Please explain "and next"


Dave Saville

Came across this today

print "1 OK\n" and next unless (length $line[0]);

Never seen that construct before. Is it just some perlish shorthand
to get stuff on one line?


Peter J. Holzer

Came across this today

print "1 OK\n" and next unless (length $line[0]);

Never seen that construct before. Is it just some perlish shorthand
to get stuff on one line?

See perldoc perlop "Logical And" and perldoc -f next.
You should be able to figure it out.


Rainer Weikusat

Dave Saville said:
Came across this today

print "1 OK\n" and next unless (length $line[0]);

Never seen that construct before. Is it just some perlish shorthand
to get stuff on one line?

In this case, it's just a verbose and somewhat byzantine way to express

print("1 OK\n), next unless length($line[0]);

Generally, the so-called 'logical operators', (||, &&, //, and, or)
don't evaluate their right-hand arguments if the value of the combined
expression is already known after evaluating the left-hand
argument. This implies they can be used for flow-control in the sense
that code making up the right-hand argument will only be executed when
executeing the code of the left-hand argument wasn't sufficient to
determine the result of the expression. The line you quoted is a bad
example because the 'next' isn't really executed conditionally because
the print-statement always returns true. A better example could be
something like

$age >= 18 or die("Won't sell this to you.");

Bjoern Hoehrmann

* Rainer Weikusat wrote in comp.lang.perl.misc:
Dave Saville said:
Came across this today

print "1 OK\n" and next unless (length $line[0]);

Never seen that construct before. Is it just some perlish shorthand
to get stuff on one line?

In this case, it's just a verbose and somewhat byzantine way to express

print("1 OK\n), next unless length($line[0]);
The line you quoted is a bad example because the 'next' isn't really
executed conditionally because the print-statement always returns true.
A better example could be something like

$age >= 18 or die("Won't sell this to you.");

Actually, `print` returns a true value only if successful and it might
have failed for any number of reasons, like a closed socket, a full hard
disk, and other IO problems like that.

Rainer Weikusat

Bjoern Hoehrmann said:
* Rainer Weikusat wrote in comp.lang.perl.misc:
Dave Saville said:
Came across this today

print "1 OK\n" and next unless (length $line[0]);

Never seen that construct before. Is it just some perlish shorthand
to get stuff on one line?

In this case, it's just a verbose and somewhat byzantine way to express

print("1 OK\n), next unless length($line[0]);
The line you quoted is a bad example because the 'next' isn't really
executed conditionally because the print-statement always returns true.
A better example could be something like

$age >= 18 or die("Won't sell this to you.");

Actually, `print` returns a true value only if successful and it might
have failed for any number of reasons, like a closed socket, a full hard
disk, and other IO problems like that.

But that's exceedingly unlikely because print just copies the output
data into an internal buffer and I doubt that the intention behind the
original code was to continue execution when print failed.

George Mpouras

Στις 19/1/2014 17:02, ο/η Dave Saville έγÏαψε:
print "1 OK\n" and next unless (length $line[0]);

use strict;
use warnings;

while (<DATA>) {
my @line = split /,/;
print "1 OK\n" and next unless (length $line[0]);
print "id $line[1]\n";


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