Andrew Dalke
Adding another thought to the discussion. Instead of pregenerating
all primes using a seive, store the cumulative counts for, say,
every 10,000 terms (so 10,000 numbers are needed for the 1E8
range requested by the poster) then use a fast prime tester, like the
Rabin-Miller strong pseudoprime test (see
http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Rabin-MillerStrongPseudoprimeTest.html )
to fill in any missing range. Could cache any hits in a bitstring
along with the counts, like
counts = [(None, 9999), # however many are between 0 and 10000
(None, 8888), # between 10,000 and 20,000 (or 0 to 20,000)
where the None field stores the bitstring May want to do every
1,000 if the tests are too slow.
pycrypto has Rabin-Miller and here's a copy I found in pure Python:
It uses the first 7 primes for tests, which is good for all numbers
up to 341550071728321 ~ 3.4E14.
(e-mail address removed)
all primes using a seive, store the cumulative counts for, say,
every 10,000 terms (so 10,000 numbers are needed for the 1E8
range requested by the poster) then use a fast prime tester, like the
Rabin-Miller strong pseudoprime test (see
http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Rabin-MillerStrongPseudoprimeTest.html )
to fill in any missing range. Could cache any hits in a bitstring
along with the counts, like
counts = [(None, 9999), # however many are between 0 and 10000
(None, 8888), # between 10,000 and 20,000 (or 0 to 20,000)
where the None field stores the bitstring May want to do every
1,000 if the tests are too slow.
pycrypto has Rabin-Miller and here's a copy I found in pure Python:
It uses the first 7 primes for tests, which is good for all numbers
up to 341550071728321 ~ 3.4E14.
(e-mail address removed)