Andreas M.
Am 03.05.2008 04:02 (e-mail address removed) wrote
Not sure, whether this helps you.
There is at least two Javascript frameworks/toolkits, that do something
similare. The one has native WinXP and Vista skins, so I would assume
the company behind it found some way to do this.
(but it has a price...)
The other one seems to be the Dojo toolkit (http://dojotoolkit.org)
I need to pop up a modal JS-based dialog (for some reason can't use
popup window, much less so showModalDialog()), and I'd like to imitate
the system popup titlebar according to user's desktop settings
(classic, XP, Vista).
Not sure, whether this helps you.
There is at least two Javascript frameworks/toolkits, that do something
similare. The one has native WinXP and Vista skins, so I would assume
the company behind it found some way to do this.
(but it has a price...)
The other one seems to be the Dojo toolkit (http://dojotoolkit.org)