Possible to consume a web service with VB.NET 1.1 VS 2003?


John Dohn

I am at my wits end and turn to you guys in hopes of learning the correct

For any given web service X, regardless of (and without knowing) what
technology was used to create it, is it possible to consume it with either a
win form or an aspx page developed in VB.net 1.1 and VS2003?

I can create a web service and consume it from localhost, no problem.
But I can't seem to consume external web services, e.g.
http://www.webservicex.net/usweather.asmx?wsdl .

In fact, I would be extremely grateful if anyone point me to even one
example of working code that consumes a working web service hosted on a
currently accessible remote server so that I can see an intact example of
the "whole egg".

Much obliged, and thanks in advance.


John Dohn said:
I am at my wits end and turn to you guys in hopes of learning the correct

For any given web service X, regardless of (and without knowing) what
technology was used to create it, is it possible to consume it with either
a win form or an aspx page developed in VB.net 1.1 and VS2003?

I can create a web service and consume it from localhost, no problem.
But I can't seem to consume external web services, e.g.
http://www.webservicex.net/usweather.asmx?wsdl .

In fact, I would be extremely grateful if anyone point me to even one
example of working code that consumes a working web service hosted on a
currently accessible remote server so that I can see an intact example of
the "whole egg".

Much obliged, and thanks in advance.

John, you don't find any such examples because there is no need for any. It
should work exactly the same way it does for "localhost".

Please tell us exactly what exception you're seeing. Post the entire
exception, including any InnerException. Also, tell us exactly what steps
you're taking and exactly what the result of each step is.

Steven Cheng [MSFT]

Hi John,

Sure, webservice is aiming at interop between heterogenious platforms. The
key point is that the websevice itself should be ready for interop(it
conform to webservice standards and expose standard and correct WSDL
document ....).

For consuming realworld webservice, here is an article mentioned consuming
amazon webservice on code project:

#Implementing Amazon Web Services in VB.NET

also the following msdn sample links some existing publich webservices that
you can also use for test:

#Consuming a Web Service Sample

If you have any further questions, welcome to post here.


Steven Cheng

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Steven Cheng [MSFT]

Hi John,

Have you got any further idea on this? If you have any further questions,
welcome to post here.


Steven Cheng

Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead

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