progrm to find a substring in a string



Al said:
"Rod Pemberton"
.... snip ...

Count the quote marks.


+-------------------+ .:\:\:/:/:.
| PLEASE DO NOT F :.:\:\:/:/:.:
| FEED THE TROLLS | :=.' - - '.=:
| | '=(\ 9 9 /)='
| Thank you, | ( (_) )
| Management | /`-vvv-'\
+-------------------+ / \
| | @@@ / /|,,,,,|\ \
| | @@@ /_// /^\ \\_\
@x@@x@ | | |/ WW( ( ) )WW
\||||/ | | \| __\,,\ /,,/__
\||/ | | | jgs (______Y______)

fix (vb.): 1. to paper over, obscure, hide from public view; 2.
to work around, in a way that produces unintended consequences
that are worse than the original problem. Usage: "Windows ME
fixes many of the shortcomings of Windows 98 SE". - Hutchison


Martin Ambuhl wrote:

So, tell us: are you a troll or just a very, very bad programmer?

Son: "Dad, I'm a very, very bad programmer".
Dad: "No you're not, Son. Just stick with it."
Son: "Dad ... I've been thinking of making a post to CLC in the hopes
that it will make me a better programmer, but I'm a bit afraid."
Dad: "Afraid of what Son?"
Son: "Afraid that they'll call me a Troll."
Dad: "Don't worry Son. No one would ever do that."
Son: "Thanks Dad!"

Five agonizing days later

Dad: "So, Son, did you ever post to CLC?"
Son: "Yes Dad. I ... I ... I ... I did. :("
Dad: "What did they say, Son?"
Son" "That I'm a Troll."
Dad: "Sorry to hear that, Son."

One day later

Dad: "Did I mention to you that Mommy and I are getting a divorce?"
Son: "No Dad. Maybe next time I'll know better and choose C# for a
programming language."

Vladimir S. Oka

jaysome said:
Martin Ambuhl wrote:

So, tell us: are you a troll or just a very, very bad programmer?

Son: "Dad, I'm a very, very bad programmer".

I think you're missing the point here. The code Martin criticised was
offered as /help/ to the OP. That's almost the same as throwing a brass
ring to a drowning man. Irresponsible at best, criminal at worst. In
c.l.c terms, attempt at trolling is probably somewhere between the two.

Keith Thompson

Vladimir S. Oka said:
jaysome said:
Martin Ambuhl wrote:

So, tell us: are you a troll or just a very, very bad programmer?

Son: "Dad, I'm a very, very bad programmer".

I think you're missing the point here. The code Martin criticised was
offered as /help/ to the OP. That's almost the same as throwing a brass
ring to a drowning man. Irresponsible at best, criminal at worst. In
c.l.c terms, attempt at trolling is probably somewhere between the two.

And the code contained so many fundamental errors, of kinds that have
been pointed out here again and again and again (void main(), gets(),
<conio.h>), as well as posting errors ("U" for "You", no context),
that it wasn't entirely unreasonable to assume that it might have been
deliberate. At the very least, the poster was trying to offer advice
without having read, or at least paid any attention to, this


jaysome said:
Martin Ambuhl wrote:
So, tell us: are you a troll or just a very, very bad programmer?

Son: "Dad, I'm a very, very bad programmer".
Dad: "No you're not, Son. Just stick with it."
Son: "Dad ... I've been thinking of making a post to CLC in the hopes
that it will make me a better programmer, but I'm a bit afraid."
Dad: "Afraid of what Son?"
Son: "Afraid that they'll call me a Troll."

Although hinting that someone may be a troll based on a single posting
is a bit harsh, "binny's" code was shot full of unportable constructs
and terrible formatting, so Martin Ambuhl's reply is entirely

On the other hand, hinting, (as you do in your post), that *all*
regulars in c.l.c are ready to label posters as trolls at the drop of a
hat, just hastens your progress into the killfile.


santosh said:
jaysome said:
Martin Ambuhl wrote:
So, tell us: are you a troll or just a very, very bad programmer?

Son: "Dad, I'm a very, very bad programmer".
Dad: "No you're not, Son. Just stick with it."
Son: "Dad ... I've been thinking of making a post to CLC in the hopes
that it will make me a better programmer, but I'm a bit afraid."
Dad: "Afraid of what Son?"
Son: "Afraid that they'll call me a Troll."

Although hinting that someone may be a troll based on a single posting
is a bit harsh, "binny's" code was shot full of unportable constructs
and terrible formatting, so Martin Ambuhl's reply is entirely inappropriate.


Martin Ambuhl

santosh said:
Although hinting that someone may be a troll based on a single posting
is a bit harsh, "binny's" code was shot full of unportable constructs
and terrible formatting, so Martin Ambuhl's reply is entirely

I admit being confused by this post. Everything before the final clause
suggests that it should have been "so Martin Ambuhl's reply is entirely
appropriate" or the weaker "so Martin Ambuhl's reply is not entirely
inappropriate." Could you explain binny's being "shot full of
unportable constructs and terrible formatting" (as well as outright
errors) makes my reply inappropriate?


Martin said:
I admit being confused by this post. Everything before the final clause
suggests that it should have been "so Martin Ambuhl's reply is entirely
appropriate" or the weaker "so Martin Ambuhl's reply is not entirely
inappropriate." Could you explain binny's being "shot full of
unportable constructs and terrible formatting" (as well as outright
errors) makes my reply inappropriate?

I assume that you can't see my follow-up post yet? It was a silly typo
that happened at the worst possible place! I meant: Martin Ambuhl's reply isn't entirely inappropriate.


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