I love Python. It's an excellent, fun, clear, well designed language
That's true. If that's what you'd said in the first place, nobody would
have argued with you...
I already replied a similar comment in my previous post.
If you're going to make a claim that speed is Python's main limitation,
you'll need to provide evidence to support your assertion.
Same as above.
Nope. Speed is relative. Is a car slow? Depends whether you're trying
to go five feet, five miles, fifty miles, five hundred miles, or five
thousand miles -- and it also depends on the alternatives available for
traversing that distance. Repeatedly claiming that Python is slow as an
absolute statement only shows your ignorance and unwillingness to listen
to other people.
I got your point and I used those lines myself many times.
I'm not making an absolute statement as though I'm a fundamentalist
fanatic of speed. What I mean, is that it is widely known that
scripting languages have a considerably lack of speed compared with
static typed languages (I didn't discover anything new, and this is
what I mean when I repeated the statement that python is not fast).
Again, as I already explained, I'm not saying that other people's
oppinion are wrong, when I used the word "nonsense" I wanted to say
that the whole discussion is in which we were all involved is
nonsense, because there's no use in discussing whether python is slow
or not. This is a proven fact.
Your arguments regarding the relativity of speed are correct and
nobody is denying it. But I am talking about this little percentage of
applications, that use to be the most relevant (usually) in enterprise
environments or in commercial applications where high volumes of data
are processed, as well as 3d programs, games, etc..).
My point is:
It is my humble oppinion (and I already acknowledged that I SHOULD
HAVE USED THIS TERMS BEFORE), that this is the main reason that
explains the little acceptance of Python in certain professional
Now, you can agree with me or not. In that case, your oppinion is
welcome, but I don't need a moral lesson as to how I should address
these topics.
I guess I already said what I have to say about my oppinions.
If I hurted someone I'm sorry!
I hope that we can move on with this topic and you can stop dissecting
my phrases looking for something new to disavow...
That's nice. If that's your belief, what are you doing to work on this?
Again, I already replied this.
Believe me, I'm sympathetic to the fact that English is not a comfortable
language for you. However, at this point, the problem appears to be a
thinking problem, not a language problem. You simply hold an opinion at
odds with the experience of many expert Python programmers, and it's one
that is almost guaranteed to start an argument.
I don't know how to comment on this without being recursive.