Barry Schwarz
It works now, so I think I'll just stick to that unless somebody
has any really great idea that I didn't see.
- - - --
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
You don't need these two.
#include <stdio.h>
This is a duplicate.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> // for memcpy
Except that you don't use memcpy in your program. But you do need it
for strlen and strcpy.
void repeat(char **dest_array, const char ch, const int n);
void add_text(char **dest_array, const char *source_array);
int main()
char *char_ptr; /* pointer to beginning of char (array) */
char *destination_arr;
FILE *outputfile;
unsigned long size = 1600*sizeof(char); /* space for 20 lines
char_ptr = malloc(size);
if (!char_ptr)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: line %d, malloc(%lu) failed.\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__, size);
destination_arr = char_ptr;
printf("sizeof(char) = %i byte(s)\n", sizeof(char) );
sizeof evaluates to a size_t. A size_t is unsigned but need not be
int. For example, it could be unsigned long. %i is the wrong code
for unsigned anything. If you compiler doesn't support the z modifier
for %u then you should cast the value to match your format.
printf("\nPointer values:\n");
printf("char_ptr = %15p\n", char_ptr);
%p requires a void*. Since a char* is guaranteed to look like a
void*, this is probably not a problem. However it would be a good
habit to get into.
add_text(&destination_arr, "Howdy! ");
add_text(&destination_arr, "You crazy dumb computer!");
add_text(&destination_arr, "I really hate you!");
repeat(&destination_arr, '*', 10);
add_text(&destination_arr, "You stink, go away!");
repeat(&destination_arr, '-', 20);
if ( (outputfile=fopen("result.txt", "w") )==NULL)
printf("\nError opening output-file:
fprintf(outputfile, "%s", char_ptr);
printf("%s", char_ptr);
return 0;
* functions */
void add_text(char **dest_array, const char *source_array)
sprintf(*dest_array, ("%s", source_array) );
printf("strlen(source_array) = %i\n", strlen(source_array) );
*dest_array += strlen(source_array);
Why compute strlen twice?
void repeat(char **dest_array, const char ch, const int n)
int i; /* local variable: counter */
for(i=0; i<n; i++) (*dest_array) = ch;
memset is probably a little more efficient.
(*dest_array)[n] = '\0'; /* terminate string */
*dest_array += n; /* update position */
Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
Martin Jørgensen
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