Newbie: How to delete a Rails app (Windows)


Hugh Sasse Staff Elec Eng

1) I am not clear on whether only the classes are being tested ( no
instances, no run with real inputs ) or a full program can be tested.

Usually, when one does unit testing, the unit is a class. This is
just the conceptual grouping you use. Conceivably you could use any
group in a testing class, but Unit Testing is not considered the
same as system testing.

The actual tests may test class methods, which don't require an
instance, but in most cases (when you look at tests people in
general write [Warning: generalization! :)]) you will find that they
create an instance to test.

You may test with real data, but not live -- changing -- data,
because you need to be able to repeat the tests to be sure your fix
didn't break anything, etc.
2) Is the intent to test all boundary conditions? Pre-conditions?

Essentially, all of those. How exhaustive you maek it is up to you.
In the test first model of programming, (such as XP -- eXtreme
Programming, rather than the Microsoft product of that name!) your
tests are essentially your definition of that the unit (class)
should do. You write code until all the tests pass. Then you don't
add any more (because YAGNI "You Ain't Gonna Need It" -- its not in
the spec and requirements change.)
3) Is a single test meant for a single class and its subclasses, or

A testing class usually tests one class. The methods (of the
TestingClass) with their assertions test some functionality of the
class. You ideally write them to test the interface only, so that
when you change the internals later you can run the same tests to be
sure the code still works.
does it work just as well with all of the classes that might be in the

Testing all the classes in one TestingClass would be too much. That
is more of a system test. You usually write one TestingClass per
class. This is all about modularity, and ability to change things.
Also, the idea in OO is to think at the object level, so you make
sure each object works correctly to be confident they will work
correctly when connectd together. Of course, your program may be
an object, so you test its interface, but when doing that you don't
test the internals, because they may be subject to change.
program at once?

Hope that helps. Maybe soeeone else will add more, or correct this
if I've missed something.


Barry Sperling

Thanks Hugh!
I really appreciate all of the time that you've put in. I think I have
a handle on it and now it's time to make it work in real life!
Good luck,

Hugh Sasse Staff Elec Eng

Thanks Hugh!
I really appreciate all of the time that you've put in. I think I

That's OK. If you have any contributions, patches, etc for my
ruby testing page then I'd be interested in your input.
have a handle on it and now it's time to make it work in real life!
Good luck,

And to you.

Thank you,


Douglas said:
It happens when the flder apperas empty too.

Thry this:
1. Create a new folder on the desktop
2. Right click, then "new-> bitmap image"
3. Right click on the image, select edit
4. Put something into the image, save it. Close you image editing program
5. Turn on thumbnail view
6. Try and delete the folder by draging it to the recycle bin, keeping
the view of the folder open (won't work)

Think that it is the image still in use?

7. Delete the image from the folder (will work)
9. Close the view of the folder
8. Folder is now "empty" but you still can't delete it.

This has been my experience with Windows 2000 and Windows XP as well.

Microsoft has a technote which purports to describe all cases of why you
cannot delete a file or folder in the following technote:;en-us;320081

I have never been convinced that this covers everything.

If you really want to see if some process has handles open before your
delete, go to and download their process
explorer app and/or their Handles program.

I have always thought that there was some deep level of caching
happening, or perhaps a side effect of various file level driver hooks
(e.g. Anti Virus programs etc...).

In any case, I concur that if you run into this and it is not because
you have a program or service which has a handle open on the file, that
a simple log off and log on will clear it up.


Tim Ferrell

Explorer in Windows XP has a definite problem releasing file handles...
Rebooting does clear this up, but I tend to use ProcExplorer to search
and close them so I don't have to...


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