Brandon J. Van Every:
Hello, *what* planet are you on? You think there's some crowd of people out
there just waiting to be useful to me? There isn't. That's what I've just
taken 6 months to determine.
I'm on planet Earth, while you're on planet BJVE singing
"I'm in my own world, you can't come in.
I'm having a party, with make-believe friends."
Reread what I said: "when you do need someone else's help."
That's in the future. Unless you never plan to do anything more
than what you did in the last six months? I also used the singular
"someone" without saying one whit about a "crowd of people."
It didn't. I have my copy still, and there is no discussion of texture
mapping algorithms in it. It was considered "an advanced subject."
Then you don't own the second edition, which came out a year
before that "12 years ago" comment you made. Had you said
14 years ago then things would be different. A slight timing
error perhaps, but properly you should have used the publication
date of your book. Besides, you made the explicit claim that
DOOM introduced texture mapping to the world when by the
time it came out you could buy off-the-shelf SGI boxes with
hardware texture maps as part of GL, and of course Wolf3D
had texture maps for the walls.
Whatever dude. I could care less about such chronologies.
Indeed, since they show your claims of expertise in the field
to be overblown it's no wonder you prefer to ignore it.
So, why are you here then? Why are you wasting our
time, talking about the finer points of my personal history?
Hmmm, you're the one who started wasting our time to talk
about your personal history. But that would be another
detail of your history you probably don't care about.
You are here out of a need to remind myself and others of my knowledge or
lack thereof? Wow, what an important job. Hats off to you.
Actually, I'm here on a perhaps misguided hope that you
will see that the style in which you say and do things affects
how people work with you. An engaging and even thoughtful
commentary tends to get the best side of people, while one
which is spiteful and demeaning gets the worst, and with
consequences that may in this era of Google affect you for
years to come. That last is of course an extreme but as it is
you appear to be approaching persona non grata in this
forum which makes it less likely that anyone will help you out
in future endeavors.
(e-mail address removed)