Kåre Olai Lindbach
It's to do with the way perl is running on IIS - that is for some
reason it is running but the output is not reaching the browser.
It's also about finding out more about how Perl runs on windows.
Perl doesnt naturaly have an error log on windows from what I can see
and so far I have been relying on the errors given to me in the
headers returned -that is the usualy syntax and other errors that are
returned by using strict.
Now I'm exploring all the other suggestions but so far I've had not
(I think you are wining alot, and putting yourself more and more into
a corner. It is often better to listen to the advices, think, and
rephrase questions and summerize that you have tried in a systematic
and quiet/calm way. If you start answering all inputs, and starts
making new unnecessary ones, as you have done, you will end up just
discussing nonsense. I was just at the edge of plonking you
I have some years experience (> 6) with MSwin32 and MS-IIS in
different environments, especially using CGI. I always use CGI::CARP
qw(fatalsToBrowser warningsToBrowser) during testing, besides those
obvious let-perl-help-you things. I also test syntaxt through my Emacs
shell as "perl -c <perl-script>", and often also run them, and watch
the raw output..
What I have experienced when running large output to browser from
MS-IIS, compared to small output, is that if it contains undefined
fields, it woun't show anything, not even an error, just time out.
Maybe that's your problem?
Also you might get timed-out if the output takes considerable longer
time to output. Then you need to send something to keep-alive, or use
other methods. Are you sure your big-scripts algorithm isn't so that
it takes considerably longer time to run, than a small one?
As I have understood, you are able to run small scripts correctly?!