New to python, open source Mac OS X IDE?


James Mills

I agree with your point..

The problem is that Tcl/TK is a functionaly
handicapped and results in a less powerful GUI.

In an installer, it is not so hard to install
the wxWidgets dll (under windows)

But later, I won't mind redoing it in tk if
it becomes too much of a hassle.

David, I would really recommend that you
seriously consider using the Tcp/Tk toolkit.
Why ? Because of my point above, you'll
find the tool will most likely have a greater
impact and uptake than one requiring a user
or developer to install a 3rd party toolkit
and library just to use your gui package
manager :)

Trust me when I say this, the simpler you
make this, the better. "Powerful" is meaningless
in the context of programming - it has no
meaning. If you meant wxWindows/wxWidgets
are more feature-rich, then yes I agree - but
at what cost ? :)

My 2c,


Gabriel Rossetti

James said:
David, I would really recommend that you
seriously consider using the Tcp/Tk toolkit.
Why ? Because of my point above, you'll
find the tool will most likely have a greater
impact and uptake than one requiring a user
or developer to install a 3rd party toolkit
and library just to use your gui package
manager :)

Well, isn't tkinter being removed?
So the user will have to install it anyways, I think wx is way better
that tkinter
from a user and a developer's perspective. I think it's time to let it
go....but hey,
that's just my two cents...


Stephen Hansen

Well, isn't tkinter being removed?

PEP3108 isn't only about removals, but some renaming and
reorganizations of certain packages / modules to be consistent within
the standard library. In that section of PEP3108 they're talking about
grouping tkinter modules together in a different way.

That said...
So the user will have to install it anyways, I think wx is way better that
from a user and a developer's perspective. I think it's time to let it
go....but hey,

Honestly, I agree. There's a point to a meta-app like this being
"universally available" and since Tkinter is almost always available,
that's a boon. But Tkinter is a really, really poor choice in just
about every other category of how you make your decision IMHO.

If the OP wants to use a wxPython-based GUI, all power to him. If he
wants his utility to get wide adoption he just needs to make sure he
can get some binary installers; deps, rpms, windows .exe's, etc.
That's not at all impossible to do. Just takes extra work. If he wants
to do the work -- and have a good UI -- good for him.


Wolfgang Keller

David, I would really recommend that you
seriously consider using the Tcp/Tk toolkit.

I would seriously disrecommend using Tcl/Tk.

Because it doesn't allow to build a GUI application with not-ridiculous
functionality, "look-and-feel" and quirk-free behaviour.
Because of my point above, you'll find the tool will most likely have
a greater impact and uptake than one requiring a user or developer to
install a 3rd party toolkit and library just to use your gui package
manager :)

I'm using applications that use wxPython, PyGTK, PyQt etc. every day
that don't require to "install" anything, not even _themselves_. In fact
this (zero-install applications) is the _only_ actually "simple" way to
distribute applications. And it is the standard way to distribute
applications for the Mac.

Dave Peterson

for a start....


it claims to be depracated...


Actually it was version 2.x and earlier that was deprecated and we
just hadn't updated that wiki page in a long time. Thanks for
pointing that out! I've now updated it with a bit of news at the
top. In short Enstaller 3.x is alive and well and available from

We had the downtime for exactly the reason pointed out on this thread
-- which is that we found the old code to be extremely unstable as
users updated any of the dependencies on which Enstaller depended --
things such as wxPython, Traits, etc.

As of now, Enstaller 3.x is a command-line only tool but it does
provide a lot of benefits over standard setuptools -- uninstall,
update/upgrade command, found eggs aren't pre-pended to the full
sys.path but instead inserted before the containing directory, etc.
Our vision for re-implementing the GUI is to provide it via a web-
based frontend as (a) the basic libraries for that ARE included in the
standard lib and (b) we figure more people have a working web browser
than have the Python bindings to any one of various widget libraries

We'd welcome others to the project if anyone would like to help out!
Just contact us at (e-mail address removed) for procedures on getting repo

David Lyon

Hi Dave,
As of now, Enstaller 3.x is a command-line only tool but it does
provide a lot of benefits over standard setuptools -- uninstall,
update/upgrade command, found eggs aren't pre-pended to the full
sys.path but instead inserted before the containing directory, etc.

Sounds extremely powerful.

Maye I should be looking at offering support for driving Enstaller
to the GUI tool. I think I will...



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