Possible to detect Windows desktop style?


Andreas M.

Am 03.05.2008 04:02 (e-mail address removed) wrote
I need to pop up a modal JS-based dialog (for some reason can't use
popup window, much less so showModalDialog()), and I'd like to imitate
the system popup titlebar according to user's desktop settings
(classic, XP, Vista).

Not sure, whether this helps you.

There is at least two Javascript frameworks/toolkits, that do something
similare. The one has native WinXP and Vista skins, so I would assume
the company behind it found some way to do this.

(but it has a price...)

The other one seems to be the Dojo toolkit (http://dojotoolkit.org)

Andreas M.

Am 03.05.2008 04:02 (e-mail address removed) wrote
I need to pop up a modal JS-based dialog (for some reason can't use
popup window, much less so showModalDialog()), and I'd like to imitate
the system popup titlebar according to user's desktop settings
(classic, XP, Vista). No big deal to make it work, but how do I know

Also, I think for questions like these the following groups may be more
helpful. I am pretty sure, somewhere, deep in the MS API, there may be
some special functions, that can help you. If I remember correctly,
there is access to the Windows Themeing via ActiveX.


Gregor Kofler

Andreas M. meinte:
Am 03.05.2008 04:02 (e-mail address removed) wrote

Not sure, whether this helps you.

There is at least two Javascript frameworks/toolkits, that do something
similare. The one has native WinXP and Vista skins, so I would assume
the company behind it found some way to do this.

Sigh. No they don't. They can't detect my desktop design settings.
They've "build" elements mimicking form elements, but unfortunately,
these don't match my "Win 2000" settings. Even worse: Since they don't
use standard elements, their fake form elements are quite off.



Am 03.05.2008 04:02 (e-mail address removed) wrote

Also, I think for questions like these the following groups may be more
helpful. I am pretty sure, somewhere, deep in the MS API, there may be
some special functions, that can help you. If I remember correctly,
there is access to the Windows Themeing via ActiveX.


Thanks but...
Most corporate IT or users with at least a bit of brain disable
activex - and I quite understand why. ActiveX are not only security
threat, but also a source of all sort of instability, and also
bandwidth hoggers, and so on and on and on. In other words, for this
project it's not an option.
But thanks anyway


All places *you* have ever worked. I'll bet the advertising corporations
have a few macks lying round.

Where in your original post did you say this. The only mention I see
about browsers is "Would prefer cross browser compatility" and I have
shown your solution the be not cross browser compatible.
Admittedly it was misleading. But then, for a mostly MS - IE only
guy, the phrase "Would be nice if this feature also worked in Firefox"
means cross-browser compatibility.
How do you know that? I have known since Windows 3.1 how to do that and I
was a corporate user at that time.
You don't seem to be a plain vanilla corporate user. Think "bean
counter" or "sales rep" - these usually have no clue how to do it or
even if it's possible at all. I also happened to have been worked in
a few places where access to these facilities in Windows was disabled
for all but admins, and the only available screensaver was the
corporate logo.
So why bother to distinguish between classic or not? Give them a dialog
that looks like the site, not the underlying operating system. Every time
I see something that looks like my operating system I instantly dismiss
it as advertising.
This app is ment only for the users who intended to get there, paid
for access rights, and they'd expect the popup screen to appear in
response to their actions (after all, that'll be put in the user
manual). But this is something to think of before applying this
technique to sites open to general public.

Anyway the hack that I posted does the job, and most importantly was
approved by the boss. Not that I like to base the logic on some
display quirks, but there's nothing else to go by, and it seems to
work reliably on all target systems.



Safari is a free download for Windows XP and Vista: http://apple.com/safari


OMG, Steve Jobs finally made another piece of brilliant Apple
engineering available to us lowly slaves of evil Bill Gates!

Jokes aside, I will install anything Apple branded only if I really
_have to_ - or if somebody pays me real money to do so. I will never
forget how their piece of $h!t quicktime forced me to reinstall
Windows a while ago to get rid of it. I don't care if they simply
screwed up or ment to demonstrate how prone was Windows to BSOD and
how bad it was comparing to their then latest and greatest os9 - I'm
just not using their crap period.


Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

[...] I will install anything Apple branded only if I really
_have to_ - or if somebody pays me real money to do so. I will never
forget how their piece of $h!t quicktime forced me to reinstall
Windows a while ago to get rid of it. I don't care if they simply
screwed up or ment to demonstrate how prone was Windows to BSOD and
how bad it was comparing to their then latest and greatest os9 -

You are not thinking clearly enough to realize that it might have been
your fault. QuickTime never broke anything on my Wintel platforms.
I'm just not using their crap period.

Not using a well-known user agent for everyday navigation is a personal
choice; not testing on a well-known user agent is a stupid choice.


The Magpie

These browsers extremely rearly, if ever, are used in corporate
environment - and corp is the targeted audience.
Wrong. Seamonkey is *the* most commonly used - and it is not a
browser, it is the Javascript engine.
The spec calls for full functionality in IE and core functionality
in Firefox.
And Firefox uses Seamonkey. One hurdle fallen already.
Corporate users rearly even know how to customize the desktop;
besides they oftentime don't have rights to do so.
That was perhaps true of your particular clients yesterday. What about
The ones who know and have sufficient rights - they most of the
time pick Classic desktop, no color scheme, font, etc.
modifications. Anyway, if somebody has a preference for some crazy
mix of pink and green - that's none of my business, they'll get a
standard XP or Classic popup.
So - according to your own rather silly spec - your solution already
doesn't work for some people. This *is* what we have been telling you.

The Magpie

Thanks but...
Most corporate IT or users with at least a bit of brain disable
activex - and I quite understand why.
Indeed they do. And your "hack" relies upon it. That's another hurdle
where it fails.


OMG, Steve Jobs finally made another piece of brilliant Apple
engineering available to us lowly slaves of evil Bill Gates!
I'm just not using their crap period.

That's not that "I don't have a Mac to test it on Safari", as you
FYI : IEs marketshare is shrinking fast and steadily.


Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

The said:
Wrong. Seamonkey is *the* most commonly used - and it is not a
browser, it is the Javascript engine.

You are confused.

SeaMonkey is now the name of a project and application suite maintained by
non-mozilla.org contributors as a continuation of the Mozilla Suite,
previously codenamed SeaMonkey, which has been abandoned by mozilla.org in
favor of the newer and cleaner XUL-based codebase used by Firefox and
Thunderbird, among other standalone applications.

The codename of the JavaScript reference implementation in C that is used by
and is available in all Gecko-based user agents, on the other hand, is

And Firefox uses Seamonkey.

It does not, as little as MSIE uses Opera.


Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

The said:
I was not aware of the Seamonkey change.

The change does not matter. The JavaScript Reference implementation in C
was never called SeaMonkey. Had you quoted properly, you would have known.
That may also be true of the original comment about it though.

You are not making sense.


The Magpie

Thomas said:
The change does not matter. The JavaScript Reference implementation in C
was never called SeaMonkey. Had you quoted properly, you would have known.

You are not making sense.
Then clearly I am confused. It was never a prticularly important issue.

Andreas M.

On 06.05.2008 01:02 (e-mail address removed) wrote
Thanks but...
Most corporate IT or users with at least a bit of brain disable
activex - and I quite understand why. ActiveX are not only security
threat, but also a source of all sort of instability, and also
bandwidth hoggers, and so on and on and on. In other words, for this
project it's not an option.

You mean like:
var http = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");

Or not using any MSXML DOM objects from Javascript?

Tsts...why do they use a modern operating system at all then? ;-)

I would say the contrary: Users with at least a little bit of brain
don't fall for the panic-hype and know how to configure and use their
systems correctly, regarding ActiveX.

Besides, most ActiveX objects for ordinary tasks come already
pre-installed with WindowsXP.

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