or when augmented by specialized
He mentions two points of particular interest with respect to reference
counting making a "comeback". The difference in speed between CPUs and
main memory seems to be growing, forcing ever-greater dependence on
caching -- which means that the improved locality of reference with
reference counting means more all the time. This also means that the
primary performance cost of reference counting (having to update counts)
now means relatively little as a rule -- in most cases, a few extra
operations inside the CPU mean nearly nothing, while extra references to
main memory mean a great deal.
Likewise, individual computers now correspond much more closely to the
distributed systems at the time of the survey. In particlar, it's now
quite common to see a number of separate OS instances running in virtual
machines in a single box.
You opinions on garbage collection reflect a tremendous enthusiasm, but
equally tremendous ignorance of the subject matter.