New website


Magnus Lycka

Phoe6 said: evolved very nice and noticed today the new
website going live. There is a change in the look n feel, wherein it
looks "more official" and maximum possible information about python is
now directly accessible from the home page itself. Kudoes to the
design team.

I also feel this is a big improvement.

I know that a web site like this needs constant nurturing, so
I hope that it's been developed in such as way that it will
be easier to maintain it and to involve more contributors.

Concerning style sheets, it's pretty trivial to make several
style sheets and let people use the one they like best.

If we enable that, it should also be simple to see from the
web site statistics which style sheet people prefer. Then we
can use the most popular style sheet as the default!

Since people have different tastes, different screens with
various resolutions and colors etc, darker or lighter rooms,
might want different styles for on-screen viewing and on paper
etc, I think it would be a good idea to have several styes
even if there is no ambivalence concerning what look we want.

Nicola Musatti

Michael Tobis wrote:
On the other hand, (since I think the design, while not brilliant, is
good) fixing the logo is something that can be achieved without too
much fuss.

The obviously perfect logo would be Kaa's face:

After all even my two and a half year old kids know that Kaa is *the*
python. However I suspect it would take a lot of money to license that.
Finally, I disagree that the current logo is better than the neutral
but consistently used php logo or the very clever java coffee mug logo,
and notably the Ruby on Rails logo, which is first rate.

The Java logo has the problem that it is not universal: in Italy for
instance the name "Java" has no connection with "coffee".

Nicola Musatti


I don't mind the logo or the colour scheme, but I do mind the first
paragraph in bolded text. What, you figure the readers can't figure out
how to find "What is Python?" by themselves?

Bold should be used sparingly. This is serious overuse.

Otherwise, I like it.

Roy Smith

msoulier said:
I don't mind the logo or the colour scheme, but I do mind the first
paragraph in bolded text. What, you figure the readers can't figure out
how to find "What is Python?" by themselves?

Bold should be used sparingly. This is serious overuse.

I'm OK with bold for stuff like this, but the wording could be better. The
last sentence:

Many Python programmers report substantial productivity
gains and feel the language encourages the development of
higher quality, more maintainable code.

reads like a drug warning label, carefully crafted to not run afoul of
regulatory constraints. Just say what you want to say:

Python programmers are more productive and the language
encourages development of higher quality, more maintainable

Steven Bethard

Roy said:
I'm OK with bold for stuff like this, but the wording could be better. The
last sentence:

Many Python programmers report substantial productivity
gains and feel the language encourages the development of
higher quality, more maintainable code.

reads like a drug warning label, carefully crafted to not run afoul of
regulatory constraints. Just say what you want to say:

Python programmers are more productive and the language
encourages development of higher quality, more maintainable

Please add a new ticket to the tracker:

(You can get to that from "Report website bug" -> "add a new ticket")



Michael Tobis said:
While the new one is much better than the old website, the logo strikes
me as awful.

I personally believe the new logo is miles better than the old one.
Whether you see snakes or a plus-sign or a yin-yang, it has a nice
harmonious look that still captures some playfulness.

Besides, why is everyone fixated on snakes? Python the language has
nothing to do with python the constrictor.

As far as the layout goes, I still find it too busy. Specifically
there are too many fonts on the one page. But I have already made that
point, and did an entire version of the homepage, which the team have
taken as input.

Anyone who has the time can do the same, rather than simply comment
from the sidelines. The best websites never stay still, but are
constantly evolving. I hope can do the same, and go from
strength to strength.

Congratulations to all involved!

Roel Schroeven

robin schreef:
As far as the layout goes, I still find it too busy. Specifically
there are too many fonts on the one page. But I have already made that
point, and did an entire version of the homepage, which the team have
taken as input.

+1 on that. Last weekend I had a quick look at the stylesheet and
removed most of the font-style and font-size declarations. It made the
site look much better, IMO. If I can find a few spare minutes I might
try to do put a bit more effort in it and send it in.

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