One-Click Ruby Installer 184-16 preview2 is available!


Curt Hibbs

=3D=3D=3D One-Click Ruby Installer 184-16 preview2 is available! =3D=3D= =3D

By popular demand, preview2 goes back to including SciTE as its
bundled code editor, and includes the promised upgrade of FXRuby to
1.4.4. Everything else in the preview1 announcement is still correct.

[ .. snip .. snip ... ] why won't OE indent the original message lines wi= th
? I TOLD it to.

Possible problem with rdocs for the installer.

Windows XP Pro
I did a full uninstall of the previous one click installer before install= ing
the preview use ruby184-16p2.exe. After the install, ri, fxri, rdocs in
freeride were not working correctly. Everything I could see was doubled,
and most was giving messages about multiple matches. EG.
ri String#upcase!
More than one method matched your request. You can refine
your search by asking for information on one of:

String#upcase!, String#upcase!

I traced this to the docs being in both the site and system folders
... ruby\share\ri\1.8\site
... ruby\share\ri\1.8\system

I removed the contents of the site directory, and everything seems to be
working again.

Thanks... this is a big help! I'll take a closer look ASAP.


Guillaume Marcais

A said:
Curt said:
Maybe the RUBYOPT environent variable isn't getting set. Try manually
setting RUBYOPY=rubygems
It is set. Apparently, any require fails.

% wine wcmd
WCMD Version 0.17

H:\>ruby -e 'puts "toto"'
C:/ruby-1.8.4-one/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/ubygems.rb:4: No space left on
device - C:/ruby-1.8.4-one/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/ubygems.rb (Errno::ENOSPC)
H:\>set RUBYOPT=
H:\>ruby -e 'puts "toto"'
H:\>ruby -rubygems -e 'puts "toto"'
C:/ruby-1.8.4-one/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/ubygems.rb:4: No space left on
device - C:/ruby-1.8.4-one/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/ubygems.rb (Errno::ENOSPC)
H:\>ruby -v
ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i386-mswin32]

It looks like it's trying to write files in retrieving a gem, but
failing with "No space left on device". Can you successfully write
other files under Wine, say, using Notepad.exe?

Sure can:

% wine wcmd
WCMD Version 0.17

Volume in drive c is
Volume Serial Number is 0000-0000

Directory of c:\

2/1/2006 12:19 AM 0 1
1/20/2006 12:11 AM 0 autoexec.bat
1/20/2006 12:11 AM 0 config.sys
1/22/2006 3:25 PM <DIR> Program Files
1/22/2006 3:25 PM <DIR> Programme
1/20/2006 12:25 AM <DIR> ruby-1.8.2
1/24/2006 1:18 AM <DIR> ruby-1.8.4
1/31/2006 9:24 AM <DIR> ruby-1.8.4-one
1/22/2006 1:52 AM <DIR> temp
1/20/2006 12:11 AM <DIR> tmp
1/25/2006 12:59 PM <DIR> windows
3 files 0 bytes
8 directories 10,045,562,880 bytes free

c:\>echo test > test
c:\>type test


Curt Hibbs

Ok, this version does have the require problem too:

c:\ruby-1.8.4\bin>ruby -ryaml
C:/ruby-1.8.4/lib/ruby/1.8/yaml.rb:436: No space left on device -
C:/ruby-1.8.4/lib/ruby/1.8/yaml.rb (Errno::ENOSPC)

You are off the hook, Curt :)

What is the best way to report this bug?

I see you already did what was going to suggest, but I was also going
to say that I doubted that there was anything that he could do because
its not really his target environment.

I think that you were just lucky that it worked before. Of course
that spoiled you and set your expectations too high... but that's
another story entirely. Sorry :-(


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