Richard G. Riley
Writing "the try of writing" vs. "trying to write" is exactly the kind
of minor error we usually ignore (or at most gently point out) as long
as the meaning is clear enough. The kind of thing we complain about
is specifically the silly little abbreviations that seem to be common
for SMS (short text messages), like "u" and "ur" for "you" and "your",
respectively, along with failure to use capital letters, long strings
of exclamation points, lack of spaces after '.', etc.
I don't believe people use these abbreviations out of ignorance of the
correct words. I think they're perfectly aware that the correct words
are "you" and "your" (or maybe "you're", another minor error that's
generally ignored); they just carry over what might be useful
abbreviations in some contexts and use them here, where they're
insignificantly easier to write and much more difficult to read.
Nobody here insists on perfect English (though it's nice for those who
can manage it). We just ask that people make some minimal effort to
write clearly.
Keith, you appear to be missing a vital point here. I simply dont care
: if someone has a question and I can answer it I will. It is not my
style or need to lecture them on their posting "English".
And in no way do I disagree with gently asking someone who posts
gibberish to try to make themselves a little clearer.
I do support your requests for clear, contextual
content. Abbreviations and capitalizatins are not, however, top of my
hit lists in a programming newsgroup.
We will have to agree to disagree I guess.