Mystery: static variables & performance


Mark Shelor

Rich said:
Thank you, Pete (and to Jo Walton) -- that made my night!

Absolutely side-splitting. Let's hope that Triumph The Insult Comic Dog
doesn't read it and suffer a nervous breakdown.

It's now abundantly clear, given the length and content of this thread,
that the comp.lang.c guardians of purity are themselves not averse to
off-topic posting. They simply don't want others to enjoy the same
privileges. It even appears that some of these guardians have entered a
realm where jejune poems about newsgroup lurkers are somehow more
relevant to the C programming language than static variables and

Once again, there are certainly intelligent and helpful posts that occur
here. So, it's not quite fair to say that this newsgroup has the same
relation to the C language that a Star Trek convention does to rocket
science. But it IS demonstrably less helpful than newsgroups for other
languages such as Perl. Bear in mind that your abruptness--not even to
mention rudeness--only helps to stigmatize C as the language of
crotchety old men. Why give added ammunition to the Java generation who
argue that a new language is necessary for the modern world?

Perhaps one thing we could agree on is C's desirability and aptness for
system implementation in general. Why not contribute to serving that
end? It's a lot more satisfying than grandstanding, or hitting other
people over the head in a vain attempt to feel superior.


Mark McIntyre

Absolutely side-splitting. Let's hope that Triumph The Insult Comic Dog
doesn't read it and suffer a nervous breakdown.

It's now abundantly clear, given the length and content of this thread,

FYI postings about topicality are topical.
that the comp.lang.c guardians of purity are themselves not averse to
off-topic posting.

The occasional bit of humour is acceptable.
They simply don't want others to enjoy the same privileges.

Perhaps one thing we could agree on is C's desirability and aptness for
system implementation in general. Why not contribute to serving that
end? It's a lot more satisfying than grandstanding, or hitting other
people over the head in a vain attempt to feel superior.

Yeah, whatever. Another ottfopic nazi.

Sidney Cadot

Mark said:
Yeah, whatever. Another ottfopic nazi.


I live in a country that suffered from Nazi occupation in WWII.
Referring to someone as a nazi in an offhand way, as you do, is quite
deeply offensive, not only to the recipient, but also to people for whom
these terms hit a lot closer to home than you may think is possible. To
most Europeans, a nazi is not just some term coming from a sitcom, but a
name associated with perhaps the most despicable regime the world has
ever seen.

In other words, tone it down a bit, if you would.


Mark Shelor

Mark said:
Yeah, whatever. Another ottfopic nazi.

If your purpose in using such an inflammatory term was to bring
unwarranted drama to your stunningly inconsequential post, you could
have found a far less offensive way to do it.

Make no mistake: you do not possess the comedic skills of Mel Brooks or
Jerry Seinfeld. Your remark was simply mean-spirited. Do you honestly
think you won any points by such a display?

Mark McIntyre


I live in a country that suffered from Nazi occupation in WWII.
Referring to someone as a nazi in an offhand way, as you do, is quite
deeply offensive,

My apologies. It was meant to be an oblique reference to postings in this
and similar threads about the "topic nazis" that we're supposed to be round
here. Obviously I was too subtle. However IMHO you need to grow a thicker
skin if you take offense at the use of nazi in this context.

And BTW I /am/ a European. The UK is in europe too, or at least so some of
us think...

Mark McIntyre

Make no mistake: you do not possess the comedic skills of Mel Brooks or
Jerry Seinfeld.

So sue me.
Your remark was simply mean-spirited. Do you honestly
think you won any points by such a display?

I'm not trying to win points. I'm trying to point out to you that your
behaviour is no better, and IMHO considerably worse, than the people you
are constantly attacking for being the "topic thought police" if you
prefer that term.

When you stick to making comments on C, you seem to have a clue. My advice
is to do that, and to drop the persistent drum rolls, hyperbole and snide
remarks about the regulars here.

Sidney Cadot

Mark said:
My apologies. It was meant to be an oblique reference to postings in this
and similar threads about the "topic nazis" that we're supposed to be round

Yes, I didn't like the "topic nazis" reference either for one bit, but
at least this was coined by a non-regular, and it was used as a general
term. Your use directly pointed to Mark Shelor, which I feel takes it
one step too far.

But anyway... I'm glad you're sensible about it.
Obviously I was too subtle. However IMHO you need to grow a thicker
skin if you take offense at the use of nazi in this context.

Perhaps. On the other hand, perhaps the rest of the world could get a
bit more sensitive.
And BTW I /am/ a European. The UK is in europe too, or at least so some of
us think...

Best regards,


Joona I Palaste

If your purpose in using such an inflammatory term was to bring
unwarranted drama to your stunningly inconsequential post, you could
have found a far less offensive way to do it.
Make no mistake: you do not possess the comedic skills of Mel Brooks or
Jerry Seinfeld. Your remark was simply mean-spirited. Do you honestly
think you won any points by such a display?

Mark, I have had enough of you. Mark already apologised for his use of
the term "Nazi", and by the way, he wasn't the first to use it in this
thread. You've been letting it be in the subject line for quite some
time yourself.
About time I did this.

/-- Joona Palaste ([email protected]) ------------- Finland --------\
\-- --------------------- rules! --------/
"You have moved your mouse, for these changes to take effect you must shut down
and restart your computer. Do you want to restart your computer now?"
- Karri Kalpio

Mark Shelor

Joona said:
Mark, I have had enough of you. Mark already apologised for his use of
the term "Nazi", and by the way, he wasn't the first to use it in this
thread. You've been letting it be in the subject line for quite some
time yourself.
About time I did this.

Well, in the event your killfile manages to let this through, you may
want to check the timestamps on the messages you're referring to. Mr.
McIntyre's apology was directed to Sidney, and it was posted more than
two hours after my message. So, your use of the word "already" is a bit

Also, I did not initiate the thread on Topic Nazis, nor did anyone in
that thread refer to me as a Nazi. Moreover, this is an unmoderated
group, so it's not up to me to either allow or disallow that term to be
used in the subject line. If you bother to check, you'll see that I
posted a response to that thread with the subject line amended to "Topic
*****". Like Sidney, I don't consider the casual use of that term to be
particularly tasteful.

It's sad that you have to use a killfile to shield yourself from the truth.


Mark McIntyre

Well, in the event your killfile manages to let this through, you may
want to check the timestamps on the messages you're referring to.

You have quite a bit to learn about usenet. Its not IM you know. Theres' no
guarantee that messages arrive in order, in a timely manner, or even at

Mr. McIntyre's apology was directed to Sidney, and it was posted more than
two hours after my message. So, your use of the word "already" is a bit

FWIW I'd not seen your comment till after I replied to Sidney.
It's sad that you have to use a killfile to shield yourself from the truth.

Its sad that you can't see it. However I'm not killfiling you yet. Your C
comments sometimes make sense, and sometiems need corections, so I'm
sticking with you./

Mark Shelor

Mark said:
You have quite a bit to learn about usenet. Its not IM you know. Theres' no
guarantee that messages arrive in order, in a timely manner, or even at

Thanks for the attention, but I think you should be delivering this
lecture to Joona I Palaste. He was the one making incorrect assumptions
about my post being made after apologies had been tendered.

FWIW I'd not seen your comment till after I replied to Sidney.

As Sidney pointed out, you aimed your use of the term "nazi" directly at
me, and I agree with Sidney that this took it one step too far. Yet,
you've offered no direct apology. The tone of your opening paragraph
signals that you're not in an apologetic mood at all. So, your FWIW is
not worth very much.

Joona I Palaste

Furthermore, in case you don't know it yet, the business with the word
"Nazi" was not the only reason I decided to killfile you, Mark Shelor.
I've fed up with you, and this was the last straw.

/-- Joona Palaste ([email protected]) ------------- Finland --------\
\-- --------------------- rules! --------/
"And according to Occam's Toothbrush, we only need to optimise the most frequent
- Teemu Kerola

Richard Bos

Mark Shelor said:
So, it's not quite fair to say that this newsgroup has the same
relation to the C language that a Star Trek convention does to rocket
science. But it IS demonstrably less helpful than newsgroups for other
languages such as Perl.

Demonstrably? Well, then, please demonstrate this - taking into account
the fact that I find this the most helpful computing group I know, and
the less so the more system-specific posts there are.
Perhaps one thing we could agree on is C's desirability and aptness for
system implementation in general. Why not contribute to serving that

We do. Note - "in general", not "for Windows XP SP3 only".


Mark McIntyre

Mark McIntyre wrote:

Thanks for the attention, but I think you should be delivering this
lecture to Joona I Palaste. He was the one making incorrect assumptions
about my post being made after apologies had been tendered.

eh? Your own text, quoted below, makes it clear that you have some problems
w/ the concept.
you've offered no direct apology.

I did.
The tone of your opening paragraph
signals that you're not in an apologetic mood at all. So, your FWIW is
not worth very much.

*shrug*. YMMV but frankly I begin to think you're a troll.

Mark Shelor

Mark said:
eh? Your own text, quoted below, makes it clear that you have some problems
w/ the concept.

I did.

You've used selective snipping, and thereby misrepresented the
situation. You directed the term "nazi" at me, not Sidney. Here's my
original text:

"As Sidney pointed out, you aimed your use of the term "nazi" directly
at me, and I agree with Sidney that this took it one step too far. Yet,
you've offered no direct apology. The tone of your opening paragraph
signals that you're not in an apologetic mood at all. So, your FWIW is
not worth very much."

So, an apology to Sidney, while laudable, is hardly sufficient.

*shrug*. YMMV but frankly I begin to think you're a troll.

Wonderful. It's a free world, so you can simply choose not to
contribute to this thread if you truly believe that.

Mark Shelor

Joona said:
Furthermore, in case you don't know it yet, the business with the word
"Nazi" was not the only reason I decided to killfile you, Mark Shelor.
I've fed up with you, and this was the last straw.

OK, lil' Joona, you've slammed your bedroom door and are now ready for a
good pout. Once you've calmed down and are ready to talk again, perhaps
you can articulate some sound reasons that prompted you to issue the
deadly plonk.

With Parental Understanding and Good-Will, Mark

Mark Shelor

Richard said:
Demonstrably? Well, then, please demonstrate this - taking into account
the fact that I find this the most helpful computing group I know, and
the less so the more system-specific posts there are.

Try visiting, say, comp.lang.perl.misc. The folks there are quite helpful.


Nils Petter Vaskinn

Try visiting, say, comp.lang.perl.misc. The folks there are quite helpful.
So are the folks here, it's just that they try to keep this a useful forum
but _not_ allowing implementation specific questions.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: You are not going to succeed in
forcing comp.lang.c to be what you seem to want. The best you are going to
achieve is to alienate everyone that could help you. And when they
killfile you here they won't see your questions in another group where it
would be on-topic.

If you are serious about the need for a group for all encompassing
discussion about C including implementations and plattform specific
details you should work to create such a group instead of trying to change
an existing group into it.

I expect to see your proposal for comp.lang.c.everything (or some
similarly named group) posted to news.groups shortly. Failure to post such
a proposal would indicate that you don't really care that much about
having a forum for discussion of _all_ aspects of C, and are not willing
to do the work nessesary to create such a forum.

(You could ofcourse propose to create a charter for c.l.c that would make
everything on topic, but I believe you'd have far better chances of
success if you try to get a separate group created)

If you don't care enough to make such a proposal, but keep on complaining
here about why c.l.c should be a group like that I will believe that you
don't really care about finding a forum where your questions are welcome,
and that all this is merely you whining because your ego got hurt when you
where directed to post your question somewhere else.

Mark Shelor

Nils said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again: You are not going to succeed in
forcing comp.lang.c to be what you seem to want. The best you are going to
achieve is to alienate everyone that could help you. And when they
killfile you here they won't see your questions in another group where it
would be on-topic.

Thank you, Nils, for taking the time to compose these obviously
heart-felt remarks. It's clear you're trying to be helpful, and I
appreciate that.

Am I trying to force c.l.c to be anything other than it is? No, that's
not my style, and such an endeavor would be pure folly and a source of
intense frustration. Yes, I'm disappointed in some of the behavior I've
seen, and yes I've said that I would prefer to see a greater sense of
receptiveness and helpfulness in this group. But I'm also realistic
enough to know that people will be as they are.

If you carefully review the remarks made in this thread, you'll see that
I'm not the one who's attempting to force a particular behavior.
Frankly, the not-so-subtle attempts at persuasion are moving in quite
the opposite direction.

If someone chooses to killfile me, that's their privilege. I certainly
regret that people would willingly choose to subject themselves to a
form of self-censorship. But if it helps to spare them frustration,
then it's probably a reasonable course of action.

Please make no mistake, though: if someone posts a remark to this thread
that either reflects a misunderstanding or makes a personal attack, I
will more than likely respond. And, if I detect that someone is
attempting to censor my remarks, I will almost certainly respond. I've
repeatedly advised that if people don't like this thread or believe it's
off-topic, then their best course of action would be to ignore it.

I expect to see your proposal for comp.lang.c.everything (or some
similarly named group) posted to news.groups shortly.

Is that an order? Perhaps you didn't intend it to come across that way,
but you could have certainly phrased the idea in a more respectful tone.

Failure to post such
a proposal would indicate that you don't really care that much about
having a forum for discussion of _all_ aspects of C, and are not willing
to do the work nessesary to create such a forum.

Or, that forming such a newsgroup would fall relatively low on my list
of life's priorites.

Would I like to see c.l.c have the same friendly atmosphere as
comp.lang.perl.misc? Yes, and I'd also like to have Liv Tyler show up
on my doorstep and say "I just dumped Royston Langdon, and I'm all yours
now, Big Boy", but that's simply not going to happen, now is it?

If you don't care enough to make such a proposal, but keep on complaining
here about why c.l.c should be a group like that I will believe that you
don't really care about finding a forum where your questions are welcome,
and that all this is merely you whining because your ego got hurt when you
where directed to post your question somewhere else.

I'm not complaining, but merely trying to encourage some of you to
display a bit more largesse when responding to others. And, if you look
at the civilized tone of my posts, especially compared to the vitriolic
remarks made by others, I believe you'll find your rather heavy-handed
attempt at psychoanalysis a bit misdirected.

Regards, Mark

Nils Petter Vaskinn

If you carefully review the remarks made in this thread, you'll see that
I'm not the one who's attempting to force a particular behavior.
Frankly, the not-so-subtle attempts at persuasion are moving in quite
the opposite direction.

You are correct, both "sides" are trying to force a particular behaviour.

You are trying to get the group to behave in the way you want.

The group is trying to get you to behave in the way that most group
members already does.

I know who I think is beeing unreasonable.

If someone chooses to killfile me, that's their privilege. I certainly
regret that people would willingly choose to subject themselves to a
form of self-censorship. But if it helps to spare them frustration,
then it's probably a reasonable course of action.

Censorship is not allowing somone else to make a statement.
Self-censorship is deciding (for whatever reason) not to make a statement.
Choosing not to listen to someone elses statement has nothing to do with
Please make no mistake, though: if someone posts a remark to this thread
that either reflects a misunderstanding or makes a personal attack, I
will more than likely respond. And, if I detect that someone is
attempting to censor my remarks, I will almost certainly respond. I've
repeatedly advised that if people don't like this thread or believe it's
off-topic, then their best course of action would be to ignore it.

The general rule is that topicality is always on topic. But the discussion
sprang from you (apparently) not accepting the answer ("ask somewhere
else") you got.

People have explained why they believe not redirecting offtopic questions
isn't their best course of action. (Then someone unaware of topicality
could answer and people would come back and the quality of clc would
degrade. People would post again since they didn't get an answer ... etc).
You could:

1. Explain why you think the questions should be on topic and why that
would be better for the group as a whole.
2. Explain why ignoring offtopic posts is better at preserving topicality
than redirecting those posts.
3. Accept things as they are.

You have as far as I know done neither. You have instead been claiming
that your way is better without explaining why it is better for the
members of this group.
Is that an order? Perhaps you didn't intend it to come across that way,
but you could have certainly phrased the idea in a more respectful tone.

No not an order. I said I "expect", that is given that you actually care
as much as your posts in this thread seems to indicate. The reason for the
"tone" is that when people complain about something and then fail to make
the obvious steps to change them I get a little impatient with them.
Or, that forming such a newsgroup would fall relatively low on my list
of life's priorites.

Then why does changing this newsgroup, a task that is probably harder
while achieving the same end result, appear to have a higher priority?
Would I like to see c.l.c have the same friendly atmosphere as
comp.lang.perl.misc? Yes, and I'd also like to have Liv Tyler show up
on my doorstep and say "I just dumped Royston Langdon, and I'm all yours
now, Big Boy", but that's simply not going to happen, now is it?

It has the same firiendly athmosphere, it's just that your insistence on
doing things your way means you fail to see the friendly side. clc isn't
unfriendly, it just refuses to discuss everything somehow related to C.

You can make clc be friendly to you by keeping on topic, and finding or
creating another forum for the questions that are offtopic here. If as you
say the topicality in clc is so horribly limiting people would flock
tou your new forum. As for Liv Tyler there is nothing (probably) you could
actively do to make that happen, so there is a difference between her and
I'm not complaining, but merely trying to encourage some of you to
display a bit more largesse when responding to others. And, if you look
at the civilized tone of my posts, especially compared to the vitriolic
remarks made by others, I believe you'll find your rather heavy-handed
attempt at psychoanalysis a bit misdirected.

Your actions fit my definition of "complaining".

The vitriol is cased by people having seen threads like this one too
many times before:
1. Person appear out of nowhere.
2. Person posts a question that's offtopic.
3. Person is told that it's offtopic (and often told where it would be on
4. Person starts complaining that he should be allowed to post it, instead
of taking the advice and look for answers elsewhere.

The redirections may seem rough, but beeing polite is hard when a person
obviously hasn't followed usual usenet etiquette by:
1. Reading the faq, which would let him know what is on topic
2. Reading the group, to see what the group is about, which would probably
make him aware of what is on topic, and what to expect if he's posting

And if you read some of the rest of the group you may notice that the
"style" of the group isn't to sugercoat anything. If a posted piece of
code has a flaw people don't say "That may not work as you expected" they
say "That's wrong", and if they're in a good mood they tell why it's
wrong. The same style shines through in the redirects. CLC is about
accuracy and correctness, and packing the message in politeness detracts
from accuracy.

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