obtaining work hours



I have a request from the boss to make a report that will require me to
display how many hours something has been in a particular state. (As in
status). Hard to explain. Anyway, I need to go to the table in the db, find
all rows for a particular trouble ticket, find when they were put into one
of our 7 statuses, when they were put into another status (this info is
already in those rows), then determine how many hours they spent there in
each status. So a ticket report will say that ticket 1000 spent 4 hours in
customer research, 5 hrs in our company coding. 3 in our company testing, 4
in customer testing, etc.

The thing is, It has to assume an 8-5 workday, and leave out any hours which
don't fall in between 8 am to 5 pm, and also rule out any weekends.

I think that there is probably some sample code out there, because somebody
surely has had to do something similar to this before. If anyone knows of
any, please direct me.


Set HC = New HourCalc
dblHours = HC.GetWorkHours("10/28/03 8:00:00 AM","11/1/03 12:00:00 PM")
Set HC = Nothing
Response.Write dblHours

Class HourCalc
Private mdblTotalHours
Private mintClockStart
Private mintClockEnd
Private mdtmStartDate
Private mdtmEndDate

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
mdblTotalHours = 0
mintClockStart = 8
mintClockEnd = 17
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()

End Sub

Public Function GetWorkHours(dtmStart,dtmEnd)
If IsDate(dtmStart) And IsDate(dtmEnd) Then
If CDate(dtmStart) > CDate(dtmEnd) Then
dtmTemp = dtmStart
dtmStart = dtmEnd
dtmEnd = dtmTemp
End If
mdtmStartDate = DateSerial(Year(dtmStart),Month(dtmStart),Day(dtmStart))
mdtmEndDate = DateSerial(Year(dtmEnd),Month(dtmEnd),Day(dtmEnd))
If mdtmStartDate = mdtmEndDate Then
If IsWorkDay(mdtmStartDate) Then
mdblTotalHours = mdblTotalHours + DateDiff("n",dtmStart,dtmEnd) / 60
End If
If IsWorkDay(mdtmStartDate) Then
mdblTotalHours = mdblTotalHours + GetHours(dtmStart)
End If
If IsWorkDay(mdtmEndDate) Then
mdblTotalHours = mdblTotalHours + GetHours(dtmEnd)
End If
intDayDiff = DateDiff("d",mdtmStartDate,mdtmEndDate)
If intDayDiff > 1 Then
For i = 1 To (intDayDiff - 1)
If IsWorkDay(DateAdd("d",i,mintClockStart)) Then
mdblTotalHours = mdblTotalHours + (mintClockEnd - mintClockStart)
End If
End If
End If
End If
GetWorkHours = mdblTotalHours
mdblTotalHours = 0
End Function

Private Function GetHours(dtmItem)
intHour = Hour(dtmItem)
If intHour < mintClockStart Then
intHour = mintClockStart
End If
GetHours = mintClockEnd - intHour
If GetHours < 0 Then
GetHours = 0
End IF
End Function

Private Function IsWorkDay(dtmDate)
IsWorkDay = False
Select Case DatePart("w",dtmDate)
Case 2,3,4,5,6
IsWorkDay = True
End Select
End Function
End Class


Discerning resolutions for the alms


WOW! Did you already have this? Or are you a whiz who can do this stuff on
the fly?



knocked it out watching the practice last night.
Notice you can adjust the clock start and end in the class.


Discerning resolutions for the alms

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