Who are you responding to? This is not a blog.
Until a clj Nazi codes a "correct" library with the capabilities of
LOL. Perhaps you haven't been paying attention?
jQuery or Prototype or YUI, those libraries will be continue to be
used to make websites. And probably to an acccelerating degree.
Doubtful. Though it will be hard to derail YUI as it is backed by a
behemoth (soon to be swallowed by a bigger behemoth.)
I agree that browser-sniffing is about as appealing as anus-sniffing,
but programmers in the real-world sometimes need to actually get
Not the "real-world" argument again.
things done. A smart programmer (as opposed to a perfection-seeking
zealot} will go with the flow and be able to throw together a website
quickly as a result. Sure, the website will be brittle, and users with
obscure browsers will whine, but that's not a bad way for programmers
to ensure future work.
So the aim of a "smart programmer" is to design an instantly obsolete
Website with the hope that such a design will lead to additional work
fixing their own mistakes? Interesting strategy. Ridiculous and
disingenuous, but interesting.
If my site is cobbled together in jQuery, guess what I'm going to look
Then you have a lousy site.
for on a FE resume. I need another guy who knows jQuery, so he can
So if you are incompetent, then you would hypothetically look to other
incompetents for help? I don't follow the logic.
read and debug the crappy code I wrote, and create new crappy code
that I can read and debug. I want someone who knows the jQuery plug-
ins, not some guy that'll come in and write a bunch of new untested
tab systems, tablesorters, Canvas charting systems, modal dialogs, and
LOL. The jQuery UI components are garbage piled on garbage. Even
their developers admit they are crawling with bugs.
tool-tips. If my new programmer quits because he hates the music I
play, or because we have a dangerous-looking homeless guy outside who
regularly threatens his life and throws half-eaten mayonnaise-and-
cheese sandwiches at him every time he walks to his car at night, I'm
going to look for <i>another</i> jQuery programmer to replace him.
It seems your initial cobbling strategy has led you down the
proverbial "slippery slope."
And don't underestimate the impact of these libraries on the makers of
browsers. As jQuery shows up in more and more sites, will Microsoft
Microsoft surely doesn't care how many sites use jQuery. And I don't
think the total is headed anywhere but down.
really want to be seen as releasing an IE8 that is "broken" and
"sucks?" I predict that Microsoft will endeavor to not break jQuery,
Prototype, and YUI sites. Already, people are starting to base their
LOL. Have you read about IE8's new versioning feature? The IE-
sniffers are going to have to re-code and re-test everything.
ideas of "browser speed" on the CSS and XPath selector timings from
various libraries, and upon Javascript performance. It's not just the
Do tell.
speed of layout that counts now. I bet Microsoft will actually
accommodate these libraries so that IE has a little bit less
embarrassing showing in the benchmarks. Do you think it's coincidence
The biggest problem for IE in the selector benchmarks is that they
don't support XPath for HTML documents. If they add that, they will
catch up. But what does that have to do with incompetently coded
that Microsoft is trying to pass acid tests?
I don't see the connection.
By all means, point out the flaws in the libraries. But if you know
Glad to have your approval.
how to write a better library, perhaps spend some of your time
building a better mousetrap and a little less time flapping your
As mentioned, you haven't been paying attention.
It's all changed out from under you. The libraries are THE major force
Out from under whom?
in Web 2.0 development now. jQuery is in (I believe) Rails now, and
Who cares what is in Rails?
Drupal, and AIR. You may have disdain for them, but it's a quixotic
(and mildly pathetically humorous) jihad you wage against them.
"Mildy pathetically humorous?" Can you elaborate?
I'm not saying there is not a place for a by-the-books JS programmer
There's no book.
out there--there certainly is. But I think there are already more
places for a library-slinger and every month will bring more. It's
A library-slinger? Does that describe you? Most of this sounds like
an attempt to justify browser scripting incompetence (and planned
more helpful to council people of how to deal with the libraries than
avoid them.
But the best way to deal with them is to ignore them (and the
misguided zealots who promote them.)