Python IDE/text-editor


Alec Taylor

SPE looks good, however I couldn't get it running (svn'd it). Do you
know if there's an installer?

Editra has a really active support team, and have addressed all 3 of
the bugs I found. (although mostly the bugs were me not knowing how it

Code completion would be nice, especially for a beginner like
myself... so I'll continue looking at the competition.

Please continue with your recommendations.


Alec Taylor

Teemu Likonen

* 2011-04-19T00:40:09+10:00 * Alec Taylor said:
Please continue recommending


* 2011-04-19T02:41:11+10:00 * Alec Taylor said:
Please continue suggesting Python IDEs and/or fixes for the above


* 2011-04-19T13:44:29+10:00 * Alec Taylor said:
Please continue with your recommendations.



At some point you need to act on these recommendations by picking one
for the time being.

If you're so tight for time, why are you still evaluating editors after
several days of recommendations? Why have you not yet chosen an editor
and moved on with the work you need to do in it?

A good troll is one who is not seen to be one.
However at 83 responses so far he is certainly doing well :)
 \          “One bad programmer can easily create two new jobs a year. |
  `\      Hiring more bad programmers will just increase our perceived |
_o__)                     need for them.” —David Lorge Parnas, 1999-03 |
Ben Finney

Particularly apt here...
Where do you get these?


The emacs-vi wars... where the men were real men, the women were real
women, and vi was just emacs in disguise...

Chris Angelico

So is the real man disguised as a woman?
Or the other way round?

More seriously I should admit to never having used viper :)

Vlastimil Brom

2011/4/19 Alec Taylor said:
SPE looks good, however I couldn't get it running (svn'd it). Do you
know if there's an installer?

There are source archives
download page:

you may check the articles on that forum:
label: "spe"

SPE could be run for me (somehow) just after unpacking as mentioned on
the page quoted above (having python and wxpython installed; in my
case with some likely version problems on newer wx).

As for other suggestions, I am not sure, whether the list
has been mentioned sofar; you may check some other possibilities, if
you like to.


Teemu Likonen

* 2011-04-18T21:17:17-07:00 * Westley Martínez said:

You can recommend Vim, and I think that's an excellent option, but
please don't edit the contents of other people's text. Quotes are
quotes. This didn't cause any real harm but it's the principle.

Alec Taylor

Excellent news everyone!

They've released an update for Editra with the bugfix for the issues I

So now PyScripter and Editra do exactly what I need, but since Editra
is updated it isn't buggy.


Editra has tabs (in the right place!), syntax-highlight, shortcuts to
run code, embedded interpreter, syntax-highlighting and

Thanks for all the suggestions, glad I found the right one!


Alec Taylor

Albert van der Horst

Geany I've tried in the past, it's really buggy on my home computer
and at Uni... however from my phone it works wonderfully! (Use it for
C++ projects on Rhobuntu)

Eric 4 was suggested to me on the #python channel on Freenode...
however I've never been able to get it compiled/working. Too many
dependencies I'm guessing...

PTK looks great, and does everything I want (from screenshots).
Unfortunately, it doesn't run on my system; Win7 x64, Python 2.7.1
x64, WxPython 2.8 x64. Install ran as admin.

Emacs and vim still seem like good alternatives, when I get the time.
However, currently have 3 assignments to start and finish so would
like a simple Notepad2 with python interpreter attached (and keyboard
shortcut to run script) type program.

Please continue recommending


Alec Taylor

You will never be satisfied, until you've written something yourself.
Start writing now. A friend of mine started writing in 1983,
and since 1985 I'm a happy user. The only language that is a candidate
to write in is C, however.

Groetjes Albert


I'm looking for an IDE which offers syntax-highlighting,
code-completion, tabs,

The Zeus editor does offers all these features:

Zeus is also scriptable and Zeus scripts can be written in Python.

Zeus also does Python smart indenting and code folding.
an embedded interpreter and which is portable

Zeus does not have an embedded Python interpreter, but by using
something like tee.exe it should be possible to emulate this:
(for running from USB on Windows).

Zeus is a Windows editor but it is not a Protable application.

NOTE: Zeus is shareware.

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus for Windows

Alec Taylor

No thanks, it's shareware, doesn't included embedded python
interpreter out-of-the-box, and isn't portable.

Mali Laurent

Good Afternoon,

I'm looking for an IDE which offers syntax-highlighting,
code-completion, tabs, an embedded interpreter and which is portable
(for running from USB on Windows).

Here's a mockup of the app I'm looking for:

Which would you recommend?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions,

What about geany? I mostly use that. And sometimes eclipse with
python support.


In this case Python is still installed on the machine.

It may not be installled on the PC's hard disk but it is certainly
is installed on the USB stick.

In other words the act of inserting the USB actually results in
the software being 'Installed' (i.e. being made available) on
the PC.


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