New Karrigel page in Wikipedia

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Paul Rubin

Pierre Quentel said:
For the server will search for an index
file in this directory and serve it. You can also specify the script
you want : Same thing for app2
of course. Absolutely no need to start two instances of the server on
different ports

But they're the same Python interpreter and so there's no protection
between one application and another, right? That might be ok for a
single user running multiple apps, but think of PHP hosting farms that
have thousands of users with separate virtual hosts. It would be
disastrous if they could see each others' data.

Paul Rubin

Luis M. González said:
I appreciate all the observations regarding Wikipedia's nature, but I
confess that I'm surprised to see you, "python folks", so annoyed by
this article.

I think it's more "wikipedia folks" (I'm one) who found the original
version of the article annoying by Wikipedia standards. Wikipedia is
besieged with hucksters trying to propagate marketing fluff through
the encyclopedia and so they react unfavorably to anything that
resembles that type of material. The current version is much more
suitable as an encyclopedia article. It just needs a little bit of
grammar and punctuation cleanup, no big deal.

Roel Schroeven

Pierre Quentel schreef:
No, in the document root you create a folder "app1" and put all the
files for the first application in it, and a folder "app2" for the
second application

For the server will search for an index
file in this directory and serve it. You can also specify the script
you want : Same thing for app2
of course. Absolutely no need to start two instances of the server on
different ports

I understand that, but I'd like to keep the current situation unchanged
as much as possible. Currently I have an Apache webserver that serves
some static content plus some dynamic stuff, with a directory structure
somewhat like


etc. (/var/www is Apache's DocumentRoot, obviously). Also I regularly
have some stuff in my homedir


to play with stuff.

So, I can't run Karrigell on port 80, since that's already in use by
Apache. So I need to run Karrigell on another port, and somehow instruct
Apache to forward some URL's to Karrigell on handle some URL's itself.

For example, suppose I create


How do I configure everything so that they are accessible via


Roel Schroeven

Tim Williams (gmail) schreef:
On 13/04/06, *Tim Williams (gmail)* <[email protected]

In Karrigell you could write the host mappings into a karrigell
script (.ks) application, so you wouldn't even need to use
virtual-hosts in the config file. and of course, you could just
write a single ..ks that contains (at least the entry points to )
all your applications

Hmm, out of context this could be misleading so:

In Karrigell you simply put your application into its own directory and
access it via the http://domain/app-dirname - for however many
applications you need.

Yes, assuming you use Karrigell as webserver; but in many situations I
encounter, Apache is used as webserver and I want to keep it that way.
In fact I want to keep everything as it is; I just want some URL's to be
handled by Karrigell (and some others by CherryPy, and some others
possibly by even another framework), and it would be very nice I could
place them in a directory under the DocumentRoot, just like I can do
with PHP for example (not that I like to program in PHP, by the way).

Paul Rubin

Roel Schroeven said:

How do I configure everything so that they are accessible via


You mean you want your apache server to proxy the Karrigell pages?

I usually do that with the rewrite module rather than trying to figure
out how to use mod_proxy directly. It's been a while, but you'd
say something like:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/karigell1$ http://localhost:1234/karrigell1 [P]
RewriteRule ^/karigell2$ http://localhost:1234/karrigell2 [P]

The ^/karigell1$ is a regexp to say what url's to rewrite, the
http://localhost:1234/karrigell1 (etc) is where you'd run your
Karrigell server, and the [P] tells mod_rewrite to proxy the
target url.

Erik Max Francis

Ben said:
Why is Wikipedia being abused for software promotion and documentation?
Articles on Wikipedia are supposed to be from a neutral point of view
and purely informative, not biased or instructive.

Because it's Wikipedia? This kind of garbage is the inevitable result
of an "encyclopedia" which anyone can edit.

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