Brian Wood
Rewriting/forgetting US history is not a valid excuse for rudely
I'm not rewriting history. I didn't say that we never had another
national motto. If I recall correctly at one time the national
motto was: Mind your own business.
Many of us recognize the fact that cultures go through phases and in the
1950's this country was under the influence of a religious fervor and
fear of "The Communists". A lot of mistakes were made and a lot of
"god" injected where he didn't belong.
Some mistakes were made, but making "in G-d we trust" our motto wasn't
a mistake. "Mind your own business" was a fine motto also.
You're free to think whatever you want. I'll definitely add you to the
list of companies to run away from should I find our paths crossing.
You may as well be sacrificing chickens at your management meetings or
following the newspaper horrorscope. I'll stick to professionals, thanks.
E pluribus unum
There's nothing wrong with that saying.
Brian Wood
Ebenezer Enterprises