Gerrit Holl
John said:I'm adding a thread for comments on Gerrit Holl's pre-pep, which
can be found here:
I have updated a lot of things on the PEP in the past few days.
There are still larger and smaller open issues, though, besides the
usual 'I-can-change-my-mind-and-the-PEP-can-change-its-mind' things:
Quoting my own PEP:
Should path.__eq__ match path.samefile?
There are at least 2 possible ways to do it:
- Normalize both operands by checking to which actual file they
point (same (l)stat).
- Try to find out whether the paths point to the same filesystem
entry, without doing anything with the filesystem.
- A path usually points to a certain place on the filesystem, and
two paths with different string representations may point to the same place,
which means they are essentially equal in usage.
- We would have to choose a way, so we should first decide which is
better and whether the difference is intuitive enough.
- It makes hashing more difficult/impossible.
- I don't know.
- Bernard Herzog `points out
that it would essentialy make path-objects non-hashable.
- `James Orendorff's Path`_ inherits str.__eq__.
- `Mike C. Fletcher's Path`_ chooses for the first variant.
Do we need to treat unicode filenames specially?
I have no idea.
- An `explanation
by Martin von Loewis.
- should os.tempnam be included?
- can normpath be coded using only os.path constants (if so, it's in the
'platform-independent' class? (I think no)
- Should normalize be called normalized or not?
- Should stat be defined in the platform-dependent or -independent class?
- Should we include chdir and chroot? If so, where?
- Should rename return a new path object?
- Should renames be included?
And one meta-question:
Shall I submit this as an official PEP? Or shall I first fill in more
open issues and perhaps give the possibility to change "closed" issues?
See also: http://people.nl.linux.org/~gerrit/creaties/path/pep-xxxx.html