One Report viewer and multiple reports



Hello to all,

I have a problem which could be trivial to you guys. This
concerns opening several crystal reports on the a crystal
viewer on an ASPX page by calling

My application.
1.) 2 webforms
- 1 main web form that filters that dataset
- 1 reportviewer web form that displays the filtered dataset.
2.) 5 crystal reports have different report formats.

1. VS.NET 2003
2. Crystal professional 10

a.) I launched my application. From the main page,
I generate a dataset. The user can perform data filters and the
page generates a new dataset/datatable based on the new filter.
b.) the dataset from the main.aspx is saved into a Session object
using a unique name (via GUID object).
c.) The user selects a report format then presses the generate
report button.
d.) The button code behind opens a new browser calling
reportviewer.aspx with a querystring (via javascript call to
This query string contains the name of the session where the dataset
is saved.
e.) The reportviewer.aspx page_init code retrieves the session object
containing the dataset and pushes the data to the crystal report.
The report is displayed flawlessly.

Now this is the problem:
f.) Now i have two browsers opened on my desktop. One is the main page,
the other containing the report.
g.) I now go back to the main.aspx page and perform again a new set of
and choose a new type of report (following steps a to e above)
i.) The main.aspx page open a new browser window containing the new
report format
and data. (now i have three browser window opened, the main page, the
previous report
and the new report)
j.) Now, if I am to go back to the 1st report and press the "NEXT"
icon/button from the
crystal reports toolbar, the report format or layout of that report
CHANGES to the
second report format which I just created. Now, i have two report
browser windows containing the same report.

I am still new to and crystal 10. I've checked the net for
answer or directions as what to have caused this behavior. I've checked
sessions states,
and cookies, but I could find answers.

Your thoughts are highly appreciated.



Wow, that stinks.

First, your architecture is pretty sound.

(while not pertinent to this exactly, you might want to check my 10/24/2005
blog entry at

Ok..back to your issue.

I'm going from memory so bear with me.

The viewer is a generic viewer,,which accepts a MyCrystalReport object,

MainViewer.Report = new MyCrystalReport1();


MyCrystalReport.Report = new MyCrystalReport2();


Crystal may be doing some mojo on the backend you don't know about ... which
is what seems to be happening.

Its almost saying "only 1 report at a time", which stinks.

Can you create a fresh instantation of the VIEWER on the page_load of each
report page?
Aka, I don't know how your drag a viewer onto a webpage...but perhaps you
need to go to a more "code" route.


CRViewer crv1 = new CRViewer();
this.Page.Controls.Add (crv);//something like that, i haven't done that in a


That code won't work of course, but Im suggesting dynmaically adding the
crystal report viewer to the page..instead of the old "drag and drop"

Its just a suggestion.....I have no idea if it'll work.

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