Perl work?


John Bokma

Peter said:
Your ignorance and racism are unbounded, just a few facts to set you

1) A tent is not a cave. 'Live in tents' and 'your cozy cave'
2) Rice is not grown where camels live

AFAIK camels are used in India :-D. And you can eat rice where camels
live :-D
3) Not all Internet access is high speed

And even if it's high speed, it can be amazing expensive, especially
compared to local prices, and often not working. I pay 6 times the
amount I would have paid in the Netherlands compared to Dutch
speed/price. So compared to where I live now, Mexico, that is extremely
expensive. I can dine every night in a restaurant, for 14 days, for what
I pay for "one" [1] month 512 kbps.

[1] including days/hours it doesn't work.

Thomas Kratz

John said:
AFAIK camels are used in India :-D. And you can eat rice where camels
live :-D

You can eat rice where camels live, but you most probably can't grow it
there. Camels (independent from humpcount) live in hot and dry climates.
So the (twohumped) camel that originates from the Gobi desert (and lives
domesticated in other dry parts of Asia) comes from China, where they eat
rice; but the rice is grown in other parts of China where you have enough
rain to do so.


Jim Cochrane

You can eat rice where camels live, but you most probably can't grow it
there. Camels (independent from humpcount) live in hot and dry climates.
So the (twohumped) camel that originates from the Gobi desert (and lives
domesticated in other dry parts of Asia) comes from China, where they eat
rice; but the rice is grown in other parts of China where you have enough
rain to do so.


And I suppose the reason that this thread is still relevant to Perl is that
one of the most-recommended Perl books has a picture of a camel on it, eh?

Thomas Kratz

Jim said:
And I suppose the reason that this thread is still relevant to Perl is that
one of the most-recommended Perl books has a picture of a camel on it, eh?

No a dromedary ;-)
You're right. This thread went off topic after the second post.


Jim Cochrane

No a dromedary ;-)
You're right. This thread went off topic after the second post.

Yes - it was somewhat interesting at first, but now it's just become



Peter Hickman said:
Yes. I also know what bigotry is.

Making a racist slur and then trying to pass it off as some form of humor will not get you off the hook. Maybe you are a sensible person who just happens to spout bullshit but I am
not giving you the benefit of the doubt. There are too many assholes out there for me to bother getting to know the 'real you'.

Racial Slur? I think not.


Charlton Wilbur said:
moron> Oh yea indeed but you are leaving out one thing.... THIS is
moron> 2004 NOT 1904. NO there isn't people making $2,000 a year
moron> today who can afford a morgage, living expenses, computer
moron> and the education to get the programming knowledge taking
moron> away your job hah...
But there are places in the world -- indeed, the vast majority of the
people in the world live in such places -- where $5000 a year is quite
a respectable income.

Wasn't this about $2,000 a year though? You more than doubled the
argueable amount.
And the existence of the global Internet means
that such people, who are thrilled to work for $8 an hour, can sell
their services to American corporations, who are likewise thrilled to
pay someone in China or Africa or India $8 an hour to do something
they'd have to pay someone local $40 an hour to do.

And I will agree with you. However, I believe they were talking about
$2/hour not $8 an hour as a low ball figure.

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