Thanks, Wÿrm for your help. You very well answered to my opponents who
advise against JS on the grounds that it is not supported by SEs. So
actually I am in for a PLEASENT surprise, am I not?
afaik. ONLY new GoogleBot can read JS, and only some of it. I guess they
been tweaking it because so many try use JS to do OutBoundLinking to avoid
google PR flow.
You DO realize that if your whole site navigation menus rely purely on JS to
work (you change page with JS that is), google PR is not "flowing" freely
even inside your site (yet)?
More you get your pages indexed in google, more likely you are getting IBL
(more IBL = more PR) from other sites to those pages, assuming pages are
So, more pages indexed, more better you can boost any page in your site by
using certain internal linking structure because this way you can steer some
incoming google PR to pages you think you need it more.