What I have in mind is the efficient, <enumerated> generation of the
complement S^n/WC(S^n). A good program should initialize, generate, and
T=cartprodex(S,n,WC); //initialize
for all i in T do
what you want with i
test to see if any more
terminate if not
and it should do this without explicitly generating WC and then
complementing. For example, if the cardinality of S is m, and the WC is
just '*a*b*', with a != b, then EX(S^n):=S^n\WC(S^n) has cardinality
(m-1)^(n-1)*(m+n-1). Specifically, if m=5 and n=10, then |EX|=3670016
while |S^10|=9765625, so that |EX|/|S^10| is about 0.3758. In general
the program should directly generate EX from arbitrary WC. Of course,
in practice the WC should themselves occur in a logically consistent
manner, but let's just assume they're a given.
The following code doesn't build a data structure. It
recurses n deep and those n stack frames contain state that
tracks progress through the product. But it still generates
and tests, taking time proportional to S^n. Is this what you
had in mind?
;; A macro to let you loop over the S^n possibilities
;; without building a big data structure
;; The macro is structured as syntactic sugar on
;; a higher order function
(defmacro cartesian-power ((variable set exponent) &body code)
(let ((body-function (gensym)))
`(flet ((,body-function(,variable),@code))
(cartesian-power-hof ,set ,exponent '() (function ,body-function)))))
;; The standard idea of using recursion to implement a nest
;; of loops of indefinite depth
(defun cartesian-power-hof (set exponent prefix f)
(if (zerop exponent)
(funcall f prefix)
(dolist (item set)
(cartesian-power-hof set
(- exponent 1)
(cons item prefix)
;; A simple recursive pattern match
;; I haven't thought through the implications
;; I guess that it is exponentially slow on some long
;; patterns
(defun wild-match (pattern data)
(cond ((endp pattern) (endp data))
((endp data) (or (endp pattern)
(equal pattern '

((eql (car pattern) :wild)
(or (null (cdr pattern))
(wild-match (cdr pattern)
(wild-match pattern
(cdr data))))
(and (eql (car pattern)
(car data))
(wild-match (cdr pattern)
(cdr data))))))
;; close over a data item to get a function
;; suitable for checking several patterns
(defun match-data (data)
(wild-match pattern data)))
;; Use the macro and the utilities to count how many are not excluded
(defun count-remainder (set exponent &rest exclusions)
(let ((count 0))
(cartesian-power (item set exponent)
(when (notany (match-data item) exclusions)
(incf count)))
CL-USER> (loop for i from 3 to 10
do (format t "~&~4D~10D" i
(count-remainder '(a b c d e) i '

wild a :wild b :wild))))
3 112
4 512
5 2304
6 10240
7 45056
8 196608
9 851968
10 3670016
I can see how a pattern such as (a b :wild) would knock out
an element from each of the first two sets so reducing the
task from m^n to (m-1)^2 * m^(n-2).

wild a :wild) knocks it down from m^n to (m-1)^n
However I can only see the exploitation of

wild a :wild b
:wild) as a hairy special case. Pick one of n places for the
first a. Pick earlier elements from the set excluding a,
pick later elements from the set excluding b. Add in all the
items with a missing altogether (so b can be used freely).
I cannot see what algorithm exploits the constraints more
generally. Is there a standard technique, page nn of Knuth
or the like? Is that what you are actually wanting to see
Alan Crowe