Corey Murtagh said:
Christian Lynbech wrote:
...which proves that it is slow, no?
Wow! I can't believe you saw through our sleight of hand! The jig is up,
Lispers. Time to stop using Lisp. He figured us out. He's got us cold. Darn!
Just when I was about to get that VC money, too. Couldn't you have waited
another month?
Since it helps to prove that Lisp is slow it's hardly vital information.
Feel free to pull it out if you want though.
Heh! I like how you really put it to the Lisp zealot! Brilliant! And that
"feel free" comment, so offhand and casual but cutting like a knife! You
really know how to form a logical argument. I especially appreciate how you
eschew emotion for a logical development of facts, of which you demonstrate
a firm grasp.
If you'd like we can all get together and write code in our language of
choice to perform a variety of common algos, find some sucker to run all
the samples sequentially on one computer, and see which languages excell
at which tasks. If Lisp comes out faster than the 'main-stream'
languages in any of those tests, we'll reconsider your objection.
Since you put so much stake in performance issues, and since you are
intellectually honest and honorable, I expect you now to start posting to
Perl forums about how much Perl sucks, since Common Lisp kicks Perl's
you-know-what in so many of the performance tests. Yeah. Performance tests,
that's what makes a language great. No 10% slack cut for any reason
whatsoever. Run-time performance, that's the only worthwhile measure. Anyone
who thinks otherwise is simply begging to be insulted. I can see that, now
that you have posted your logical arguments and conclusions. You make it all
so clear to me. Now that I think about it, every application in the world
depends upon a 10% CPU performance edge when compared to C! Bash clearly
is out now and RedHat and Debian will have to replace all their Bash scripts
with C programs in their next release. Thank you! I just hadn't thought
about it that way. All applications are the same! You make me realize there
is simply nothing else to consider in the world other than CPU performance.
Thank you! Bless you! Really! Bless you!
When was the last time you found a niche market screaming out for a Lisp
solution? A solution that could /only/ be implemented in Lisp?
You seem to enjoy flaming those who like programming in Lisp more tthan you
enjoy spending time programming in your favorite language. What is your
favorite language? Do you think it should be my favorite language, too? I am
sure your opinion is correct!
This could be because there aren't many Lisp-related jobs. Wonder why
that is?
The average programmer is much too smart to think that Lisp is a good
language choice. Only dumb and inferior people enjoy Lisp. Lisp is a bad
choice for the average programmer, who cannot afford the silliness and
stupidity of Lisp. Everyone who uses Lisp is too stupid to see what how
incredibly inferior Lisp is as a programming language. What is the average
IQ of a professional Lisp programmer, 70 or 80? It obviously is much lower
than the IQ of an average professional programmer.
Your clear and logical arguments have made it obvious that it's not just a
personality difference. There's no way that Lisp programmers simply enjoy
something you don't enjoy. It is not like they like anchovies and you don't.
If that were the case, since you are intellectually honest and honorable,
you might feel obligated to go flame in for a while.
Oh, I forgot, anchovies take 10% longer to eat than grouper. Of course
anchovies are no good. Can you show me the stats on the fastest-to-eat fish?
That's the fish I want to eat from now on!
Thanks to your argument, I now know that the most popular car in the world
must be the best car in the world! The most popular music in the world must
be the best music in the world! The most popular beer in the world must be
the best beer in the world! There is no room for any other beer! Long live
the most popular beer! Down with all the other beer! You have shown me the
...that don't run very fast :>
Faster than Perl. Do you hate Perl? Are you making anti-Perl posts to the
Perl newsgroups? Back off your emotion and make fully-rational posts, in
which you make logical arguments and concede logical points made by those
with whom you debate, or accept that your emotions rule your existance and
that you have no ability to make fully-rational posts.
Find me an open-source Lisp compiler that produces native executables
that works on Windows, Linux and Mac... maybe Solaris too, just for fun.
Do you think the evolution of computer science is at its zenith and whatever
does not exist today does not exist because of eternal qualities, never to
be altered? The lack of exactly the implementation you desire is a valid
condemnation of a language specification.
You're very rational. You marshall your arguments well. You present all the
relevant facts. You have an organized thought process. I am very impressed
with the materials you have presented.