Lie Ryan
Why stop at pre-determined, literal delimiters? That's way too easy on
the parser, whether that parser is a computer or a person.
__string_delimiter__ = Ω # magic syntax; no quotes needed
x = ΩhelloΩ
__string_delimiter__ = # # that first # isn't a comment marker
x = # this isn't a comment; it's part of the string
this is a multi-line string
__string_delimiter__ = '' # the delimiter is delimited by whitespace
# now I can have comments, again, too
x = ''"hello"'' # now x contains two double-quote characters
I'm sure that the implementation is trivial, and it's so much easier to
write strings that contain quotes (not to mention how easy it is to read
those strings back later).
right and you can generalize this idea even further
__comment_marker__ = $
__string_delimiter__ = [#, %]
$ also, even further
__comment_marker_keyword = #__my_own_comment_marker__%
__my_own_comment_marker__ = [&, *]
__assignment_symbol__ = <-
__attribute_delimiter__ <- -> & for attributes *
__call_delimiter__ = [!,@]
l = []
you're a genius!!