Oracle and asp.....still cannot figure this out.



Turkbear said:
Shouldn't it be:
CurDate= Now()
ssqlCheckBox = "INSERT INTO
user_Id) VALUES (" & SurveyID & ",'" & objRS("Question_Id") & "', '" &
answerChoices(answerChoice) & "', to_date('" & CurDate & "','dd/mm/yyyy hh:mi:ss PM'), " & user & ")"

Now, please show the output you get with a

Select to_char(Date_Answer,'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mi:ss PM') from Survey_User_Answer;

in SqlPlus

Sorry Turkbear,

You are correct in the syntax. I was trying to get it to work and when
I sent you the syntax I incorrectly sent you the wrong thing. Anyways,
here is the output with the above select that you mentioned

19/06/2006 01:55:25 PM


Sorry Turkbear,

You are correct in the syntax. I was trying to get it to work and when
I sent you the syntax I incorrectly sent you the wrong thing. Anyways,
here is the output with the above select that you mentioned

19/06/2006 01:55:25 PM

That looks correct, is it not?

The entire dateTime values are being stored and returned..


Turkbear said:
That looks correct, is it not?

The entire dateTime values are being stored and returned..

Hmmm I see. Does Oracle not store the time values or do you only see
this when you do a to_char? I guess that is where I am having the
issues. I am used to Datetime in Sql Server and actually see the whole
datetime as opposed to only seeing a date and then do a to_char on that
date. I apologize then, it is working I was just confused with how
oracle treats and stores the value.


Hmmm I see. Does Oracle not store the time values or do you only see
this when you do a to_char? I guess that is where I am having the
issues. I am used to Datetime in Sql Server and actually see the whole
datetime as opposed to only seeing a date and then do a to_char on that
date. I apologize then, it is working I was just confused with how
oracle treats and stores the value. I stated before, Oracle, unless 'asked to by the to_char function' will not show the time component, even
though it is stored in the database - Do not confuse what the DISPLAY format is with how it is actually stored ( it is
really stored as a compound number that gets translated according to the mask requested for display - the system
default is DD-MON-YY )

This can be very, very confusing to newcomers to Oracle and there is absolutely no need to apologise....

Select sysdate from dual;

Select to_char(sysdate,'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss AM') from dual;
06/19/2006 02:14:37 PM


Turkbear said: I stated before, Oracle, unless 'asked to by the to_char function' will not show the time component, even
though it is stored in the database - Do not confuse what the DISPLAY format is with how it is actually stored ( it is
really stored as a compound number that gets translated according to the mask requested for display - the system
default is DD-MON-YY )

This can be very, very confusing to newcomers to Oracle and there is absolutely no need to apologise....

Select sysdate from dual;

Select to_char(sysdate,'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss AM') from dual;
06/19/2006 02:14:37 PM

This is perfect Turkbear. Really appreciate all your help and
everyone's help on this. This really clarified a lot for me. Have a
great day.

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