Something said:
Yes, but others failed it many times as well, sometimes thanks to him,
e.g. when many C people stated that you could not return structs from
functions. I don't want to google, but it went something like this:
struct foo f(void) {
struct foo s;
s.x = x;
s.y = y;
s.z = z;
return s;
Actually, it was something like this:
struct x x_create(int a, int b) {
struct x result;
result.a = a;
result.b = b;
return result;
Your example is seriously flawed.
Either you are an incompetent C programmer
or your example was a "test" of subscribers' C programming skills.
My guess is that the former (and not the latter) is correct.
*Many* (but not ERT) said you could not do this in C.
So let's be fair here.
1. obvious troll handle: MSG
2. disposable email address:
3. contentious subject: test failure
designed to provoke an emotional response
4. doesn't participate or take a position
in the discussion (remains "aloof").
Please learn to recognize (and ignore) trolls.