And you think it's equally likely that developers on Win32 platforms
will show up on newsgroups asking about the difference between open()
and fopen()?
No, I think it *more* likely that Win32 developers would do so.
Unix (and Linux) developers, in *my* experience, -tend- more towards
"try to help yourself first and ask about the confusion if necessary".
If so, then you are either lying or insane. If not, then
please lay off the phony nonsense. I merely pointed out that it's
practically certain that Jack is looking for a POSIX function, and
pointed him to the right newsgroup to ask about it. There's something
seriously wrong here when that gets this kind of reaction.
It is my -belief- that the probability that the OP is using Windows
is at least 40%. That is, to my mind, a sufficiently high probability
that your unqualified reference to POSIX deserved a comment.
If you believe that I am lying, if you believe that I don't
*really* believe the OP might well be using Windows, then I
cannot think at the moment of any way to convince you of the
sincerity of my belief. You could examine large numbers of my
postings and assess whether I'm in the habit of making deliberate
mistatements of truth (okay, so the Flaming Lapdogs posting was
deliberate humour).
If you believe that I am insane, then do you have the medical
credentials to make that assessment? Is there some fact that
I am deliberately or subconciously ignoring? Or are you
merely making a -judgement- of the OP's intention based upon your
assessment of relative -probabilities- -- an assessment that I,
having very likely witnessed a different assortment of postings,
might have come to a conclusion on?
Saying that someone is either "lying or insane" is rather strong
wording, and you should not so post unless you have strong evidence
to support your phrasing. People may be mistaken; people may
not be in full possession of the facts; people may have come to
different conclusions than you would have given the same facts;
people may overlook important details for lack of time, or
due to distraction, or because they do not have the experience or
skills to interpret those facts. But to call someone you barely
know, "lying or insane" is disappointing.