Well for one thing you condradicted yourself elsewhere.
I see no contradiction in my posts.
You said that
looking up names that start with Z would take longer than names that start
with A (or words to that effect).
This is true. Linear.
However, that would only be true if the
data was sorted, which would imply that apache does something smarter with
the data in .htpasswd than simply doing a "linear style look up".
Read the documentation. Better yet, add 100,000 users to a plaintext
..htpasswd file. Have fun with it
I wouldn't see any reason to assume that apache does
linear lookups in the first place.
Why ASSUME? Apache does linear lookups on .htpasswd. If you wanted it
NOT to there is a seperate mod that enables you to use a Berkely DB.
it is just as possible that the files
are (for example) cached in memory in some kind of structure that provides
extremely fast lookup.
Possible? You are just guessing... And that's not how .htpasswd