Numarray, numeric, NumPy, scpy_core ??!!


Robert Kern

Sébastien Boisgérault said:
Linux, Mandriva 2006 (gcc 4.0.1, etc.)

Okay, my answer then is, "Don't use gcc 4." gcc 4 broke enough other projects
that I don't feel too bad about saying that. In the meantime, can you try the
workaround that Greg Landrum suggested?

Also, we are using Trac now to manage numpy, so please submit tickets here:


Robert Kern
(e-mail address removed)

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
-- Richard Harter


Robert said:
Okay, my answer then is, "Don't use gcc 4." gcc 4 broke enough other projects
that I don't feel too bad about saying that.

You certainly should not feel bad about that. Matlab does not support
more recent than gcc 3.3 -- and specifically Simulink S-Functions do
not work
when compiled with gcc 3.4.x or 4.0.x.
In the meantime, can you try the
workaround that Greg Landrum suggested?

I tried it, it works :)

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