Nils Petter Vaskinn
The naive never do. Perhaps unfortunately, your views and
"principles" will change as you live longer in the real world.
Yes they will. But not on this issue, I don't think anything will make
it _right_ to put civilians in harms way. Maybe hate, predjudice or self
interest will one day make me delude myself into thinking that it is
right, but I hope that won't happen.
Naivete (spelling?) has nothing to do with knowing the difference between
right and wrong. Beeing naive is believing that one will always choose
right. I know what principles I think are important, I know killing
civilians is wrong, but I also know that if I'm ever drafted into a war
and risking civilians would increase my personal safety then those
principles would go out the window.
Trust me.
If you can't tell naivete from cynicism, I think not.