(e-mail address removed) a écrit :
Well, why do some things in the library have to be functions, and
other things have to be class methods?
> Why aren't they all just either functions or class methods? like
> perhaps ruby.
If I tell you that Python's functions are in fact static methods of
their module, will this make you happy ? Because, while not technically
true, this is conceptually equivalent.
Or if you prefer to stick to technical truth, python's methods are
nothing more than a thin decorator around a function object (yes,
Python's functions *are* objects) - so in fact, there are *only*
functions - sometimes wrapped into a method object, sometimes not,
depending on how you access them.
In both cases, the fact that you don't have enough knowledge of a
language to understand it's design, and/or the fact that this design is
different from other one you already know, doesn't by itself make this
design an "annoyance".