Nothern VA RUG to meet


Gregory Seidman

On Fri, Jan 13, 2006 at 11:16:53PM +0900, Yohanes Santoso wrote:
} > On Fri, Jan 13, 2006 at 06:29:43AM +0900, Richard Kilmer wrote:
} > } January 25...details can be found here:
} > }
} > } I will be posting an itinerary soon, but we will be showing the app
} > } were are working on at InfoEther (Ruby + Flash).
} >
} > Any chance of a Metro-accessible location next time? I live in MD, but work
} > in Arlington. Anywhere the Metro will take me is convenient after work, and
} > I'd love to meet up with some birds of a feather.
} I work about 10 min. from the Dunn Loring metro station and drive a
} 4-seater sedan. I could pick you up along with two other people from
} the station, and drop you back when done.

Wow, cool! I'm out of town this weekend (and sending this email from my
cellphone), but I'll send you an email to arrange specifics next week.


pat eyler

Thanks for the pep talk, James. However, I should mention that I've
been on the ground level for a half-a-dozen clubs / organizations:
initiative is one of my strengths. From my experiences, I've
observed that my start-ups tended to have a difficult time convincing
people to stick around longer than a meeting or two when the club's
leaders weren't seasoned veterans. Conversely, we couldn't find
places large enough to hold meetings for my start-ups that had
experienced people at the top. From this, I've concluded that most
people come to their first meeting expecting that some of the
organizers to be at their skill level or higher.

Maybe you can use this to your advantage. What about trying to start
a Learning Ruby group. You could try running a reading group around
Programming Ruby, or Learn to Program with Ruby. After several
meetings you (the group) might be interested in morphing it into a
full blown Ruby Brigade.

A group like this might be able to draw some folks from other
computing groups in the area. While I'm not a fan of,
I think they're a good place to trawl for potential Ruby Brigade members.
You might also check out which seems to have a
number of not linux specific things going on. Perhaps posting to
the Rails list would help as well, it often seems that folks on the
Rails list forget/don't know that ruby-talk exists.
That's why I don't yet feel comfortable starting a Ruby-focused group
on my own.

Well, hopefully you can find/gather a small core and turn it into a
Ruby Brigade.

Michael Trier

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At RubyConf there was an individual, I believe from San Diego, that said he
had a lot of experience with starting user groups and was willing to assist
anyone that had questions about the process. He might be able to assist yo=
with planning and details. Does anyone remember who that was?

Michael Trier


Paul Duncan

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* Richard Kilmer ([email protected]) said:
January 25...details can be found here:
I will be posting an itinerary soon, but we will be showing the app =20
were are working on at InfoEther (Ruby + Flash).

Barring any unforseen natural disasters or flying luminescent pigs,
I'll be there. =20

Do you need any help covering the cost of pizza, beanies, etc?

Also, I agree with a post later in this thread: Reston is a bit out
there for a NoVA meetup. It seems like a venue in the Fairfax area
would be more Metro-accessible, and closer to the major NoVA roads (495,
66, and 50).

Anyway, see everyone on the 25th!

Paul Duncan <[email protected]> pabs in #ruby-lang (OPN IRC) OpenPGP Key ID: 0x82C29562

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pat eyler

At RubyConf there was an individual, I believe from San Diego, that said = he
had a lot of experience with starting user groups and was willing to assi= st
anyone that had questions about the process. He might be able to assist = you
with planning and details. Does anyone remember who that was?

well, there are 12 of us listed here:

I'm not sure who said it at RubyConf though.

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