jacob navia said:Yes.
You have someone defending or supporting you. Cool.
I do not "believe" that. I have implemented it in lcc-win.
This is a small difference, but crucial in my opinion.
Everytime you say "lcc-win", you sound like a marketeer.
The problem with C++ is that they have gone into the complexity
trip so far that this reaches absurd proportions.
It's your "job": make the better mousetrap. (I suggest that C-compatibility
is baggage for the most part).
The problem with C is
There is no ONE problem with C. Start anew. Hard for you because you know C.
You don't need C. You know about what you know. It's not about letting go,
it's about getting their grimy hands off of yours.
What I propose is not going into the extremes. That's why
I am attacked from all sides
You are not attacked from any side nor is that desireable. You live in a
world of aggression and have brainwashed into suppression and conformance.
Do you feel the need to conform to improve? Do you feel the need to war to