Turkbear said:Shouldn't it be:
CurDate= Now()
ssqlCheckBox = "INSERT INTO
user_Id) VALUES (" & SurveyID & ",'" & objRS("Question_Id") & "', '" &
answerChoices(answerChoice) & "', to_date('" & CurDate & "','dd/mm/yyyy hh:mi:ss PM'), " & user & ")"
Now, please show the output you get with a
Select to_char(Date_Answer,'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mi:ss PM') from Survey_User_Answer;
in SqlPlus
Sorry Turkbear,
You are correct in the syntax. I was trying to get it to work and when
I sent you the syntax I incorrectly sent you the wrong thing. Anyways,
here is the output with the above select that you mentioned
19/06/2006 01:55:25 PM