Program without conditional Statements - Possible ?

  • Thread starter Raghavendra R A V, CSS India
  • Start date

E. Robert Tisdale

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { puts("hello world\n"); }
I was trying to make a point,
not please the c-std religious feelings of others here
(feel free to "correct" it if you want).
Anyway, I'm putting much more thought on this
than on writing the one-liner program
so that gives you an idea...

Please just ignore Richard Heathfield.

Peter Pichler

Sidney Cadot said:
Sidney said:
[...] /Any/ one-line C program is wrong by the standards of c.l.c
if it is to have a discernable side-effect.

...Unless of course you count something like

int main(){for(;;)}

which could be argued to be correct, and have a side effect.

It does? Pardon my ignorance, where?

Peter Pichler

E. Robert Tisdale said:
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { puts("hello world\n"); }

Err, no Mister. It is _still_ wrong.
Please just ignore Richard Heathfield.

I think it would be a great relief to everyone if _you_ did, Mr E.

Peter Pichler

Andras Tantos said:
/* Set up some condition: */
int cond_a = (some_function_call() > 0) % 2;
int cond_b = (some_other_function() > 0) % 2;
/* Note: you can remove '> 0' and '% 2' if you make sure that the return
value of the functions is either 0 or 1 only */

Seriously, why do you need % 2 anyway? And I would go for == 0, not > 0.
/* Boolean logic: */
int cond_and = cond_a * cond_b;
int cond_or = (cond_a + cond_b) % 2;
/* Conditional assignment: */
int Value = value_true * (cond_and) + value_false * (1 - cond_and);

This takes care of conditional expressions.

And things like

if (x)

could be written as ((x) && foo()) || (bar()), given some restrictions on
foo() and bar(). Ugly.

Sidney Cadot

Peter said:
Sidney Cadot said:
Sidney Cadot wrote:

[...] /Any/ one-line C program is wrong by the standards of c.l.c
if it is to have a discernable side-effect.

...Unless of course you count something like

int main(){for(;;)}

which could be argued to be correct, and have a side effect.

It does? Pardon my ignorance, where?

Its "side effect" (after adding a semicolon to get it to compile) is to
take up resources. If you disagree, you would have a point.

However, I feel that it takes a weird definition of "side effect" indeed
to define away what happens if you execute 10,000 simultaneous instances
of this program on your computer.

Best regards,



Peter said:
Seriously, why do you need % 2 anyway? And I would go for == 0, not > 0.

And things like

if (x)

could be written as ((x) && foo()) || (bar()), given some restrictions on
foo() and bar(). Ugly.

((x) && (foo(), 1)) || (bar(), 1);

Look mama, creative abuse of the comma operator :)


Keith Thompson

gabriel said:
Yes, the question (to me) was not worth the effort of answering it

So typing "void main" requires a greater effort than typing "int main"?

Papadopoulos Giannis

E. Robert Tisdale said:
Functions return values of expressions:

int min(int i, int j) {
return (i < j)? i: j;

not a conditional?? how come?

#include <stdio.h>
#define p(s) printf(#s" endian")
int main(void){int v=1;*(char*)&v?p(Little):p(Big);return 0;}

Giannis Papadopoulos
University of Thessaly
Computer & Communications Engineering dept.

Christopher Benson-Manica

I think it would be a great relief to everyone if _you_ did, Mr E.

Shouldn't that be "Mr. T"? Maybe if he said "I pity the foo!" when he
attacks luminaries such as Mr. Heathfield people would listen :)

Jack Klein

Do you have any experience with an *applicative*
(sometimes called *functional*) computer programming language
such as the LISt Processing (LISP) computer programming language?

The idea is to write programs containing *only* constant
(because C supports numerous different types) and function definitions.
Functions return values of expressions:

int min(int i, int j) {
return (i < j)? i: j;

which can be used to define constants:

const int k = min(i, j);

Why bring up this rubbish here? While the function definition might
be perfectly legal C, the definition of k most certainly is not.

What sort-of-C-like-but-not-really-C language are you thinking of? On
second thought, please don't tell us.

Morris Dovey

Sidney said:
Peter said:
Sidney Cadot said:
Sidney Cadot wrote:

[...] /Any/ one-line C program is wrong by the standards
of c.l.c if it is to have a discernable side-effect.

...Unless of course you count something like

int main(){for(;;)}

which could be argued to be correct, and have a side

It does? Pardon my ignorance, where?

Its "side effect" (after adding a semicolon to get it to
compile) is to take up resources. If you disagree, you would
have a point.

However, I feel that it takes a weird definition of "side
effect" indeed to define away what happens if you execute
10,000 simultaneous instances of this program on your

'S not bad; but I like better:

int main(void){return main();}


Sidney said:
...Unless of course you count something like

int main(){for(;;)}

which could be argued to be correct,

Er, no. :)

$ cat foo.c
int main(){for(;;)}
$ make
gcc -g -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -o foo foo.c
foo.c: In function `main':
foo.c:1: parse error before `}'
foo.c:1: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
make: *** [foo] Error 1

I believe that the missing return is OK for C89, that the warning
can be ignored, and that the -W is "aggressive", if you will.

Richard Heathfield

donLouis said:
Sidney said:
Sidney Cadot wrote:

Richard Heathfield wrote:

Just one. How did you manage to get a one-line C program *wrong*???

That's easy. /Any/ one-line C program is wrong by the standards of
c.l.c if it is to have a discernable side-effect.

...Unless of course you count something like

int main(){for(;;)}

which could be argued to be correct,

Er, no. :)

$ cat foo.c
int main(){for(;;)}
$ make
gcc -g -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -o foo foo.c
foo.c: In function `main':
foo.c:1: parse error before `}'
foo.c:1: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
make: *** [foo] Error 1

I believe that the missing return is OK for C89,

It isn't.
that the warning
can be ignored,

It can't.
and that the -W is "aggressive", if you will.

I won't. The diagnostic is required because there is an error in the syntax
of the program: specifically, the for-statement syntax is:

for(expression-opt; expression-opt; expression-opt) statement

The statement part is not optional and must not be omitted. To omit it is a
syntax error, and a conforming implementation must generate at least one
diagnostic for a program containing a syntax error.

Sidney Cadot

donLouis said:
which could be argued to be correct,

Er, no. :)

$ cat foo.c
int main(){for(;;)}
$ make
gcc -g -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -o foo foo.c
foo.c: In function `main':
foo.c:1: parse error before `}'
foo.c:1: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
make: *** [foo] Error 1

I believe that the missing return is OK for C89, that the warning
can be ignored, and that the -W is "aggressive", if you will.

The problem is that the for statement isn't properly terminated using a
semicolon, I'm afraid.

Best regards,


Joona I Palaste

Shouldn't that be "Mr. T"? Maybe if he said "I pity the foo!" when he
attacks luminaries such as Mr. Heathfield people would listen :)

This is something that I've been often wondering. Why is it "the foo"
instead of "the fool"? Any relation to the ubiquitous metasyntactic
variable "foo"?

Derk Gwen

Anyway, Tcl is written is C, so this is input to a C program, rather than
the C program itself.

package require derkgwen
namespace import derk::lambda

proc SKIP {} {

proc JOIN {a b} {
eval $a
eval $b

proc IF {p a b} {
eval [lindex [list $b $a] [eval $p]]
IF [lambda {} {expr 1}] [lambda {} {puts true}] [lambda {} {puts false}]
IF [lambda {} {expr 0}] [lambda {} {puts true}] [lambda {} {puts false}]

proc WHILE {p a} {
IF $p [list JOIN $a [list WHILE $p $a]] SKIP
set x 1; WHILE [lambda {} {expr $::x<=10}] [lambda {} {puts $::x; incr ::x}]

proc DO {a p} {
JOIN $a [list WHILE $p $a]
set x 1; DO [lambda {} {puts $::x; incr ::x}] [lambda {} {expr $::x<=10}]
set x 11; DO [lambda {} {puts $::x; incr ::x}] [lambda {} {expr $::x<=10}]

proc FOR {p q r s} {
JOIN $p [list WHILE $q [list JOIN $s $r]]
[lambda {} {set ::x 1}] \
[lambda {} {expr $::x<=10}] \
[lambda {} {incr ::x}] \
[lambda {} {puts $::x}]

proc SWITCH {p args} {
SWITCHTAIL [eval $p] $args
proc SWITCHTAIL {p s} {
IF \
[lambda {s} {expr [llength $s]==0} $s] \
[list IF \
[lambda {s} {expr [llength $s]==1} $s] \
[lindex $s 0] \
[lambda {p q r s} {
IF [lambda {p q} {expr {$p==$q}} $p $q] \
$r \
[list SWITCHTAIL $p $s]
} $p [lindex $s 0] [lindex $s 1] [lrange $s 2 end]]
SWITCH [lambda {} {expr 3}] \
1 [lambda {} {puts one}] \
2 [lambda {} {puts two}] \
3 [lambda {} {puts three}] \
4 [lambda {} {puts four}] \
5 [lambda {} {puts five}]

proc BLOCK {block} {
proc BLOCKTAIL {K code curr block} {
IF [lambda {block} {expr [llength $block]>0} $block] \
[lambda {K code curr statement block} {
SWITCH [lambda {statement} {lindex $statement 0} $statement] \
goto \
[list JOIN \
[list proc $curr {} [list JOIN $code [lindex $statement 1]]] \
[list BLOCKTAIL $K SKIP % [lrange $block 1 end]] \
] \
gotoif \
[list JOIN \
[list proc $curr {} [list JOIN $code \
[list IF [lindex $statement 1] [lindex $statement 2] %$K] \
]] \
[list BLOCKTAIL [expr $K+1] SKIP %$K [lrange $block 1 end]] \
] \
label \
[list JOIN \
[list proc $curr {} [list JOIN $code [lindex $statement 1]]] \
[list BLOCKTAIL $K SKIP [lindex $statement 1] [lrange $block 1 end]] \
] \
[list BLOCKTAIL $K [list JOIN $code $statement] $curr $block]
} $K $code $curr [lindex $block 0] [lrange $block 1 end]] \
BLOCK [list \
[lambda {} {puts top}] \
[lambda {} {set ::x 1}] \
{goto inloop} \
{label loop} \
[list gotoif [lambda {} {expr {$::x>10}}] bottom] \
{label inloop} \
[lambda {} {puts $::x}] \
[lambda {} {incr ::x}] \
{goto loop} \
{label bottom} \
[lambda {} {puts bottom}] \

Papadopoulos Giannis

nrk said:
Peter Pichler wrote:

((x) && (foo(), 1)) || (bar(), 1);

Look mama, creative abuse of the comma operator :)

((x) && ({foo();}) || ({bar();});


#include <stdio.h>
#define p(s) printf(#s" endian")
int main(void){int v=1;*(char*)&v?p(Little):p(Big);return 0;}

Giannis Papadopoulos
University of Thessaly
Computer & Communications Engineering dept.

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