new extension generator for C++

  • Thread starter Rouslan Korneychuk
  • Start date

Paul Boddie

See, for example, Apple's
support of BSD, Webkit, and LLVM.  Apple is not a "do no evil"
corporation, and their contributions back to these packages are driven
far more by hard-nosed business decisions than by any expectation of
community goodwill.

This being the same Apple that is actively pursuing software patent
litigation against other organisations; a company which accuses other
companies of promoting closed solutions while upholding some of the
most closed and restrictive platforms in widespread use. Your
definition of "do no evil" is obviously more relaxed than mine.


Steven D'Aprano

This being the same Apple that is actively pursuing software patent
litigation against other organisations; a company which accuses other
companies of promoting closed solutions while upholding some of the most
closed and restrictive platforms in widespread use. Your definition of
"do no evil" is obviously more relaxed than mine.

Patrick said that Apple is NOT a "do no evil" company.

Speaking as a former Mac fan boy, I came to the conclusion a long time
ago that if Apple and Microsoft exchanged market share, Apple would be
*far* more evil than MS has even dreamed of being. Nothing I've seen in
Apple's behaviour in the last few years has made me change my mind. They
do truly awesome hardware and UI design, but also have a company culture
that gives me the heebie-jeebies: the wolf of take-no-prisoners
corporatism disguised as the sheep of "Think Different" and the counter-

Paul Boddie

On May 8, 2:38 pm, Steven D'Aprano <st...@REMOVE-THIS-

But I *do* grant them the same rights -- they can come to my site and
download my software!!!

Of course they can, but it doesn't mean that they can run that
software on the Cisco equipment they've bought, nor does it mean that
the original software can interoperate with the modified software,
that the end-user can enhance the original software in a way that they
prefer and have it work with the rest of the Cisco solution, or that
the data produced by the Cisco solution can be understood by a user-
enhanced version of the original solution or by other software that
normally interoperates with the original software. People often argue
that the GPL only cares about the software's freedom, not the
recipient's freedom, which I find to be a laughable claim because if
one wanted to point at something the GPL places higher than anything
else, it would be the "four freedoms" preserved for each user's

Really, copyleft licences are all about treating all recipients of the
software and modified versions or extensions of the software in the
same way: that someone receiving the software, in whatever state of
enhancement, has all the same privileges that the individual or
organisation providing the software to them enjoyed; those "four
freedoms" should still apply to whatever software they received. That
this is achieved by asking that everyone make the same commitment to
end-user freedoms (or privileges), yet is seen as unreasonable or
actually perceived as coercion by some, says a great deal about the
perspective of those complaining about it.

So, that gets back to my argument
about what I like to see in a package I use, and how I license things
according to what I would like see.  For me, the golden rule dictates
that when I give a gift of software, I release it under a permissive
license.  I realize that others see this differently.

Yes, but what irritates a lot of people is when you see other people
arguing that some other random person should license their own
software permissively because it's "better" or "more free" when what
they really mean is that "I could use it to make a proprietary

To me, the clear implication of the blanket statement that you have to
use the GPL if you care at all about users is that anybody who doesn't
use the GPL is uncaring.

Well, if you want the users to enjoy those "four freedoms" then you
should use a copyleft licence. If you choose a permissive licence then
it more or less means that you don't care about (or have no particular
position on the matter of) the users being able to enjoy those
privileges. I believe you coined the term "uncaring", but I think Mr
Finney's statement stands up to scrutiny.


Steven D'Aprano

On Sat, 08 May 2010 13:05:21 -0700, Patrick Maupin wrote:

certainly the
risk of discovery if you just use a small portion of GPL code and don't
distribute your source must be very small. There are certainly fewer
companies getting away with MIT license violations, simply because the
license is so much harder to violate.

Do you really think it is harder for copyright infringers to copy and
paste a small portion of MIT-licenced code and incorporate it into their
code than it is for them to do the same to GPL code?

If I produce something under the MIT license, it's because I
want to give it away with no strings.

A reasonable position to take. But no strings means that others can add
strings back again. You're giving people the freedom to actively work
against the freedoms you grant.

This is very similar to (e.g.) the question of tolerance and free speech.
In the West, society is very tolerate of differing viewpoints. Does this
mean that we should tolerate intolerant and bigoted viewpoints? Does
tolerance for other points of view imply that we should just accept it
when the intolerant tell us to change our behaviour? Perhaps some people
think that tolerance implies that we should quietly acquiesce whenever
the intolerant, racist, sexist and bigoted demand we give up our
tolerance and free speech in the name of tolerating their hateful
beliefs. I prefer David Brin's philosophy:

"We have to go forth and crush every world view that doesn't believe in
tolerance and free speech."

If you value tolerance, then tolerating the intolerant is self-defeating.
And if you value freedom, then giving others the freedom to take freedoms
away is also self-defeating. In the long term, a free society may come to
regret the existence of MIT-style licences -- to use a rather old-
fashioned phrase, these licences give comfort and support to the enemy
(those who would deny freedoms to everyone but themselves).

But in the short term, as I have said, one can't fight every battle all
the time, and MIT-style licences have their place. It's certainly true
that an MIT licence will allow you to maximise the number of people who
will use your software, but maximising the number of users is not the
only motive for writing software.

If I'm
going to use any prebuilt components, those *can't* be licensed under
the GPL if I want to deliver the final package under the MIT license.

An over generalisation. It depends on the nature of the linkage between
components. For instance, you can easily distribute a GPLed Python module
with your application without the rest of your application being GPLed.

To me, the clear implication of the blanket statement that you have to
use the GPL if you care at all about users is that anybody who doesn't
use the GPL is uncaring. I think that's a silly attitude, and will
always use any tool at hand, including sarcasm, to point out when other
people try to impose their own narrow sense of morality on others by
painting what I perceive to be perfectly normal, moral, decent, and
legal behavior as somehow detrimental to the well-being of the species
(honestly -- ebola???)

In context, you were implying that "freedoms" are always a good, and that
more freedom always equals better. I provided a counter-example of where
more freedom can be a bad. What's so difficult to understand about this?

Paul Boddie

Patrick said that Apple is NOT a "do no evil" company.

Yes, apologies to Patrick for reading something other than what he
wrote. I suppose I've been reading too many Apple apologist
commentaries of late and probably started to skim the text after I hit
the all-too-often mentioned trinity of "BSD, Webkit, and LLVM",
expecting to be asked to sing the praises of Apple's wholesome
"commitment" to open source.


Patrick Maupin

On Sat, 08 May 2010 13:05:21 -0700, Patrick Maupin wrote:

certainly the
risk of discovery if you just use a small portion of GPL code and don't
distribute your source must be very small. There are certainly fewer
companies getting away with MIT license violations, simply because the
license is so much harder to violate.

Do you really think it is harder for copyright infringers to copy and
paste a small portion of MIT-licenced code and incorporate it into their
code than it is for them to do the same to GPL code?

No, but there is less incentive for them to hide their tracks.
A reasonable position to take. But no strings means that others can add
strings back again. You're giving people the freedom to actively work
against the freedoms you grant.

Only on modified versions. The internet is a wonderful thing. A
smart user can certainly find my original package if he is
interested. A dumb user -- well, maybe I don't want to support them
This is very similar to (e.g.) the question of tolerance and free speech.
In the West, society is very tolerate of differing viewpoints. Does this
mean that we should tolerate intolerant and bigoted viewpoints? Does
tolerance for other points of view imply that we should just accept it
when the intolerant tell us to change our behaviour? Perhaps some people
think that tolerance implies that we should quietly acquiesce whenever
the intolerant, racist, sexist and bigoted demand we give up our
tolerance and free speech in the name of tolerating their hateful
beliefs. I prefer David Brin's philosophy:

"We have to go forth and crush every world view that doesn't believe in
tolerance and free speech."

Okaaaaay, but I think, given most current fair use interpretations,
most software licensing doesn't implicate free speech concerns. In
any case, GWB's attempt to impose tolerance and free speech on the
rest of the world shows that going forth and crushing may not, in some
cases, be the best policy, especially when the crushing involves
trampling the very rights you are trying to promulgate.
If you value tolerance, then tolerating the intolerant is self-defeating.

Possibly, but you need a measured response. We don't patrol the roads
to make sure that nobody driving down them is a KKK member. We deal
with KKK members according to their words and/or actions. If you
value personal responsibility, you let people make bad choices and
then suffer the consequences of their own actions. (Like letting me
license my stuff under MIT :)
And if you value freedom, then giving others the freedom to take freedoms
away is also self-defeating.

As I wrote in an earlier post in this thread, a lot of the discussion
gets down to the age old question about whether someone is really free
if he is not allowed to sell himself into slavery. This is a very
interesting philosophical question that has had many words written
about it. I personally don't think the answer is black-and-white, but
then I'm not much of a religious fanatic about anything.
In the long term, a free society may come to
regret the existence of MIT-style licences -- to use a rather old-
fashioned phrase, these licences give comfort and support to the enemy
(those who would deny freedoms to everyone but themselves).

Or in the long term, a free society may come to realize that the
license incompatibilities pioneered by the FSF and embodied in the GPL
set free software development back by two decades by making an
incremental approach difficult. Or it may be that the way things are
going is the normal chaotic market approach that actually speeds
things up and is actually the optimum way to get there from here. The
future is very difficult to predict, and even, in a few years, with
20-20 hindsight, it will be difficult to accurately speculate on what
might have been.
But in the short term, as I have said, one can't fight every battle all
the time, and MIT-style licences have their place. It's certainly true
that an MIT licence will allow you to maximise the number of people who
will use your software, but maximising the number of users is not the
only motive for writing software.

I think we're in violent agreement that both permissive and GPL
licensing have their place. Certainly, the GPL is a more comforting
license to some people, and any license that encourages more good free
software to be written is a great thing. A developer ought to be able
to license his creation under a license of his choosing, and from my
perspective the whole purpose of the debate in this thread is to make
points for and against various licensing schemes to help the OP and
others in their decisions.
An over generalisation. It depends on the nature of the linkage between
components. For instance, you can easily distribute a GPLed Python module
with your application without the rest of your application being GPLed.

I agree that's probably true. However, if you read and parse Stallman
and Moglen very carefully, they don't *want* it to be true and in some
cases deny that it's true. The fact that a lot of people who use the
GPL take their word for this and also believe it means that it may be
morally wrong to make this sort of software combination even in some
cases where it is legally permissible, so in general I assume that if
someone distributes something under the GPL (as opposed to the LGPL)
then their intention is that any system that uses their software as a
component is also GPL.
In context, you were implying that "freedoms" are always a good, and that
more freedom always equals better. I provided a counter-example of where
more freedom can be a bad. What's so difficult to understand about this?

Well, for one thing, it was not my intention to imply that more
freedom is always good. I was answering the phrase "Unless you place
such a low value the freedom of your users" which is, IMHO, somewhat
inflammatory language, with equally inflammatory language. Obviously,
the truth is somewhere in the middle.


Patrick Maupin

Of course they can, but it doesn't mean that they can run that
software on the Cisco equipment they've bought, nor does it mean that
the original software can interoperate with the modified software,
that the end-user can enhance the original software in a way that they
prefer and have it work with the rest of the Cisco solution, or that
the data produced by the Cisco solution can be understood by a user-
enhanced version of the original solution or by other software that
normally interoperates with the original software.

I agree, and those people who will develop more software if they
aren't lying awake at night worried about whether Cisco or some other
big corporation is going to misappropriate their precious creations
should certainly use the GPL. More people building more free softare
is a great thing, and to the extent the GPL encourages this behavior,
it is a great thing.
People often argue
that the GPL only cares about the software's freedom, not the
recipient's freedom, which I find to be a laughable claim because if
one wanted to point at something the GPL places higher than anything
else, it would be the "four freedoms" preserved for each user's

Well, I don't think you saw me arguing it that way. I will say, just
like anything else, that there is a cost associated with using GPL
software, and it is not necessarily a cost that I want to impose on
users of all my software.
Really, copyleft licences are all about treating all recipients of the
software and modified versions or extensions of the software in the
same way: that someone receiving the software, in whatever state of
enhancement, has all the same privileges that the individual or
organisation providing the software to them enjoyed;

Sure, and for a major work I think that's great, especially if it
helps attract developers. Sometimes I see people GPL little 100 line
libraries (of often not very good code quality) in a clear attempt to
have the tail wag the dog, and that's laughably pathetic.
those "four
freedoms" should still apply to whatever software they received. That
this is achieved by asking that everyone make the same commitment to
end-user freedoms (or privileges), yet is seen as unreasonable or
actually perceived as coercion by some, says a great deal about the
perspective of those complaining about it.

Well, I *do* think it's, maybe not unreasonable, but certainly
unrealistic, for the author of a small library to attempt to leverage
control over several potentially much larger works by placing the
small library under the GPL, so in general I don't do it. I also
happen to believe that there are a lot of people (perhaps like Carl
Banks if I understand his post correctly) who make money delivering
small customized solutions to sit on top of proprietary software
solutions. If I can save one of these guys some time, perhaps they
will contribute back. If I use the GPL, I will have insured that one
of these guys cannot possibly link my software to, e.g. Oracle, so he
has to reinvent the wheel. So, for some use-cases, I sincerely
believe that the GPL license creates unnecessary, wasteful friction.
But the tone of your last statement and some of your statements below
make it abundantly clear that you've made up your mind about my morals
and aren't at all interested in my reasoning.
Yes, but what irritates a lot of people is when you see other people
arguing that some other random person should license their own
software permissively because it's "better" or "more free" when what
they really mean is that "I could use it to make a proprietary

I'm not telling anybody what to do. I'm just explaining why I usually
use the MIT license for things I write, and will often not consider
using a library licensed under the GPL. What irritated me enough to
comment on this thread was the IMHO sanctimonious and inflammatory
"Unless you place such a low value the freedom of your users".
Well, if you want the users to enjoy those "four freedoms" then you
should use a copyleft licence. If you choose a permissive licence then
it more or less means that you don't care about (or have no particular
position on the matter of) the users being able to enjoy those
privileges. I believe you coined the term "uncaring", but I think Mr
Finney's statement stands up to scrutiny.

I personally don't think that RMS's "four freedoms" are the last word
on the best way for society to develop software, no. But using
"Unless you place such a low value the freedom of your users" is truly
an inflammatory statement, because it was given in a context where the
GPL had not yet been carefully parsed and discussed, and did not make
it clear that the "freedoms" being discussed are a particular set of
"freedoms" and not, for example, those freedoms enshrined in the Bill
of Rights. (And as Steven has carefully pointed out, not all freedoms
are necessarily Good Things.)


Patrick Maupin

I would say political movement rhetoric.  He's not religious.  He uses
the word "spiritual" sometimes but has made it clear he doesn't mean
that in a religious sense.

Oh, I agree he's not religious. OTOH, I don't think bin Laden, or
most of the Ayatollahs, or priests who molest little boys, or Mormon
polygamists, or Branch Davidians are religious either.

But what these people have in common (and also have in common with
some _real_ religious people) is a fervent type of language and style
of speaking and writing, designed to attract religious followers, and
the ability and desire to frame disputes in black-and-white,
moralistic terms. (And here in the states, at least, it's getting
increasingly hard to separate religion from politics in any case.)

This is not necessarily a bad thing -- it's what the religious leaders
exhort their followers to do that makes them good or bad. As I have
discussed in other posts, I think the GPL is a good license for some
software and some programmers. In a perfect world with no proprietary
software, it might even be the only license that was necessary, except
then it wouldn't even be necessary. But in the messy real world we
live in, I
don't personally believe that it is the best solution for a large
class of software licensing problems.

Personally, I think the LGPL is a much better license for those who
are worried about people giving back, but the FSF has now, for all
practical purposes, deprecated it -- not directly, of course, but
implicitly, by changing the name from "Library" to "Lesser" and
damning it with faint praise by actually encouraging people who write
library components to try to help the tail wag the dog by using the
GPL instead of the LGPL.


Martin P. Hellwig

Wait, what? Why shouldn't I profit repeatedly from the "same work
already done"? *I* created, its *mine*. I put blood, sweat and tears
into it and perhaps huge amounts of resources, risking financial
security and sanity, and you're arguing I shouldn't have the right to
sell it after its done?
Of course, but what do you do if you find out that your potential
customer already has your software without paying you?
Exactly how do you imagine I'm going to make money off of it? How the
existing system works is that I sell... multiple copies of it. Maybe
hundreds or thousands before that investment is recouped. At that
point, do I no longer get to sell multiple copies? Or do I have to
find someone to retroactively pay me some kind of salary? What does
"pay for work" even mean?
As a simple developer I do not think my craft is more special than any
other craft like carpentry, masonry, plumbing, electrician etc.
And as I see how other crafts get paid I think is reasonable for my
craft too, I am either employed and paid by the hour or take more risks
and do projects, commissions, etc. etc.

Of course if I would be in the construction business and I build a house
I can either sell it or let it, but then I do take the risk that the
occupant uses my work beyond what I expected and eventually end up with
a huge repair costs.

I am sure you can imagine the rest of my comparison arguments between
construction and software development.
What's wrong with software copyrights? Don't lump intellectual
property issues together, they're not comparable. Copyrights have
nothing at all to do with patents which have nothing at all to do with
trademarks. Each is a very different set of law.
Very true and in my opinion they all share the same trait, although they
are once made to make sure the original author gets credit and profit
for his/her work they are primarily used now to profit beyond
reasonableness and actually encumber future development and good use,
IMHO they actually hinder the intellectual development of the human race.
Sure, there's some nutty corner cases in copyrights, which need to be
addressed-- including things like fair use and DRM. But on the whole,
copyrights aren't really all that broken. Its nothing like the
situation with software patents, which are just sort of crazy.
Okay so what do you actually do if you find out that in another country,
which do not share the same legislation (about the other 80% of the
population) brakes your copyright or does not uphold the patent
If your big like Microsoft you might try to convince that particular
government that their citizens should pay you, otherwise good luck (even
for Microsoft as they seem to fail more often than succeed in that notion).

They are broken because by definition restrictions need enforcement to
uphold them, if there is no enforcement it will not work. Perhaps a
better solution would be to find a way that does not need any
enforcement (or limited amount of it), say like the economy worked prior
to patents and copyrights minus kings and tyrants.
For those who say it can't be done, sure it can, all you have to
do is nothing, it takes effort to enforce policies.

And an entire industry ceases to exist overnight, with countless new
homeless people showing up on the streets.
I have the opposite opinion but neither of us have given any facts or
proven research papers on this so shall we call this quits?
You can believe in the Free Software movement (I'm not saying you do,
this 'you' is impersonal and metaphorical)-- and if you do, good for
you. You can believe in "morality" with regards to "freedom" and the
"essential rights" of the users. I find it all nonsensical. But good
for you if you believe in it. But the Free Software movement exists
*because* of copyrights. Copyright Law is what makes the GPL even
I don't believe in a system which is based on enforcing rules and where
breaking of this rule at most results in a hypothetical loss of income.
Some enforced rules are of course necessary, like not going on a
pillage/killing/raping spree (except of course if this is your job but
then your still governed by the rules of Geneva -- yeah I know bold
military statement, but I have been there too, the military that is). I
rather like to find a way where minimal rule enforcing is necessary to
make a living.
But I fail to see what's fundamentally wrong with that system.
I hope I have further explained my point of view and hope that you agree
with me at least from my perspective, I do understand though that your
point of view is perfectly valid and reasonable. It is just that I am a
sucker for seeking alternative ways to improve systems even if they only
show small amounts of defects. So you could argue that I have my sight
set for an Utopia while you rather remain in the reality, if you can
find yourself with this than at least we can agree on that :)

Martin P. Hellwig

Wait, what? Why shouldn't I profit repeatedly from the "same work
already done"? *I* created, its *mine*. I put blood, sweat and tears
into it and perhaps huge amounts of resources, risking financial
security and sanity, and you're arguing I shouldn't have the right to
sell it after its done?
Of course, but what do you do if you find out that your potential
customer already has your software without paying you?
Exactly how do you imagine I'm going to make money off of it? How the
existing system works is that I sell... multiple copies of it. Maybe
hundreds or thousands before that investment is recouped. At that
point, do I no longer get to sell multiple copies? Or do I have to
find someone to retroactively pay me some kind of salary? What does
"pay for work" even mean?
As a simple developer I do not think my craft is more special than any
other craft like carpentry, masonry, plumbing, electrician etc.
And as I see how other crafts get paid I think is reasonable for my
craft too, I am either employed and paid by the hour or take more risks
and do projects, commissions, etc. etc.

Of course if I would be in the construction business and I build a house
I can either sell it or let it, but then I do take the risk that the
occupant uses my work beyond what I expected and eventually end up with
a huge repair costs.

I am sure you can imagine the rest of my comparison arguments between
construction and software development.
What's wrong with software copyrights? Don't lump intellectual
property issues together, they're not comparable. Copyrights have
nothing at all to do with patents which have nothing at all to do with
trademarks. Each is a very different set of law.
Very true and in my opinion they all share the same trait, although they
are once made to make sure the original author gets credit and profit
for his/her work they are primarily used now to profit beyond
reasonableness and actually encumber future development and good use,
IMHO they actually hinder the intellectual development of the human race.
Sure, there's some nutty corner cases in copyrights, which need to be
addressed-- including things like fair use and DRM. But on the whole,
copyrights aren't really all that broken. Its nothing like the
situation with software patents, which are just sort of crazy.
Okay so what do you actually do if you find out that in another country,
which do not share the same legislation (about the other 80% of the
population) brakes your copyright or does not uphold the patent
If your big like Microsoft you might try to convince that particular
government that their citizens should pay you, otherwise good luck (even
for Microsoft as they seem to fail more often than succeed in that notion).

They are broken because by definition restrictions need enforcement to
uphold them, if there is no enforcement it will not work. Perhaps a
better solution would be to find a way that does not need any
enforcement (or limited amount of it), say like the economy worked prior
to patents and copyrights minus kings and tyrants.
For those who say it can't be done, sure it can, all you have to
do is nothing, it takes effort to enforce policies.

And an entire industry ceases to exist overnight, with countless new
homeless people showing up on the streets.
I have the opposite opinion but neither of us have given any facts or
proven research papers on this so shall we call this quits?
You can believe in the Free Software movement (I'm not saying you do,
this 'you' is impersonal and metaphorical)-- and if you do, good for
you. You can believe in "morality" with regards to "freedom" and the
"essential rights" of the users. I find it all nonsensical. But good
for you if you believe in it. But the Free Software movement exists
*because* of copyrights. Copyright Law is what makes the GPL even
I don't believe in a system which is based on enforcing rules and where
breaking of this rule at most results in a hypothetical loss of income.
Some enforced rules are of course necessary, like not going on a
pillage/killing/raping spree (except of course if this is your job but
then your still governed by the rules of Geneva -- yeah I know bold
military statement, but I have been there too, the military that is). I
rather like to find a way where minimal rule enforcing is necessary to
make a living.
But I fail to see what's fundamentally wrong with that system.
I hope I have further explained my point of view and hope that you agree
with me at least from my perspective, I do understand though that your
point of view is perfectly valid and reasonable. It is just that I am a
sucker for seeking alternative ways to improve systems even if they only
show small amounts of defects. So you could argue that I have my sight
set for an Utopia while you rather remain in the reality, if you can
find yourself with this than at least we can agree on that :)

Patrick Maupin

Oh sure: the GPL hurts everyone, like all the companies who have made
quite a lot of money out of effectively making Linux the new
enterprise successor to Unix, plus all the companies and individuals
who have taken the sources and rolled their own distributions.

So, people overstate their cases to make their points. That happens
on both sides.
It's not worth my time picking through your "holy war" rhetoric when
you're throwing "facts" like these around. As is almost always the
case, the people who see the merit in copyleft-style licensing have
clearly given the idea a lot more thought than those who immediately
start throwing mud at Richard Stallman because people won't let them
use some software as if it originated in a (universally acknowledged)
public domain environment.

No, you appear to have a kneejerk reaction much worse than Carl's.
You have assumed you fully understand the motives of people who point
out issues with the GPL, and that those motives are uniformly bad, and
this colors your writing and thinking quite heavily, even to the point
where you naturally assumed I was defending all of Apple's egregious

As far as my throwing mud at Stallman, although I release some open
source stuff on my own, I make a living writing software that belongs
to other people, and Stallman has said that that's unethical and I
shouldn't be able to make money in this fashion. Sorry, but he's not
on my side.
P.S. And the GPL isn't meant to further the cause of open source: it's
meant to further the Free Software cause, which is not at all the same
thing. Before you ridicule other people's positions, at least get your
terminology right.

And, again, that's "free" according to a somewhat contentious
definition made by someone who is attempting to frame the debate by co-
opting all the "mother and apple pie" words, who is blindly followed
by others who think they are the only ones who are capable of thoughts
which are both rational and pure. I'm not saying everybody who uses
the GPL is in this category, but some of your words here indicate that
you, in fact, might be.


Paul Boddie

Well, I don't think you saw me arguing it that way.  I will say, just
like anything else, that there is a cost associated with using GPL
software, and it is not necessarily a cost that I want to impose on
users of all my software.

I didn't say that you personally argued that way, but people do argue
that way. In fact, it's understandable that this is how some people
attempt to understand the GPL - the software maintains a particular
state of openness - but they miss the final step in the reasoning
which leads them to see that the licence preserves a set of privileges
for recipients as well.

The "cost" with the GPL is that people cannot take GPL-licensed
software and just do whatever they want with it, although it is also
the case that permissive licences also have a set of conditions
associated with each of them as well, albeit ones which do not mandate
the delivery of the source code to recipients. Thus, the observation
of software licences can never be about taking code which was publicly
available and combining it without thought to what those licences say.
Thus, remarks about Cisco and Linksys - that they were somehow "caught
out" - are disingenuous: if you're in the business of distributing
software, particularly if that software itself has a restrictive
licence, you cannot claim ignorance about licensing or that you just
"found some good code".
Sure, and for a major work I think that's great, especially if it
helps attract developers.  Sometimes I see people GPL little 100 line
libraries (of often not very good code quality) in a clear attempt to
have the tail wag the dog, and that's laughably pathetic.

Why is it pathetic that someone gets to choose the terms under which
their work is made available? By default, if I release something
without any licence, the recipient has very few privileges with
respect to that work: it's literally a case of "all rights reserved"
for the creator. And if it's such a trivial library then why not
reimplement the solution yourself?
Well, I *do* think it's, maybe not unreasonable, but certainly
unrealistic, for the author of a small library to attempt to leverage
control over several potentially much larger works by placing the
small library under the GPL, so in general I don't do it.

I dislike the way that when someone releases something under the GPL,
it is claimed that they are coercing or attempting to "leverage"
something. They have merely shared something on their terms. If you
don't like the terms, don't use their software.
 I also
happen to believe that there are a lot of people (perhaps like Carl
Banks if I understand his post correctly) who make money delivering
small customized solutions to sit on top of proprietary software
solutions.  If I can save one of these guys some time, perhaps they
will contribute back.  If I use the GPL, I will have insured that one
of these guys cannot possibly link my software to, e.g. Oracle, so he
has to reinvent the wheel.  So, for some use-cases, I sincerely
believe that the GPL license creates unnecessary, wasteful friction.

But it is not universally true that GPL-licensed software cannot be
linked to proprietary software: there are a number of caveats in the
GPL covering cases where existing proprietary systems are in use.
Otherwise, you'd never have GPL-licensed software running on
proprietary systems at all.
But the tone of your last statement and some of your statements below
make it abundantly clear that you've made up your mind about my morals
and aren't at all interested in my reasoning.

Not at all. Recently, I've had the misfortune to hear lots of
arguments about how the GPL supposedly restricts stuff like
"collaboration" and "growth" despite copious evidence to the contrary,
usually from people who seem to be making a career of shouting down
the GPL or the FSF at every available occasion. Now I'm not saying
that you have the same apparent motivations as these people, but I
maintain that when someone claims that people are "forced" to share
their work when they voluntarily make use of someone else's work, or
that they are at the peril of some "moral hazard", it does have a lot
to say about their perspective. (Not least because people are only
obliged to make their work available under a GPL-compatible licence so
that people who are using the combined work may redistribute it under
the GPL. You yourself have mentioned elsewhere in this discussion one
well-known software project that is not GPL-licensed but was
effectively distributed under the GPL to most of its users for a
considerable period of time.)

I'm not telling anybody what to do.  I'm just explaining why I usually
use the MIT license for things I write, and will often not consider
using a library licensed under the GPL.  What irritated me enough to
comment on this thread was the IMHO sanctimonious and inflammatory
"Unless you place such a low value the freedom of your users".

It is hardly a rare occurrence now that I come across someone who has
written in some corner of the Internet, "It's a shame project XYZ is
GPL-licensed because I can't use it for commercial software
development. Can the project maintainers not choose another licence?"
Sometimes, someone who is seeking licensing advice might not want to
be unpopular and might choose a permissive licence because people
reassure them that their project will only be widely used if the
licence lets people use it "commercially" (or, in other words, in
proprietary software). My impression is that many in the core
community around Python seem to emphasise such popularity over all
other concerns.

What I want to point out, and some have done so much more directly
than I have in other forums and in other discussions, is that some
advice about licensing often stems from a direct motivation amongst
those giving the advice to secure preferential terms for themselves,
and that although such advice may be dressed up as doing the "right"
or "best" thing, those giving the advice stand to gain directly and
even selfishly from having their advice followed. I'm not saying you
have done this, but this is frequently seen in the core Python
community, such that anyone suggesting a copyleft licence is seen as
obstructing or undermining some community dynamic or other, while
those suggesting a permissive licence are somehow doing so "in the
spirit of Python" (to the point where the inappropriate PSF licence
for Python is used for independent projects).
I personally don't think that RMS's "four freedoms" are the last word
on the best way for society to develop software, no.  But using
"Unless you place such a low value the freedom of your users" is truly
an inflammatory statement, because it was given in a context where the
GPL had not yet been carefully parsed and discussed, and did not make
it clear that the "freedoms" being discussed are a particular set of
"freedoms" and not, for example, those freedoms enshrined in the Bill
of Rights.  (And as Steven has carefully pointed out, not all freedoms
are necessarily Good Things.)

I tend not to use the terms "freedom" or "right" except when
mentioning things like the "four freedoms": the word "privilege" is
adequate in communicating what actually is conferred when combining
copyright and software licences. Nevertheless, the "four freedoms" and
"freedom of your users" are still useful notions: if a proprietary
variant of Python became widespread and dominant, although various
parts of the software might be freely available in their original
forms, the ability to reconstruct or change the software would be
impaired and provide fewer opportunities for user involvement than the
primary implementations of Python available today. And should such
proprietary software become mandated by government agencies or become
a de-facto standard, that really does have an effect on the freedom of


Patrick Maupin

(Lots of good and balanced commentary snipped...)
I didn't say that you personally argued that way, but people do argue
that way. In fact, it's understandable that this is how some people
attempt to understand the GPL - the software maintains a particular
state of openness - but they miss the final step in the reasoning
which leads them to see that the licence preserves a set of privileges
for recipients as well.

Obviously, that's a bit subtle and certainly some people might miss
the step that says "the final user can always use *my* software, and
by choice of license I could decide to insure that if anybody else
fixes bugs in my software or combines it with other software they
write, then my end users will always be able to use that as well."
But others might notice that and still decide that it isn't the right
license for their software.
Thus, remarks about Cisco and Linksys - that they were somehow "caught
out" - are disingenuous: if you're in the business of distributing
software, particularly if that software itself has a restrictive
licence, you cannot claim ignorance about licensing or that you just
"found some good code".

Any remarks I made about this were only in the debate about "moral
hazard" by which I meant something different than Steven did. I'm not
at all attempting to condone what Cisco did, just pointing out that if
I license code under the MIT license and Cisco uses it, I certainly
have no reason to complain about it, and wouldn't dream of doing so in
any case, but if I license code under the GPL, then yes, my intentions
are clear, and Cisco is complicit in either deliberately turning a
blind eye, or inadvertently not watching employees closely enough. I
thought I made it clear that I believe that at some level, some human
being had to do something that was wrong in order to get Cisco into
that position. My sole argument was that in general, I don't want to
be the one to put Cisco in that position, and conversely, I don't want
anybody else putting me in that position (I want to do the right
thing) so I usually don't license stuff under the GPL, or incorporate
stuff licensed under the GPL into anything I do.
Why is it pathetic that someone gets to choose the terms under which
their work is made available? By default, if I release something
without any licence, the recipient has very few privileges with
respect to that work: it's literally a case of "all rights reserved"
for the creator. And if it's such a trivial library then why not
reimplement the solution yourself?

You just answered your own question. It's pathetic to try to change
people's behavior by offering them something worthless if they change
their license to match yours. (I'm not at all saying that all GPL
code is worthless, but I have seen things like under 30 line snippets
that weren't even very well written that were "licensed" under the
I dislike the way that when someone releases something under the GPL,
it is claimed that they are coercing or attempting to "leverage"
something. They have merely shared something on their terms. If you
don't like the terms, don't use their software.

Well, I don't always make that claim, but I do make it when I see a
little "recipe" under the GPL. Often these recipes require so much
customization for any particular task that they are really just
pedagogical, and some of them aren't even very good. Color me a
cynic, but when I see something so short and generic that any sort of
judicial test would declare that there was no copyrightable "there"
there, that has an arguably politicized license slapped on it, I smell
an agenda.
But it is not universally true that GPL-licensed software cannot be
linked to proprietary software: there are a number of caveats in the
GPL covering cases where existing proprietary systems are in use.
Otherwise, you'd never have GPL-licensed software running on
proprietary systems at all.

Agreed, but most of those are at very clearly delineated boundaries,
like the OS.
Not at all. Recently, I've had the misfortune to hear lots of
arguments about how the GPL supposedly restricts stuff like
"collaboration" and "growth" despite copious evidence to the contrary,
usually from people who seem to be making a career of shouting down
the GPL or the FSF at every available occasion. Now I'm not saying
that you have the same apparent motivations as these people, but I
maintain that when someone claims that people are "forced" to share
their work when they voluntarily make use of someone else's work, or
that they are at the peril of some "moral hazard", it does have a lot
to say about their perspective. (Not least because people are only
obliged to make their work available under a GPL-compatible licence so
that people who are using the combined work may redistribute it under
the GPL. You yourself have mentioned elsewhere in this discussion one
well-known software project that is not GPL-licensed but was
effectively distributed under the GPL to most of its users for a
considerable period of time.)

Sorry, guess I misunderstood where you are coming from.
It is hardly a rare occurrence now that I come across someone who has
written in some corner of the Internet, "It's a shame project XYZ is
GPL-licensed because I can't use it for commercial software
development. Can the project maintainers not choose another licence?"
Sometimes, someone who is seeking licensing advice might not want to
be unpopular and might choose a permissive licence because people
reassure them that their project will only be widely used if the
licence lets people use it "commercially" (or, in other words, in
proprietary software). My impression is that many in the core
community around Python seem to emphasise such popularity over all
other concerns.

Yes, but I see the same sort of popularity effects tilt towards the
GPL sometimes, too.
What I want to point out, and some have done so much more directly
than I have in other forums and in other discussions, is that some
advice about licensing often stems from a direct motivation amongst
those giving the advice to secure preferential terms for themselves,
and that although such advice may be dressed up as doing the "right"
or "best" thing, those giving the advice stand to gain directly and
even selfishly from having their advice followed. I'm not saying you
have done this, but this is frequently seen in the core Python
community, such that anyone suggesting a copyleft licence is seen as
obstructing or undermining some community dynamic or other, while
those suggesting a permissive licence are somehow doing so "in the
spirit of Python" (to the point where the inappropriate PSF licence
for Python is used for independent projects).

Agreed that every project is different, and lots of considerations
should be taken into account.
I tend not to use the terms "freedom" or "right" except when
mentioning things like the "four freedoms": the word "privilege" is
adequate in communicating what actually is conferred when combining
copyright and software licences. Nevertheless, the "four freedoms" and
"freedom of your users" are still useful notions: if a proprietary
variant of Python became widespread and dominant, although various
parts of the software might be freely available in their original
forms, the ability to reconstruct or change the software would be
impaired and provide fewer opportunities for user involvement than the
primary implementations of Python available today. And should such
proprietary software become mandated by government agencies or become
a de-facto standard, that really does have an effect on the freedom of

I don't worry too much about that happening. I think that ESR is
right that the powerful network effects of free development would
overwhelm any attempt to take something like Python private.


Paul Boddie

So, people overstate their cases to make their points.  That happens
on both sides.

Overstate their cases? The "GPL hurts everyone" is a flat-out
No, you appear to have a kneejerk reaction much worse than Carl's.
You have assumed you fully understand the motives of people who point
out issues with the GPL, and that those motives are uniformly bad, and
this colors your writing and thinking quite heavily, even to the point
where you naturally assumed I was defending all of Apple's egregious

I skimmed your post in that particular case and apologised for doing

How have I not understood the motives of people who do not like the
GPL? The GPL sets out a number of conditions on the use of a
particular work; these conditions are not liked by some people
typically because it means that they cannot use that work as part of a
proprietary product or solution, just as the authors of the licence
intended; various people would prefer that authors license their works
permissively, precisely because this lets them use such works in
proprietary software; some of the rhetoric employed to persuade people
to permissively license their work involves phrases like "more
freedom" (which are subjective at best, although never acknowledged as
such) or the more absurd "holy war", evidently.

I once attended a talk by someone from the FSF Europe, a few years ago
now, where the inevitable assertion that the BSD licences were "more
free" was made by an audience member. In my experience, such people
are very reluctant to acknowledge the different philosophical
dimensions of "freedom", whereas people who apply copyleft licences to
their works have typically had to confront such issues even before
being asked over and over again to relicense them.
As far as my throwing mud at Stallman, although I release some open
source stuff on my own, I make a living writing software that belongs
to other people, and Stallman has said that that's unethical and I
shouldn't be able to make money in this fashion.  Sorry, but he's not
on my side.

A lot of people seem to take issue with the GPL because they don't
like Stallman, but that only leads to their judgement being clouded as
a consequence. When Stallman's warnings become fulfilled, as has been
the case with things like BitKeeper, this only serves to infuriate
people further, often because they know they could have ignored the
messenger but should not have ignored the message. Most people writing
software are doing so for other people, and many people are doing so
as part of a proprietary process. Thus, the only way to interpret what
Stallman has to say (should you not wish to reject it completely) is
to consider it as some kind of absolute guidance, not some kind of
personal judgement.
And, again, that's "free" according to a somewhat contentious
definition made by someone who is attempting to frame the debate by co-
opting all the "mother and apple pie" words, who is blindly followed
by others who think they are the only ones who are capable of thoughts
which are both rational and pure.  I'm not saying everybody who uses
the GPL is in this category, but some of your words here indicate that
you, in fact, might be.

No, I am saying that the Free Software movement is a well-defined
thing - that's why the name uses capital letters, but it could be
called the "Planet of the Zebras movement" for all the name should
reasonably distract from what the movement is actually about - and
that it has a very different agenda from the "open source" movement
which advocates very similar licensing on the basis of things like
higher software quality and other "pragmatic" consequences of using
such licensing.

As for the terminology, I've already noted that I prefer the term
"privileges" to "rights" or "freedoms" because it communicates that
something is gained. Again, some people assume that the natural state
of a work is (or should be) a free-for-all and that the GPL revokes
privileges: this is a misrepresentation of how copyright and licensing


Paul Boddie

You just answered your own question.  It's pathetic to try to change
people's behavior by offering them something worthless if they change
their license to match yours.  (I'm not at all saying that all GPL
code is worthless, but I have seen things like under 30 line snippets
that weren't even very well written that were "licensed" under the

If this is code that you would consider using in an existing project,
but if they aren't pitching it directly at you, why would you believe
that they are trying to change your behaviour? It is you who gets to
decide whether you use the code or not. If the licence isn't
acceptable to you, what prevents you from asking for a special
licence, especially if you are going to incorporate the code in a
product which is sold?

In the more general case of people just releasing small programs and
libraries, all such people are doing is saying, "Here is something I
have done, and here are the terms through which this is shared." If
anything, they are reaching out to see if anyone will work together
with them on making something better, where everyone agrees to a
common framework upon which that work will be done. I'm sure people
didn't think much of Linus Torvalds' work in the beginning, either.


Patrick Maupin

If this is code that you would consider using in an existing project,

Well, in a few cases I'm talking about, I wouldn't consider using the
code -- I just stumbled across it when researching some terms, and
discounted it immediately. Honestly, I'm talking about code that is
so small and generic that it doesn't deserve any copyright protection
(and wouldn't get any if it came to that in court).
but if they aren't pitching it directly at you, why would you believe
that they are trying to change your behaviour?

Because I've seen people specifically state that their purpose in
GPLing small libraries is to encourage other people to change their
behavior. I take those statements at face value. Certainly RMS
carefully lays out that the LGPL should be used sparingly in his "Why
you shouldn't use the Lesser GPL for your next library" post. (Hint:
he's not suggesting a permissive license instead.)
It is you who gets to
decide whether you use the code or not. If the licence isn't
acceptable to you, what prevents you from asking for a special
licence, especially if you are going to incorporate the code in a
product which is sold?

Well, the only time I can remember even hinting around for any kind of
different license was when I was found an svglib bug for use with
rst2pdf. svglib is a "real" library (unlike the code snippets I was
discussing) licensed under the GPL. I would be quite happy to
consider learning it and contributing patches to it, but I didn't want
to maintain a fork myself, and the maintainer doesn't have a public
repository and was quite busy with other stuff, and when I asked him
if he would accept patches, it was ten days before he got back to me.
rst2pdf was licensed under the MIT license before I started
contributing to it, and there is no way I was going to even consider
adding patches for a GPLed package (which would certainly have to be
GPLed) into the rst2pdf repository. (Say what you will about how
sometimes differently licensed code can be combined, but RMS has to
share quite a bit of the blame/credit for the whole combining licenses
FUD.) So I took a completely different path and right now the best
way to use .svg files with rst2pdf is to use inkscape to convert them
to PDFs, and use some code I wrote that allows you to use preexisting
PDFs as images.

Despite being a real library, svglib is quite small at ca. 1200 lines,
and if the license were compatible with the rst2pdf codebase license
(e.g. even if it were LGPL), I would have just stuffed the file into
the rst2pdf codebase and started hacking on it. So there's a nice
little piece of GPLed code that isn't getting as much attention as it
would have if it were LGPLed or licensed permissively, or even if the
author had just dumped it onto sourceforge or googlecode under the GPL
but given me commit rights. As it is, I don't think it's been
maintained in 8 years.

This is exactly the same situation that Carl was describing, only with
two different open source packages rather than with a proprietary
package and a GPL package. The whole reason people use words like
"force" and "viral" with the GPL is that this issue would not have
come up if svglib were MIT and rst2pdf were GPL. (Note that the LGPL
forces you to give back changes, but not in a way that makes it
incompatible with software under other licenses. That's why you see
very few complaints about the LGPL.)
In the more general case of people just releasing small programs and
libraries, all such people are doing is saying, "Here is something I
have done, and here are the terms through which this is shared."

Sure, and all I'm explaining is why I reject the terms in some cases.
I particularly reject the terms when a license that was originally
designed for a whole program is used for a small library, with the
express intent of getting more people to use said license.
If anything, they are reaching out to see if anyone will work together
with them on making something better, where everyone agrees to a
common framework upon which that work will be done.

That's absolutely not always the case. Often, it's more "here's
something I've done; take it or leave it but if you take it, it's on
these terms."
I'm sure people
didn't think much of Linus Torvalds' work in the beginning, either.

I think the GPL was a great license for the development model for
Linux. I have no issues with how that worked. Part of that is that
Linus was always active in the development. I think that,
particularly when the concept of free software was relatively new, the
license might have been an effective focal point for rallying

But I have definitely seen cases where people are offering something
that is not of nearly as much value as they seem to think it is, where
one of the goals is obviously to try to spread the GPL.


Patrick Maupin

Overstate their cases? The "GPL hurts everyone" is a flat-out

Well, just like in some cases it makes us all richer, in some cases it
also makes us all poorer. See my prior example about svglib.
I skimmed your post in that particular case and apologised for doing

Apology accepted.
How have I not understood the motives of people who do not like the
GPL? The GPL sets out a number of conditions on the use of a
particular work; these conditions are not liked by some people
typically because it means that they cannot use that work as part of a
proprietary product or solution, just as the authors of the licence

As I have shown in another post, in one case, I wanted to contribute a
fix for making one piece of GPLed software work better with another
case of MIT licensed software. The fact that one piece was GPLed and
the author didn't have a repository and was relatively unresponsive
via email, combined with the fact that I was too lazy to start a new
repository just to maintain a fork of one small library, means that I
didn't devote any time to fixing bugs and making the GPLed software
better. A "proprietary product or solution" never entered into the
various people would prefer that authors license their works
permissively, precisely because this lets them use such works in
proprietary software;

You also are ignoring the fact that a lot of people practice what they
preach on the other side of this issue. Since I don't want to make
other people jump through these sorts of licensing hoops, I license
stuff under the MIT license. MIT, BSD, and Apache are "universal
donor licenses" and just like type O blood, I think this increases the
value of the code licensed under them.
some of the rhetoric employed to persuade people
to permissively license their work involves phrases like "more
freedom" (which are subjective at best, although never acknowledged as
such) or the more absurd "holy war", evidently.

Well, I think the reason "more freedom" is used is because RMS has
attempted to co-opt the word "freedom" and I think "holy war," though
inflammatory, accurately portrays the kind of language RMS uses to
attract his followers. YMMV
I once attended a talk by someone from the FSF Europe, a few years ago
now, where the inevitable assertion that the BSD licences were "more
free" was made by an audience member. In my experience, such people
are very reluctant to acknowledge the different philosophical
dimensions of "freedom", whereas people who apply copyleft licences to
their works have typically had to confront such issues even before
being asked over and over again to relicense them.

Well, the whole reason I got involved in this thread was I felt that I
was, by association, being accused of not caring about others'
"freedom" so this is a pot/kettle issue. Also, when you're deeply
involved in an issue, you might miss or ignore insults hurled by
others seemingly on your side; it's always easier to spot the logical
fallacies made by members of the opposing side, and come to the
conclusion that your side is smarter, more moral, and generally
A lot of people seem to take issue with the GPL because they don't
like Stallman, but that only leads to their judgement being clouded as
a consequence. When Stallman's warnings become fulfilled, as has been
the case with things like BitKeeper, this only serves to infuriate
people further, often because they know they could have ignored the
messenger but should not have ignored the message. Most people writing
software are doing so for other people, and many people are doing so
as part of a proprietary process. Thus, the only way to interpret what
Stallman has to say (should you not wish to reject it completely) is
to consider it as some kind of absolute guidance, not some kind of
personal judgement.

Oh, but I do consider the licenses separately, and describe when I
think they are appropriate. Again, if you're addressing half the
debaters, you're missing the people on your side (not necessarily in
this particular thread) who quote Stallman and Moglen as if their word
is the final word on everything. Even in the example you quote here,
it was obvious what was going to happen with bitkeeper to the most
casual observer, so I don't think that by itself shows incredible
powers of observation on Stallman's part. I also think that if
Stallman didn't exist, we would have invented him -- it was time for
that particular philosophy.
No, I am saying that the Free Software movement is a well-defined
thing - that's why the name uses capital letters, but it could be
called the "Planet of the Zebras movement" for all the name should
reasonably distract from what the movement is actually about - and
that it has a very different agenda from the "open source" movement
which advocates very similar licensing on the basis of things like
higher software quality and other "pragmatic" consequences of using
such licensing.

But you're missing the point that it is called the "Free Software"
movement precisely for all the religious/political reasons that piss
some people off. People wouldn't get all hot and bothered about it if
it were the Planet of the Zebras movement, but RMS never would have
called it that.
As for the terminology, I've already noted that I prefer the term
"privileges" to "rights" or "freedoms" because it communicates that
something is gained.

That's a reasonable starting point, but you still need a way to
distinguish who is getting the privileges -- in the case of the GPL,
it's often the non-programming general public, whereas in the case of
the MIT license, it's anybody who wants to do the software equivalent
of mash-ups, whether they want to generally share with the public or
not. Even that's not quite right -- the GPL allows me to make any
kind of mash-up I want as long as I don't want to share it with
*anybody* else; it's only when I want to share that it becomes a
problem if I used the wrong ingredients inside my mash-up. That's
where the "force" and "viral" words come from -- Microsoft doesn't
force me to use their license if I code to their API and don't
distribute their code, but the FSF's viewpoint is that any linking
(static or dynamic) forces me to use the GPL on my code even if I'm
not distributing the GPLed code I'm dynamically linking to. (Legally,
I think that's probably wrong, but that's their opinion, and
apparently the opinion of a lot of their adherents, so morally it
would be wrong for me to go against their wishes.)
Again, some people assume that the natural state
of a work is (or should be) a free-for-all and that the GPL revokes
privileges: this is a misrepresentation of how copyright and licensing

As I said earlier in the thread, the OP's question was not "no license
or GPL" but rather "MIT or GPL" so the relevance of a non-licensed
alternative wasn't really a point of this particular discussion.


Paul Rubin

Steven D'Aprano said:
It's certainly true
that an MIT licence will allow you to maximise the number of people who
will use your software, but maximising the number of users is not the
only motive for writing software.

I'd say proprietary licenses where you spend billions on marketing and
lobbying get you the most users. Windows has orders of magnitude more
users than either Linux or BSD. FOSS under any license isn't about
maximizing users.

Carl Banks

Oh sure: the GPL hurts everyone, like all the companies who have made
quite a lot of money out of effectively making Linux the new
enterprise successor to Unix, plus all the companies and individuals
who have taken the sources and rolled their own distributions.

Relative to what they could have done with a more permissive license?
Yes. GPL hurts everyone relative to licenses that don't drive wedges
and prevent interoperability between software.

You might argue that GPL is sometimes better than proprietary closed
source, and I won't disagree, but it's nearly always worse than other
open source licenses.

P.S. And the GPL isn't meant to further the cause of open source: it's
meant to further the Free Software cause, which is not at all the same

It doesn't matter what the GPL "meant" to do, it matters what it does,
which is hurt everyone (relative to almost all other licenses).

Before you ridicule other people's positions, at least get your
terminology right.

I don't agree with FSF's defintion of free software and refuse to
abide by it. GPL isn't free software; any software that tells me I
can't compile it in with a closed source API isn't free. Period.

Carl Banks

Paul Boddie

Because I've seen people specifically state that their purpose in
GPLing small libraries is to encourage other people to change their
behavior.  I take those statements at face value.  Certainly RMS
carefully lays out that the LGPL should be used sparingly in his "Why
you shouldn't use the Lesser GPL for your next library" post.  (Hint:
he's not suggesting a permissive license instead.)

Sure, but all he's asking you to do is to make the software available
under a GPL-compatible licence.

rst2pdf was licensed under the MIT license before I started
contributing to it, and there is no way I was going to even consider
adding patches for a GPLed package (which would certainly have to be
GPLed) into the rst2pdf repository.  (Say what you will about how
sometimes differently licensed code can be combined, but RMS has to
share quite a bit of the blame/credit for the whole combining licenses

I think the FSF are quite clear about combining licences - they even
go to the trouble of telling you which ones are compatible with the
GPL - so I don't see where "FUD" comes into it, apart from possible
corner cases where people are trying to circumvent the terms of a
licence and probably know themselves that what they're trying to do is
at the very least against the spirit of the licence. Even then,
warning people about their little project to make proprietary plugins,
or whatever, is not really "FUD".

As for rst2pdf, what your modifications would mean is that the
software would need to be redistributed under a GPL-compatible
licence. I'll accept that this does affect what people can then do
with the project, but once again, you've mentioned at least one LGPL-
licensed project which was previously in this very situation, and it
was never actually GPL-licensed itself. Here's the relevant FAQ entry:

This is exactly the same situation that Carl was describing, only with
two different open source packages rather than with a proprietary
package and a GPL package.  The whole reason people use words like
"force" and "viral" with the GPL is that this issue would not have
come up if svglib were MIT and rst2pdf were GPL.  (Note that the LGPL
forces you to give back changes, but not in a way that makes it
incompatible with software under other licenses.  That's why you see
very few complaints about the LGPL.)

Actually, the copyleft licences don't "force" anyone to "give back
changes": they oblige people to pass on changes.

But I have definitely seen cases where people are offering something
that is not of nearly as much value as they seem to think it is, where
one of the goals is obviously to try to spread the GPL.

Well, even the FSF doesn't approve of trivial projects using the GPL:


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