James Kuyper
Il 22/04/2013 20:49, James Kuyper ha scritto:
exp can be in the range 1.00 to 3.00 (it derives from an integer value
in the range 100-300 divided by 100).
OK, then you can't use that speed-up. Your options for speeding up the
calculation inside func() are limited to pretty much the advice you've
already been given:
1. You need to handle the case of pt==0 separately.
2. Cut the time nearly in half, by using pwr*pow(pd/(double)adc, exp)
3. Produce a small and unreliable speed up by changing to use
exclusively float rather than double. That means that 'exp' should be
float, too. For best results, make sure that the calculation of 'exp'
outside the function is done in single precision: (float)integer/100.0F
(or equivalently, and faster on some systems: (float)integer*0.01F).
4. Pre-compute logf(adc/(float)pt) for all non-zero values of adc and
pt, and calculate pwr*expf(exp*precomputed_table[adc][pt]). This takes
up a fair amount of memory; it's only worthwhile if the function is
going to be evaluated frequently. Note that you must handle values of
zero for adc and pt separately.
5. More extreme: pre-compute pow(adc/pt, exp) for all values of adc, pt,
and the integer you divide by 100 to calculate exp. This uses a lot more
memory, but can save a lot of time if func() is called sufficiently
If you need more of a speed-up than that, you'll have to consider the
reorganizing your code that calls func(), and not just func() itself.
It's got four arguments: is it frequently called for several different
values of some of the arguments, while the remaining arguments are
constant for many different consecutive calls to func()? Even if that's
not true of the way func() is called now, could you reorder the
calculations so that it becomes true?
If so, you can achieve substantial speed-ups by breaking the evaluation
of the expression into two parts, one part that depends only upon the
values that are frequently the same, and the other part that depends
upon the values that vary frequently. Whether or not this would help
significantly depends upon which arguments vary infrequently, and which
ones vary frequently. If 'exp' is one of the ones that varies
infrequently, it won't help you much at all. If the combination of adc
and pt varies infrequently, it could help a great deal.