Namespace problem


Bo Persson

Isaac said:
Bo wrote: "I actually went to the main page, and chose binary-tree
in benchmark selector at the top of the page. That brought me

As you just discovered - Bo could not have chosen "binary-tree in
benchmark selector at the top of the page".

There is no "binary-tree in benchmark selector at the top of the

There's a button hard-coded to an entirely different webpage!

Ok, so I started from there (following Razii's link).

I *could* have gone to the main page, pressed "show", and *then*
selected binary-tree. Big deal!

I now see that Java 6 -server is down to 17th place. :)

Bo Persson

Isaac Gouy

Ok, so I started from there (following Razii's link).

I *could* have gone to the main page, pressed "show", and *then*
selected binary-tree. Big deal!

I now see that Java 6 -server is down to 17th place. :)

Bo Persson

We don't use labels like 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place on the
webpages because those labels don't say anything that's interesting.

We use labels that say how much slower the implementation is than the
fastest implementation.

Overall, the geometric mean of those ratios for the Java 6 -server
programs is 1.7 times larger than the geometric mean of those ratios
for the measured Intel C++ programs.

Roedy Green

fastest java compiler,

By that do you mean?

1. fastest to compile a single class

2. fastest to compile some large group of classes.

3. generates the fastest byte code.

4. generates the fastest machine code

Isaac Gouy

Exactly. And -Xms64m is not on that page.

And -Xms64m is not shown
- on the FAQ page
- on any of the Debian : AMD™ Sempron™ pages
- on numerous other pages

And -Xms64m is shown on the main page

"Java 6 -Xint ubiquitous bytecode interpreter virtual machine
Java 6 -Xint Debian
Java 6 -Xms64m initial java server heap size 64m
Java GNU gcj optimizing ahead-of-time compiler
Java GNU gcj Debian
JavaScript JavaScriptCore WebKit-based ECMA scripting implementation

And -Xms64m is shown on this "Create your own Ranking" page

"1.6 Fortran Intel
1.7 Eiffel SmartEiffel
1.7 Java 6 -Xms64m
1.8 Java 6 -server
1.8 OCaml 2.33"

And -Xms64m is shown on numerous other pages.

Isaac Gouy

Exactly. And -Xms64m is not on that page.

The shootout site is bogus and should not be taken seriously. It
forces java version to use only one flag in all tests, regardless if
another flag would do better. The guy also posted bogus excuses why
Jet is not on the site.

Also, as someone pointed out, the newly added Lisaac numbers in
binarytrees are bogus too.

(left = NULL).if {
left := TREENODE.clone;
right := TREENODE.clone;

The above tests whether the node has a NULL left branch and only then
creates two new fresh nodes for the left and right branches. Lisaac
version does only a very small fraction of the allocations done by a
correct implementation of the benchmark.

Yes, yesterday, Vesa pointed out that the Lisaac binary-trees program
wasn't doing the right thing, and today that Lisaac binary-trees
program has been removed.

The benchmarks game shows full program source and build & run logs so
that many eyes can see what's going on and cry foul if they think
something is wrong.

4 days ago Vesa commented on reddit that the Eiffel binary-trees
program wasn't doing the right thing, and that Eiffel program was
removed, and someone contributed a new Eiffel program and today that
new Eiffel program is shown on the website.

Find bugs; Fix bugs.

Isaac Gouy

The shootout site is bogus and should not be taken seriously. It
forces java version to use only one flag in all tests, regardless if
another flag would do better.

It's been at least a week since you were shown that both -server and -
Xms64m are used

/opt/sun-jdk- $JDKFLAGS -server -Xms64m -Xbatch -
classpath binarytrees.javaxx-2.javaxx_run binarytrees %A

/opt/sun-jdk- $JDKFLAGS -server -Xms64m -Xbatch -
classpath chameneosredux.javaxx-2.javaxx_run chameneosredux %A

/opt/sun-jdk- $JDKFLAGS -server -Xms64m -Xbatch -
classpath fannkuch.javaxx-2.javaxx_run fannkuch %A

/opt/sun-jdk- $JDKFLAGS -server -Xms64m -Xbatch -
classpath fasta.javaxx-2.javaxx_run fasta %A

/opt/sun-jdk- $JDKFLAGS -server -Xms64m -Xbatch -
classpath knucleotide.javaxx_run knucleotide %A

etc etc

Isaac Gouy

It's not shown when you click on "show" from the main page. That all
that matters. I don't care where else it's shown. Regardless, the
-Xms64m always uses -server flag when it shouldn't have to when client
is faster in some cases (like startup).

You've spent 10 days making untrue claims:

Apr 20, "The site forces the java version to either use only -server
or use only -Xms64m flag ... In this benchmark, combining -Xms64m and -
server produce best result ..."

Apr 21, "The only flag I see are -server -Xbatch -classpath"

Apr 22, "There is no -Xms64m and -server linked from the main
page. ... You dug up a link but it's not on the main page."

etc etc

Now instead of admitting that your claims were wrong, you've changed
what you claim.

(Note: you seem confused about the purpose of "startup")

There are other flags that
might change the result if there is heavy GC activity. They are not
used either.

Apr 20, "In this benchmark (since it's dependent on GC performance),
adding the
flag -XX:NewRatio=1 can further improve the result. This is not so
obvious with n = 16 but with n = 18, you can see the difference. "

And that benchmark is shown on the website N=16.

Why don't you go through all the Java programs measuring every
combination of JVM flag and report what you find?


It's claimed it generates the fastest machine code (compared to HotSpot
and GCJ), something that has not yet proven. I will finish the rest of
benchmarks from the bogus shootout site later.

Hmm. My interest would be more along the lines of:

does it generate correct machine code?

Given the project, it seems like
more resources can be thrown at at the
OpenJDK over the long run. So, even if this compiler has a performance
edge now I don't expect that it will continue to have such an advantage
because the OpenJDK (probably) has more resources (and a head start).


Bo Persson

Razii said:
By the way, using the flags -mfpmath=sse -msse2 means the compiled
version won't run on anything without an sse2 instruction set (that
means no Athlon XP).

That's the problem with compiled version that a JIT compiler doesn't
have since it knows on what processor it's running.

That's just not true, because the JIT compiler cannot do any magic

If it really can run fast enough on an Athlon XP, just compiler for
that. On anything faster, it will just fly.
Removing these
flags makes g++ version about 25% slower.

Is that fast enough? Otherwise skip that target and compile with SSE2.

With JIT it will still be 25% slower. What's the advantage?

Bo Persson

Bo Persson

Razii said:
If you are selling commercial software, why would you want to skip
Athlon XP?

I would if it isn't fast enough to run the software. If it is fast
enough, everything else is as well.
It's still widely used. JIT doesn't have that problem. It
knows what processor it's running on.

If it runs well enough on an Athlon XP, compile for that. It will run
extremenly well on an overclocked Core 2 Quad.
JIT is new and evolving. It will get faster. In any case, as shown
in this benchmark, java VM was faster in this benchmark than the
native java compiler.

It can't get faster on old hardware. If your program needs SSE2 and
the processor doesn't have it, how is the JIT compiler supposed to fix

Bo Persson

Isaac Gouy

No, you are wrong. There is no -Xms when you click on show tab from
the main page. You know that very well. Why waste time on quibbling?

Now instead of admitting that your claims were wrong, you've changed
what you claim.

Let's continue. The only thing changed is my OS (Vista) and computer
which is now 3 core phenom. Also, instead of > /dev/null on cygwin, I
will use > \Null (since that seems to be 200 times faster on windows).
benchmark: fasta
java version:〈=j...
C++ version〈=g...

As a great example of c++ portability, this doesn't even compile with
my version of g++ (mingw), so I will use cygwin to compile. gcc
version 3.4.4 (cygming special)

g++ -pipe -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -mfpmath=sse -msse2 fasta.cpp -o

jc -inline+ fasta (jet)

N 250,000 2,500,000 25,000,000
g++ 0.166s 0.954s 8.884s
java 0.297s 1.347s 11.699s (-Xms64m -server)
jet 0.420s 1.701s 14.602s

(note this guy uses -Xbatch flag everywhere. I have to see how that
helps anywhere. It's just slightly slower with -Xbatch flag if

HotSpot VM is faster than native Jet compiler once again? That's three
in a row. g++ is only slightly faster, not 50 or 100 times as some

The numbers you've created show more difference between the c++
program and the java program, show the c++ program as even faster,
than the measurements on the benchmarks game.

Bo Persson

Razii said:
It could have run 25% faster on Core2. It's running 25% slower on
Core 2 Quad because the package was compiled to include Athlon XP.

What's so hard to understand here??

That there is no need for it, except in benchmarks.

If some software can render a video correctly on an Athlon XP, there
is just no need for it to run 25% faster on a newer machine. Should
the film run faster?!
The JIT compiler fixed it by not penalizing Core 2 Quad just because
Athlon XP doesn't have sse2. It runs on Core2 with sse2 enabled, and
it runs on Athlon XP. In the case of pre-compiled version, it either
has sse2 enabled for Core2 and doesn't run on Athlon Xp or it has
sse2 disabled for both.

What's so hard to understand here?

If the program isn't fast enough without SSE2, what does the JIT
compiler do on the old Athlon?

If it is fast enough without SSE2, why bother using it?

The benefit of a JIT compiler is that some programs can be made to run
on Windows, Linux, and OS X without recompilation. Not that it runs
faster on a Quad - everything does that anyway!

Bo Persson

peter koch

No, there could be a need for it say in a chess engine. The faster the
chess engine, the stronger it plays. The stronger it plays, more chess
enthusiasts are likely to buy it. Now, if you compile it for Athlon
XP, Core2 would take the penalty because it would run 25% slower. If
you compile it for Core2 by including sse2, it won't run on Athlon XP.

Well, for a chess engine it is going to be more or less the same. A
25% change in capacity is not going to change the playing level so
much. A better example would have been for some kind of server where
the processing is CPU-dominated. Here, 25% more capacity would mean
25% more clients possible. But when you write programs for a server,
you normally can allow yourself to write code for the newest
processors only.



Razii said:
No, there could be a need for it say in a chess engine. The faster the
chess engine, the stronger it plays. The stronger it plays, more chess
enthusiasts are likely to buy it.

hmm... Well That pretty much rules out Java Don't it. Java's slow as old
boots. I'd suggest using C++, or if C++ is too difficult for you to
understand... use C.

Andy Little


The JVM your using is most likely written in C/C++. That means that the
memory allocator is written in C/C++. Your comparing an allocator
created in C/C++ which Java likely is using, to other allocators created
in C/C++.

Notice any pattern in there?

On a tangent, how did that "Java computer" which Sun touted years ago
work? What sort of OS did it have?



Razii said:
Jet native compiler is not written in C++.

True, for Hotspot VM where probably VM, written in C++, allocates

The compiler itself doesn't have to be
fast (you can even write a compiler in Perl) but it has to generate
machine code that is as best optimized as possible.

The only people that would write a compiler for a serious programming
language in Java are those that have to ;-)
And you can bet they'd be itching for the day they can bootstrap it.
At least theoretically, even if it's not yet true,

Nah... Everybody knows Java's slow as old boots. Take my advice. Don't write
your compiler in Java. It'll be too clumsy for any serious use.

Andy Little


Razii said:
On Sat, 3 May 2008 11:49:26 +0100, "kwikius"

How about you post an example code in C++ that when translated to java
would at least 10 times slower.

Whats the point? You'd lose....

Andy Little

John W Kennedy

Chris said:
The JVM your using is most likely written in C/C++. That means that the
memory allocator is written in C/C++. Your comparing an allocator
created in C/C++ which Java likely is using, to other allocators created
in C/C++.

Notice any pattern in there?

Yeah. The same pattern that made memory management in assembler the
slowest in OS/360.


Chris Thomasson said:
I tend to use Java when ever I need to create a "portable, fairly complex"
GUI. For instance, a management console for a server application. I would
create the actual server in C, and use Java for the "admin" GUI which
connects to the "server management" port and actually mutates some "live"
state... Its really convenient...

Yep... Javas's not all bad ;-)

Andy Little

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