Pascal is better than C



Dan said:
.... snip ...

This is not a portable BASIC program.

IMO there is no such thing. While I believe there exists an ISO
standard for BASIC, I know of no compilers or interpreters that
adhere to it. This is in sharp contrast to C and Ada, where most
compilers adhere closely to the standards.

Richard Heathfield

maths_fan said:
No, you didn't hook me at all (don't be so happy).

I'm not overly happy about it; just bemused.
Maybe you'll just
tell me what you like in Pascal?!

What makes you think I like Pascal? Have you ever heard of irony?
Compared to BASIC, it's really heaven, of course.

No, it isn't. It's more like nirvana. (Explanation: I have learned Pascal
ten times all told - and forgotten it... let me see now... yes, I have
forgotten it exactly ten times. Pascal is just nothingness to me, I'm
afraid. Mental block.)

Dan Pop

In said:
IMO there is no such thing.

10 PRINT "Hello world"
20 END

The K'n'K specification was a fairly good guide for writing portable
BASIC programs, as practically all the BASIC implementors took it as
the starting point for defining their own dialects. Except for some
mini-BASICs that replaced floating point arithmetic by integer arithmetic,
to be able to fit inside 4K of ROM.

An interesting case is Sinclair BASIC (for the early Sinclair machines,
including the original Spectrum). It wouldn't accept something like
"I = 10", but there was no way to type such an instruction using the
integrated BASIC editor: you could only type "LET I = 10", because the
first key pressed when typing an instruction (ignoring the line number)
was interpreted as a BASIC keyword (the editor was in "keyword mode" at
that point and the K cursor was displayed on the screen).



Faith Dorell said:
I really don´t like C.You can write better programs in BASIC than in
C, if you don´t like this language.

I don´t understand how C became so popular, although much better
programming languages existed in the 70s or 80s or 90s.

Pascal is much better.

Oh yes, and my Mazda is better than your burger.

Fao, Sean

Faith Dorell said:
I really don´t like C.You can write better programs in BASIC than in
C, if you don´t like this language.

I don´t understand how C became so popular, although much better
programming languages existed in the 70s or 80s or 90s.

Pascal is much better.

Damn all of you, why didn't any of you tell me this sooner?


I really don´t like C.You can write better programs in BASIC than in
C, if you don´t like this language.

I don´t understand how C became so popular, although much better
programming languages existed in the 70s or 80s or 90s.

Pascal is much better.

I preferred your post in sci.physics.relativity

"atoms are living beings
They are living and if you treat them well , they´ll do what you want."

That had some quirky humour to it!

In fact your recent tour of the sci.* groups is, erm..., odd.

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