OT personal choice of browser?



I seem to be encountering more and more difficulty with sites I visit
(for personal business) using Firefox. Some render incorrectly, some
just malfunction.

Post up some examples if you can. I've seen a few large commercial sites
(like for banks or utilities) that had issues in FF but they also had
problems in IE. Too clever by half, I think...
I'm used to some sites having a serious IE bias, but just for grins I
tried them with several other browsers (Opera, Safari, etc.) and was
surprised to see that only FF was misbehaving. So I thought I'd poll to
see who uses which browser.

Most web developers on the windows side use FF, on the Mac side it is
Safari. For me the web dev tools are what I want, and what I'm used to.
IE tools drive me crazy.

I'm mid level in what I use and do and just don't see much difference
between any of the current issue browsers in rendering.

FF seems to be more of a resource hog, not sure about FF6.0 yet. On a
skimpy system IE may work best with a lower footprint than even Opera.
With that said I saw a computer a few days ago that had 256 megs and XP
Pro and ran Chrome, IE and FF. Slowly, but running.


Jonathan N. Little

j said:
Post up some examples if you can. I've seen a few large commercial sites
(like for banks or utilities) that had issues in FF but they also had
problems in IE. Too clever by half, I think...

I keep challenging those statements to be backed up with some evidence
but the URLs never seem to materialize. I suspect that problem sites are
as you say "Too clever by half" are so poorly coded that authors coded
to old IE quirks and if you used a never version of IE you would have
the same problems as Firefox.
Most web developers on the windows side use FF, on the Mac side it is
Safari. For me the web dev tools are what I want, and what I'm used to.
IE tools drive me crazy.

I'm mid level in what I use and do and just don't see much difference
between any of the current issue browsers in rendering.

FF seems to be more of a resource hog, not sure about FF6.0 yet. On a
skimpy system IE may work best with a lower footprint than even Opera.
With that said I saw a computer a few days ago that had 256 megs and XP
Pro and ran Chrome, IE and FF. Slowly, but running.

Not that I have noticed. Firefox 3.x had a bad memory leak, but I have
not noticed it with the new versions. Now it may differ with which & how
many extensions that you have installed.

Now IE's memory footprint may be a bit misleading since it is an OS
component and libraries that it is using may not be tallied in the
memory total in Task Manager.

Helpful person

One major site (now fixed) was BBC.com as seen from the US. However,
after about 4 days it was fixed. It was displaying correctly with IE
but not with Firefiox. The problem was with the part of the page
which allows one to choose between "entertainment & arts", "Health",
"Technology" or "Science & Environment".

Very occasionally I find this type of problem.


Jonathan N. Little

Helpful said:
One major site (now fixed) was BBC.com as seen from the US.

I guess it is not mystery what browser their developers use.
after about 4 days it was fixed.

Because most likely the feedback. Gone are the days where you can lazily
post on the page

"This site requires Microsoft Internet Explorer #"

for your "fix".
It was displaying correctly with IE
but not with Firefiox. The problem was with the part of the page
which allows one to choose between "entertainment& arts", "Health",
"Technology" or "Science& Environment".

Very occasionally I find this type of problem.

Again, a URL? One still hasn't materialized.

Or is this your example? ;-)

Helpful person

I guess it is not mystery what browser their developers use.

Because most likely the feedback. Gone are the days where you can lazily
post on the page

"This site requires Microsoft Internet Explorer #"

for your "fix".

Again, a URL? One still hasn't materialized.

Or is this your example? ;-)

Here's another, URL currently showing symptom.

try google.com

With Firefox does not show cursor in search box when box is empty

IE does.


Here's another, URL currently showing symptom.

try google.com

With Firefox does not show cursor in search box when box is empty

only if you have chosen to turn off JavaScript .. but I'll bet the same
applies in IE


Jonathan N. Little said:

In IE, I am seeing no cursor until I place the mouse arrow in the
central search box and click it. This is different to some other
browsers like Firefox and Safari and Google where it is right
there and blinking, beckoning, begging you to search for
something. In IE, which cannot stand such desperate pleas for
text, the user needs to click in the box first.

I don't think anyone here realises that different browsers have
personalities, moral characteristics. They get together and talk
just like us you know. You heard the expression, "browser wars"?
Well, the fight was really just among humans, the real truth
behind it all is that the browsers themselves got along fine,
they loved their differences, they loved their sameness, they
loved each other. They are all, underneath, loveable creatures.
So IE has been a bit crazy? So what? The other browsers have
taken this giant in and smoothed and controlled some of its manic

PS. I cannot actually get google.com, it always goes to google
..com.au/ I tried blowing the keyboard and mouse up the moment I
forward slashed the com but no matter, when the smoke cleared,
the .au had been attached. Dogged thing our oz appendix!

Helpful person

In IE, I am seeing no cursor until I place the mouse arrow in the
central search box and click it. This is different to some other
browsers like Firefox and Safari and Google where it is right
there and blinking, beckoning, begging you to search for
something. In IE, which cannot stand such desperate pleas for
text, the user needs to click in the box first.

I don't think anyone here realises that different browsers have
personalities, moral characteristics. They get together and talk
just like us you know. You heard the expression, "browser wars"?
Well, the fight was really just among humans, the real truth
behind it all is that the browsers themselves got along fine,
they loved their differences, they loved their sameness, they
loved each other. They are all, underneath, loveable creatures.
So IE has been a bit crazy? So what? The other browsers have
taken this giant in and smoothed and controlled some of its manic

PS. I cannot actually get google.com, it always goes to google
.com.au/ I tried blowing the keyboard and mouse up the moment I
forward slashed the com but no matter, when the smoke cleared,
the .au had been attached. Dogged thing our oz appendix!

Annoying isn't it? When outside the US it's very difficult to perform
a "US" default search. When in Portugal I eventually discovered how
to do it on a hotel computer using IE4!

As far as the behavior I'm seeing, when I click in the "google" search
box in IE I get a blinking cursor and in Firefox I don't. However,
it's not that important, just a little annoying.

It's also annoying that the spell checker in my Firefox wants to
capitalize the word "google". Especially as I live in Mountain View.

Sometimes it's even fun to be annoyed.


<[email protected]
Helpful person said:
As far as the behavior I'm seeing, when I click in the "google" search
box in IE I get a blinking cursor and in Firefox I don't. However,
it's not that important, just a little annoying.

In Safari, the cursor is there and blinking as soon as one loads
the site. In FF, the same. And the same in some other popular
browsers. In IE 8, there is no cursor on load at all. When
clicking in the main search box, the cursor blinks. That is how
it is here on my machines.


Stanimir Stamenkov said:
Tue, 30 Aug 2011 08:53:12 +1000, /dorayme/:



No such "bottom-right of the main search page ... link like "Go
to Google.com" <http://www.google.com/ncr>" at google.com.au" on
Mac Safari or FF appears. But the link you give in your post on
that forum does indeed get me to google.com/

I did not look at anything to do with cookies, I prefer eating
them. Talking sweets, I made a big discovery a week ago, please
do not go around telling the whole world, it is kind of private
but I am happy to share with you lot. Ready?

Vanilla ice-cream with crispy cornflakes, mix up a bit and a
touch of maple syrup. My my, I wonder if it is like this in

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