Poll: Significant Indentation


Walton Hoops

-----Original Message-----
From: Seebs [mailto:[email protected]]

I still can't comprehend wanting that feature -- it's always struck me
as introducing a lot more prospective undiganosible errors than it
could ever remove.

(Disclaimer: I get a lot of mail that's been corrupted by a messaging
server which strips or squashes leading whitespace.)

This has always been my objection to significant whitespace, is it's too
darned easy for it to get confused and either cause syntax errors, or
worse, change the meaning of your code. It becomes even more fun when
you enter into the spaces vs. tabs debacle. Don't get my wrong, I
think proper indentation is important, but in the same way that I
think proper documentation is important. I don't want my language
throwing a syntax error or doing something unexpected because I
didn't place a comment in the right spot.

Josh Cheek

[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

I just think we should try to avoid adding new exceptional situations to the
language. The simpler the language, the more elegant and easy to use, all
these "it works this way... except sometimes, but sometimes that's not the
case either" just bog everyone down.

I do hate the pyramid code I see fairly often:

class This
class That
def something
call_method do |obj|
obj.blah_blah do
if condition
puts 'Mt. Everest!'

I find it extremely difficult to figure out where I am, so I somehow manage
to avoid typing code like this. If whitespace is the solution, then I'm not
opposed to it, but having to remember "this little section has that little
identifier which means that whitespace is turned on this time, but the line
ended in a comma or slash or plus sign, so this line is actually a
continuation of the last line so whitespace doesn't matter on this line." is
just a weight on my ability to concentrate.

I need simple intuitive consistent rules that I don't have to look up
constantly, or make frequent exceptions to.

David Masover

For it to not be ambiguous, you have to know in advance which one you're
looking for.

I agree. I don't think it has to be a special token at the start of a block,
but definitely, some context which unambiguously marks this as an indented
block, and which doesn't make existing blocks autoindented.

If I were writing a new language, I'd much prefer something like endless.rb,
where 'end' is simply optional, but as you point out, that would screw up
existing code. So, very worst case, you'd specify it per-file or per-block.
Oh, sure. But the language is at least theoretically subject to
indentation fixers now. It wouldn't be with this change.

Sure it would, they'd just be more complicated to write, and wouldn't apply
universally. Also, indentation fixers are far from the only automated tools
which could be applied -- I suspect there are some that already don't work
because of syntax that's already flexible.
I suppose if we're talking about a special thing which introduces blocks,
part of my objection goes away -- it's no longer impossible.

I still can't comprehend wanting that feature -- it's always struck me
as introducing a lot more prospective undiganosible errors than it
could ever remove.

I'd argue that "undiagnosable" is a strong word, especially when we're talking
about a language with a strong community ethic of testing and beautiful code.
Again, I'd suggest that it's that code in particular, and not the syntax,
which would make it unreadable.

But my goal here isn't to get you to agree. I think at least you're no longer
opposed to the feature existing, though you'd be opposed to the use of it.
(Disclaimer: I get a lot of mail that's been corrupted by a messaging
server which strips or squashes leading whitespace.)

And I see the same thing happening in IM clients.

But IM clients also tend to notice smileys and such, which can corrupt the
code to unreadability long before indentation would, and don't always even
make it possible to copy and paste it in its original format.

There's no limit to the extent that bad tools can screw up code. The solution
is to not use tools like that -- worst case, that's what pastie is for.

David Masover

I just think we should try to avoid adding new exceptional situations to
the language. The simpler the language, the more elegant and easy to use,
all these "it works this way... except sometimes, but sometimes that's not
the case either" just bog everyone down.

If you really think that, I think you'll find Lisp much easier and more
intuitive. We already have tons of exceptional situations, and most of them, I
think, make the language _more_ readable. The obvious example:

has_many :comments, :through => :posts

So, you can omit the parens and the curly brackets sometimes, but not all the
time. For example:

p {:a => :b}

Whoops. I meant a Hash literal, but Ruby assumed it was a block instead. Looks
like I have to do this:

p({:a => :b})

It's not too much to hold in your head, and it's fairly easy to figure out,
but it's not pure, and it's not consistent.
I do hate the pyramid code I see fairly often:

class This
class That
def something
call_method do |obj|
obj.blah_blah do
if condition
puts 'Mt. Everest!'

I find it extremely difficult to figure out where I am, so I somehow manage
to avoid typing code like this.

I agree, which is why I dropped it for awhile. But I like Haml, and I find
that this is inevitably what happens with any even moderately complex HTML
document -- so it would happen if I started using Erector.

But even without that, while your example looks ludicrous, how would you
refactor it? I only see two obvious changes:

class This::That
def something
call_method do |obj|
obj.blah_blah do
some_other_method obj
def some_other_method obj
if condition
puts 'Mt. Everest!'

But that didn't really get rid of the problem, nor did it remove a single end
statement. I'd argue that actually makes it _less_ readable -- in this
contrived example, it's not as though some_other_method is being reused
elsewhere, so all this serves to do is spread the logic out more. It may be
easier to follow in that it's not as deeply nested (theoretically), but it's
more complex.

In fact, interestingly, the ratio of 'end' noise to actual code is still
exactly the same -- 6 ends to 7 real lines of code, almost 50%.

There is one way to really seriously refactor it:

class SomeObject
def foo
self.blah_blah do
if condition
puts 'Mt. Everest'

class This::That
def something
call_method do |obj|

You could imagine similarly pushing the "call_method" logic somewhere else,
until eventually, your nested loops are hidden deep in library code, or even
removed -- blocks replaced with even more methods.

But this comes at a cost of flexibility. Presumably there was a reason
blah_blah is exposed, and takes a block. Blocks are, after all, one of the
coolest things about Ruby. You can say that nesting that deeply is a Bad
Thing, but there are many cases where it really is appropriate.

I suppose it all comes back to that basic idea of not wanting the language to
tell me what to do. I'd like to be able to nest things that deeply, when I
have to, and have them look good.

Roger Pack

If Ruby had optional significant whitespace as a core language feature
like http://gist.github.com/117694), would you use it:
- Never?
- Sometimes?
- All the time?
- Don't care?
- Only with different syntax (lazibi, colon, something else?)

In general I'm in favor of optional significant whitespace, because it
fits more code onto the current viewable page.

In general I think that whitespace delimited code is easier to read, but
harder to write.

Does anybody have any experience as to whether that makes code easier to
maintain, or not?


Michal Suchanek

I'm not sure adding significant indentation is a good idea. The Ruby
syntax is already so complex that most editors can't get all of it -
some constructs simply don't indent right so I have to split them
differently or indent them manually.

Imagine adding significant indentation to that.

I would probably use the feature it it just implicitly sprung to
action the moment I forget some ends. However, it would probably make
working with Ruby code harder.
In general I'm in favor of optional significant whitespace, because it
fits more code onto the current viewable page.

In general I think that whitespace delimited code is easier to read, but
harder to write.

Does anybody have any experience as to whether that makes code easier to
maintain, or not?

I think that there are already fine languages with significant
indentation, and fine languages with syntax that does not heavily rely
on whitespace, including Ruby.

I would like to point out one trend that I noticed: the languages
which do rely on significant indentation seem to have overall simpler
syntax so that even in case of clobbered code it's somewhat easier to
deduce what goes where though it's unambiguous only if you have some
idea what the code does.

Ruby has already gone the way of more complex syntax which is more
concise at times but requires more explicit delimiters at others.
Undoing that is a challenge which requires more than just adding
significant indentation.

There has to be a balance between the two features to keep the code
readable and maintainable.



Josh Cheek

[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]
If you really think that, I think you'll find Lisp much easier and more

I've actually just bought the Prag Prog book for Clojure :)

has_many :comments, :through => :posts

Yes, this is more readable, and not especially complex. I am not opposed to
all exceptional situations, but we do have quite a few as is, and I'd prefer
not to superfluously add more, just because we can.

David Masover

I've actually just bought the Prag Prog book for Clojure :)

And I finished the Gigamonkeys book on Common Lisp:


Actually, syntax wasn't my problem with Lisp -- macros make it even better,
and if I really had a problem, it'd be trivial to write an indentation-
sensitive language that compiled to s-expressions.

While Ruby just looks better, my biggest problem with Lisp was that Common
Lisp, at least, has accumulated decades of cruft. It wasn't the syntax, it was
naming conventions for the functions -- things I find in Ruby, like
String#chop vs String#chop!, don't always seem to exist. Plus, too many things
seem to be named at an uneasy balance between wanting names to be short enough
to type (I'm guessing from the days of teletypes and such), and wanting them
to not be "hieroglyphs" (generally preferring something like "add" to +,
though that's a bad idea since + exists.)

Maybe I should look at Clojure, though...
Yes, this is more readable, and not especially complex. I am not opposed to
all exceptional situations, but we do have quite a few as is, and I'd
prefer not to superfluously add more, just because we can.

In this case, it's not "just because we can", but because I think it would
look noticeably better. In particular, Ruby's greatest strength is good-
looking DSLs. However, Haml looks better to me than any Ruby-based builder
DSL, and the biggest reason is all those 'end' statements.

It just bothers me that, as a Rubyist, I would prefer a DSL targeted at Ruby,
but which isn't actually Ruby syntax.

But based on the response so far, it doesn't look like enough people (at least
on ruby-talk) care enough about this. I suspect most of them are still too
fatigued from the "beating a dead horse" thread.

Josh Cheek

[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]
In this case, it's not "just because we can", but because I think it would
look noticeably better. In particular, Ruby's greatest strength is good-
looking DSLs. However, Haml looks better to me than any Ruby-based builder
DSL, and the biggest reason is all those 'end' statements.
I agree about Haml, so I suppose my answer to the poll must be that white
space should always count, or never count, but not that it should sometimes
count. (I know the question was whether I would use it, but I'm saying that
I shouldn't have a choice, I would rather the language does or doesn't not
implement it, without the ability to choose).

Tony Arcieri

[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

I agree about Haml, so I suppose my answer to the poll must be that white
space should always count, or never count, but not that it should sometimes
count. (I know the question was whether I would use it, but I'm saying that
I shouldn't have a choice, I would rather the language does or doesn't not
implement it, without the ability to choose).

I guess I'm on the completely opposite side of the fence: I find the way
Python enforces indentation rather rigid and hacky. To handle the sorts of
cases Haskell's optional indentation handles quite elegantly, Python has to
employ things like implicit line joining.

Furthermore, since Ruby is already a mature language, requiring mandatory
indentation is extremely impractical. Indentation sensitivity in Ruby must
allow you to retrofit it into existing codebases.

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