Kenny Tilton said:
Big deal. From Robert C. Martin:
"I've been a statically typed bigot for quite a few years....I scoffed
at the smalltalkers who whined about the loss of flexibility. Safety,
after all, was far more important than flexibility -- and besides, we
can keep our software flexible AND statically typed, if we just follow
good dependency management principles.
"Four years ago I got involved with Extreme Programming. ...
"About two years ago I noticed something. I was depending less and less
on the type system for safety. My unit tests were preventing me from
making type errors. The more I depended upon the unit tests, the less I
depended upon the type safety of Java or C++ (my languages of choice).
Note that he is speaking about languages with a very bad type system.
As has been said in this thread a few times, there are statically
typed languages and there are statically typed languages. Those two
can differ substantially from each other.
Here's a posting from Richard MacDonald in,
[email protected]>:
: Eliot, I work with a bunch of excellent programmers who came from AI to
: Smalltalk to Java. We despise Java. We love Smalltalk. Some months ago we
: took a vote and decided that we were now more productive in Java than we
: had ever been in Smalltalk. The reason is the Eclipse IDE. It more than
: makes up for the lousy, verbose syntax of Java. We find that we can get
: Eclipse to write much of our code for us anyway.
: Smalltalk is superior in getting something to work fast. But refactoring
: takes a toll on a dynamically typed language because it doesn't provide
: as much information to the IDE as does a statically-typed language (even
: a bad one). Let's face it. If you *always* check callers and implementors
: in Smalltalk, you can catch most of the changes. But sometimes you
: forget. With Eclipse, you can skip this step and it still lights up every
: problem with a big X and helps you refactor to fix it
: In Smalltalk, I *needed* unit tests because Smalltalk allowed me to be
: sloppy. In Eclipse, I can get away without writing unit tests and my code
: miraculously often works the first time I get all those Xs eliminated.
: Ok, I realize I have not addressed your question yet...
: No question but that a "crappy statically typed" (*) language can get you
: into a corner where you're faced with lousy alternatives. But say I
: figure out a massive refactoring step that gets me out of it. In
: Smalltalk, I would probably fail without a bank of unit tests behind me.
: In Eclipse, I could probably make that refactoring step in less time and
: with far great certainty that it is correct. I've done it before without
: the safety net of tests and been successful. No way I would ever have
: been able to do that as efficiently in Smalltalk. (I once refactored my
: entire Smalltalk app in 3 days and needed every test I had every written.
: I have not done the equivalent in Java, but I have complete confidence I
: could do it just as well if not much better.)
: As far as productivity, we still write unit tests. But unit test
: maintenance takes a lot of time. In Smalltalk, I would spend 30% of my
: time coding within the tests. I tested at all levels, i.e., low-level,
: medium, and integration, since it paid off when searching for bugs. But
: 30% is too much. With Eclipse, we're able to write good code with just a
: handful of high-level tests. Often we simply write the answer as a test
: and do the entire app with this one test. The reason is once again that
: the IDE is visually showing us right where we broke my code and we don't
: have to run tests to see it.
: (*) I suggest we use 3 categories: (1) dynamically typed, (2) statically
: typed, (3) lousy statically typed. Into the latter category, toss Java
: and C++. Into (2), toss some of the functional languages; they're pretty
: slick. Much of the classic typing wars are between dynamic-typists
: criticizing (3) vs. static-typists working with (2).
: P.S. I used to be one of those rabid dynamic defenders. I'm a little
: chastened and wiser now that I have a fantastic IDE in my toolkit.
- Dirk