[OT?] Pronunciation of "strcpy"

  • Thread starter Joona I Palaste
  • Start date


Serve La said:
I would be more interested in strpbrk and strrchr

Stir-pea-break or strip-break and stir-are-care.

-Larry Jones

I've never seen a sled catch fire before. -- Hobbes


strrchr mean String-Right-Character but what does strpbrk mean?
i know what it does do but what does the name stand for?

My guess: `string pointer break',

<lame humour>

which is not to be confused with sprbrk (spring break).
Also, some commentators claim that strpbrk means
"[str]ing [p]ower inary [r]ead ac[k]nowledgment,"
but this is highly unlikely. :)

</lame humour>

so much for expressive function names...

Jack Klein

I pronounce strcpy like this: strcpy

That is, "str" as in "string without the ing", and "cpy" as a hard c sound
followed by the "py" sound that you get in "copy". No "o" sound.

In other words, I pronounce it just as it is spelt. I concede that
introducing a short 'o' would do little or no damage to comprehension.

Note that 'o' should actually be an unsigned short to avoid
implementation-defined behavior.

Jack Klein
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Ben Pfaff

Richard Heathfield said:
I pronounce strcpy like this: strcpy

That is, "str" as in "string without the ing", and "cpy" as a hard c sound
followed by the "py" sound that you get in "copy". No "o" sound.

You want to include a link to an audio file for that? I
personally often find it difficult to pronounce five consecutive

Joona I Palaste

You want to include a link to an audio file for that? I
personally often find it difficult to pronounce five consecutive

It's difficult, but possible. I just said it out aloud. I would make an
audio file of it but I don't have a microphone in my computer.

/-- Joona Palaste ([email protected]) ---------------------------\
| Kingpriest of "The Flying Lemon Tree" G++ FR FW+ M- #108 D+ ADA N+++|
| http://www.helsinki.fi/~palaste W++ B OP+ |
\----------------------------------------- Finland rules! ------------/
"It was, er, quite bookish."
- Horace Boothroyd

Richard Heathfield

Ben said:
You want to include a link to an audio file for that? I
personally often find it difficult to pronounce five consecutive

Well, "eighthly" has five consecutive consonants and isn't any bother to
pronounce. :)

Of course, the "str" of strcpy has a slight and unavoidable sound - um, I
think it's called "schwa" - at its end, as does "c".

Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, you can hear me say "strcpy". So
can other people, but I can't address everyone by name.

http://www.rjgh.co.uk/me/strcpy.tar.gz (37618 bytes) contains a .wav file of
around 128KB. Insane, since it's only (slightly under) 6 seconds of audio.

Irrwahn Grausewitz

Richard Heathfield said:
Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, you can hear me say "strcpy". So
can other people, but I can't address everyone by name.

http://www.rjgh.co.uk/me/strcpy.tar.gz (37618 bytes) contains a .wav file of
around 128KB. Insane, since it's only (slightly under) 6 seconds of audio.

Anyone ever heard about todays audio compression technology,
beyond gzip that is?


Allin Cottrell

Richard said:
Well, "eighthly" has five consecutive consonants and isn't any bother to
pronounce. :)

W.V.O. Quine pointed out that English contains some true monsters
of this sort. Could "xthstr" possibly occur? Yes, "sixth string".

Richard Heathfield

Irrwahn said:
Anyone ever heard about todays audio compression technology,
beyond gzip that is?

MP3, you mean? Well, up until today I have /never/ encountered a need to
compress audio at home, so I am a little short on audio compression tools,
and had no particular desire to write my own for the sake of one sample.

Richard Bos

Ben Pfaff said:
You want to include a link to an audio file for that? I
personally often find it difficult to pronounce five consecutive

In certain contexts, 'r' is a vowel <g>.

Richard, can, if forced, pronounce strcpy without schwas.

Irrwahn Grausewitz

Richard Heathfield said:
[...] so I am a little short on audio compression tools,
and had no particular desire to write my own for the sake of one sample.

I feel with you. I once had to find out the hard way that implementing
sophisticated audio compression software is not /that/ easy at all.


Emmanuel Delahaye said:
I French, we generally spell 'str' and prononce 'cpy' as 'copy', hence we say
"Ess Tai Er Copy".

Sometimes, we spell the whole:
"Ess Tai Er Sai Pai E-grek"

Well, that the French for you. ;-)
Umm, I mean, very logical, of course.

I use stir-copy. But then I say "etc" is et-see.


Serve La said:
I would be more interested in strpbrk and strrchr

stir - p - break and string reverse char (some things don't abbreviate

Now: how do you pronounce char?

I used to like "char"coal, but I also use "char"acter (also car like the

BTW, I do have a great respect for foreign language peoples who try to
program in American - made languages, and wonder why there aren't more
foreign language languages. I knew a woman from China who described learning
BASIC in China. The words GOTO, NEXT, PRINT, etc. were just meaningless
strings. At least we English speaking people understand what print means as
a word, not just a glyph.


ArWeGod said:
Well, that the French for you. ;-)
Umm, I mean, very logical, of course.

I use stir-copy. But then I say "etc" is et-see.

I rhyme "atoi" with "patois"

Tak-Shing Chan

MP3, you mean? Well, up until today I have /never/ encountered a need to
compress audio at home, so I am a little short on audio compression tools,
and had no particular desire to write my own for the sake of one sample.

Downsampling seems to be the best compression technology:

* Also Sprach Richard Heathfield
* Sends strcpy.wav.gz to stdout.
* Downsampling by sox-12.17.3 using polyphase interpolation.
* Base64 encoding by PINE 4.33.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

char *s =
int i;
char *Base64 =
unsigned char d[4];

for (; *s; s += 4) {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
d = strchr(Base64, s) - Base64;
if (d[0] < 64 && d[1] < 64) {
putchar((d[0] & 63) << 2 | d[1] >> 4);
if (d[2] < 64) {
putchar((d[1] & 15) << 4 | d[2] >> 2);
if (d[3] < 64)
putchar((d[2] & 3) << 6 | d[3]);
return 0;


P.S. This is a ``legitimate'' C program and therefore on-topic.
See, no binary attachments here! :)

Dan Pop

In said:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

char *s =
int i;
char *Base64 =
unsigned char d[4];

for (; *s; s += 4) {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
d = strchr(Base64, s) - Base64;
if (d[0] < 64 && d[1] < 64) {
putchar((d[0] & 63) << 2 | d[1] >> 4);
if (d[2] < 64) {
putchar((d[1] & 15) << 4 | d[2] >> 2);
if (d[3] < 64)
putchar((d[2] & 3) << 6 | d[3]);
return 0;


P.S. This is a ``legitimate'' C program and therefore on-topic.

1. It exceeds the C89 limit of 509 characters in a string literal
(after concatenation).

2. It outputs characters that do not belong to the basic execution
character set to a text stream: undefined behaviour.


Tak-Shing Chan

On 10 Sep 2003, Dan Pop wrote:

1. It exceeds the C89 limit of 509 characters in a string literal
(after concatenation).

But it does not exceed the C99 limit of 4095.
2. It outputs characters that do not belong to the basic execution
character set to a text stream:

Not necessarily. The basic execution character set is
undefined behaviour.

Chapter and verse, please?



Tak-Shing Chan said:
On 10 Sep 2003, Dan Pop wrote:
1. It exceeds the C89 limit of 509 characters in a string literal
(after concatenation).

But it does not exceed the C99 limit of 4095.

And, C99 is what defines C at this time, right?

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